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How much unpainted army do you own?


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I remember when I got into the hobby commenting that I wasn't going to buy any more models until "I'd painted what I already had"; a weathered vet responded to me saying "You're not truly a gamer until you own more models than you could ever possibly paint."


Well, I've got a LOT of stuff that's unpainted and unassembled...but after two years a LOT of stuff only amounts to two large shelves. 2000ish points of dwarves, a LR, a Predator, several land speeders, a few tac squads, at least ten metal vets, five or six boxes of dwarf artillery, easily four scout squads, and probably a few other kits I'm not thinking of off-hand. That's neglecting the 20 some odd GK Terminators (which are on my bench right now) and the Dreadknight I just picked up. Also, two Grey Hunter boxes and a Logan Grimnar model. And a Cassius model. Um. And also a librarian. I'm forgetting something, I'm sure.


Well, how about you? I'd like to know where I weigh in. :D I know one gentlemen at a club in my area once walked into a store that was about to close and bought ALL of their remaining Warhammer product. His basement looks like the Hobby Bunker in Malden Ma. (It's only a very slight exaggeration, really.) Cough it up! How much stuff do you have?! And can you paint it all!?

I must admit a good 50% of my stuff is merely undercoated and about a further 20% is not painted at all. That leaves me about a third of my stuff that's painted properly, I think. But then, I have stripped alot of stuff recently, mind... :D

All of my armies are painted (1st ed Guard, 2nd LotD, 2nd Sisters, 2nd ed Necrons, 3rd ed DH, 5th ed GK). Just can't stand fielding unpainted models. Now, that doesn't mean they are painted well, but they are 3-colored with flocked bases, and of "table" quality.



Out of my Chaos Space Marines I reckon I've got only about a third painted. What's unassembled is mostly Rhinos. For context I have collected an entire company of Chaos Marines. Granted, it's a non-standard idea of a company, but the numbers of troops, squads, and vehicles is roughly analogous.


I've got a very few Sisters of Battle collected, and out of those only five are even glued to the bases. Those five are primed and waiting for me to make up my mind about a paint scheme. In total I've got maybe 20 regular Sisters, 2 Canoness figures, and maybe 5 Seraphim.


My armies will be painted. I like putting them together and painting them more than I like playing with them, really. It makes sense in that case that they would get painted. Painting minis is one way I cope with stress, which is probably why I have been on a painting spree lately...

After over ten years in the hobby...I've just started painting my stuff.

Awesome. :rolleyes:


As for me, I have three armies. That translates into three armies worth of unpainted stuff. :huh:


Thankfully, my Marines are mostly done; all I have left to paint for my 1500 pts list (including all variations of said list and all lists below 1500) are a Captain, a Rhino, and a Veteran Marine. Pretty pleased about that.

At a quick estimate, my unpainted stuff consisists of:


Terminator squad - Undercoated

Stenguard Squad - Undercoated

5 remaining members of a tac squad - half painted

Stormraven - Undercoated

Tactical squad, unassembled

Assault Squad, unassembled

Dev Squad - assembled with Blutac

Chaplain - Undercoated

Captain - Undercoated

Dark Angels Veterans - 1 built, rest on sprues

Various classic metal Minis from RT, 2nd and 3rd edition, like the Space Wolves Grey Hunter sarge, the dude with the Auspex, Blood Angels Tac sarge, all undercoated

Ironclad - Boxed

3rd Edition metal Death Company - boxed


Some FW Mk4 and Mk5 Marines - unassembled (one of each painted so far)


Space Hulk models - still in the box but clipped from sprues


And various other plastic Marine bits - When i buy squads I clip everything from the sprues and have a giant bits box with about 50 compartments for rh arm, lh arms, legs, heads, helmets etc


Oh, and the missus has a fair few unpainted Orks.

After finding a Shop in Brimngham UK, that is selling GW stuff at the old old prices (like £40 for the Ravenwing Boxed set) i now have a pile of unopened boxes, probably around 20% of my total SM forces, the rest either black undercoated (around 50%) or fully painted BT's including my raft of FW stuff that gets painted first...

I have an understanding with my wife. I wont have more than three unpainted units at one time and she wont yell at me for leaving my toy soldiers around the place.


This week I have the following;


5 primed Assault Terminators

A 5 man command squad also primed

3 devastators with bolters primes

a jump pack/relic blade captain assembled with only his shoulder pad primed

A 5 man deathwatch kill team that is hidden unprimed at the back of the model shelf so she doesn't think I'm cluttering the house.



The ONLY unpainted stuff I have is also unassembled.

(it amounts to 50 guardsmen, 1 valkyrie, 8 tactical marines and a single lascannon devastator).

The painted stuff amounts to a full battle company of marines, with 40 terminators, 40 scouts, 15 bikes, 5 land speeders, 5 dreadnoughts, 15 drop pods, 11 Rhinos, 4 land raiders, 2 preds, 4 vindicators - then there's the 300 man strong Eldar army with 7 tanks and 21 jetbikes, and the 4500pt GK army. 23 years' worth.)


I go unit by unit. Build then paint, then play with them AFTER I have painted them.


Playing with unpainted models rankles with the spirit of the oldster gamer that dwelleth within.

I don't do it. I have never done it. If it's on the table, it's painted.

I started in the original Rogue Trader days and as of right now I have 3 Terminators still being painted and 5 Sanguinary Guard (stand-ins for Vanguard Vets) which are assembled but not primed yet for my new Minotaur Chapter army, other than that I believe all of my marines are all painted which includes a small Crimson Fists force, about 1,000 points, about 4,000 points of Black Templars and maybe 5,000 points of my DIY Chapter the Crimson Lions. I also have about 11,000 points of Orks with all but 2 Deffkoptas and 5 Boyz are painted at the moment.


I also have 2,000 - 3,000 point armies of Dwarves, Empire, Tomb Kings and Ogre Kingdoms painted up for Fantasy.

Playing with unpainted models rankles with the spirit of the oldster gamer that dwelleth within.


Same here - I started in the RT days, just before 2nd edition and it was only back then i played with unpainted stuff. Since about 1996 i wont use a unit unless its painted

About 1500 pts worth. Which is pretty good by most people's standards, comes down to two things :




A ) Playing with un-painted models annoys me ever so slightly deep inside.


B ) Ive rigidly held myself to not buying anything until id painted all that i had, starting about four years ago.

I guess I am more of a completionist. I usually don't buy models unless I have a need for them to be played or have a conversion I want to work on. All of my models are completed before fielding like a few others, everything that is "W.I.P" is conversions. Hell, I even finish detailing them before I field them.

My main army, being blood angels, is all painted and I've played them so long (it being my first army) that theres some different paint techniques used in them, its kinda cool to see the differences in how I painted 10 years ago to now, frankly the old models should probably be striped and redone.


My IG however are about half way but I refuse to play them because of it, I don't mind if others play with unpainted models but I just cant

I figure half an Assault Squad, two full ten-man Devastator squads, and some odd tacticals.


Given the expense involved (ESPECIALLY for a Filipino hobbyist), I suspect that my collection and playable army is much smaller than average here though.

I have over 5200 points of Marines, of which 3100 points is painted. The unpainted 2100 points is all assembled and undercoated and the models are predominately extra units, more to complete my quest for a full company than to add to my army list.


....and one squad of Necron Warriors fully painted.

I've been working to knock out a good bit of my backlog for all the systems I play this year. I was doing well but got sidetracked rather badly with some battletech stuff and the events surrounding my acquiring it. Anyway, right now this is what I've got left to do:


1x Techmarine

4x Servitors

1x Dreadnought

1x Rhino


1x Battlebarge

2x Strike Cruiser

1x Dauntless


Bunch of epic stuff, basically an entire Eldar army and an entire nid army as well as an artillery company for my guard.


I hope to have the techmarine and servitors done by years end.


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