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How much unpainted army do you own?


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Astorath - Primed

Stormraven - Primed

Land Raider C/R - unassembled

Drop Pod x2 boxes - unassembled

Grey Hunters x10 mini's - unassembled

Death Company x10 mini's - unassembled


That's actually not as bad as I thought haha :lol:

Soooo I may have just increased the amount of unpainted and unassembled crap I have. To my credit, I'm finally assembling my dwarves (mold lines cleaned, warriors converted into hammerers, by the Emperor these little buggers will see combat) but then I went and bought some Scribor models (to serve as Adeptus Custodes) and a few boxes of High Elves. I caught myself looking at a Tac Squad box the other day thinking "Gee, I could really use a few more marine legs and that serg sprue" and I had to admonish myself.

Well for me I have unpainted-


2000pts WHFB Warriors of Chaos (magic, monsters, special chars and horde units killed all motivation to paint- none of that interests me)


1500pts CSM Black Legion (stockpiled for new dex, mainly infantry, no armour)


x2 full dev squads

x1 full Assault Squad (needs simple green + re-paint)

x8 SM bikes

x1 bike Captain

x2 Attack bikes


50pt Warmachine Khador army (25pts unpainted)


Judging by this thread another B&C painting challenge may be called for. :)



Like many here I only play with painted stuff. Encouraging others to do the same is also important to me!


I'm doing really well with the normal marines - have painted a company, plus some Land Raiders and a Damocles - but there are a few more Land Raiders to finish. Luckily my force is only going to be metal infantry, so I never have to buy any new ones! Ideally I'd like to get up to 120 infantry models, but the ones I don't have are quite old and not always easy to get. Have only finished about twenty terminators, however.


Inquisitorial forces are almost all complete, too.


As for the rest of it - Guard, Sisters and Eldar - I've completed quite a lot, but there's still plenty more work to do - more than I currently have finished, certainly.


Don't mention the fantasy, I've finished about five models out of hundreds of dwarfs, ratmen and elves.

Tau- 3000pts unpainted. Some of it primed. (I put this army on the shelf and started the below SM force)

Silver Skulls-

10 marines painted to TTS.

20 marines and 10 terminators base coated.

5 marnines primed.

5 terminators unpainted.

1500pts +/- in vehicles unpained and not fully assembled yet either (mostly just 'rolling chasis' )

For an undate to my last group of numbers I have done a lot of painting and/or updating my armies. this was you last numbers:


about half of my raven guard is just primed (3 tac squads, 1 assault squad, 3 scout squads)

I have 2 rhinos, 3 whirlwinds, 2 vindicators, 1 land raider redeemer, 2 land speeders, 4 scout bikes, 4 bikes, 1 assault bike, and my ironclad drednought just primed

for my orks about 80% just primed only (about 1200 pts)

Space wolves 90% primed only (about 750 pts)

for my Imperial guard about 70% primed only (1200 pts)

and my grey knights about 60% just primed (1000 pts)



Since then I have have this unpainted:

Raven Guard (1 Combat Squad, 1 Assault Squad, 1/2 command squad: standard and apothicary), 2 Rhinos, I have 2 rhinos, 3 whirlwinds, 2 vindicators, 1 land raider redeemer, 2 land speeders, 1 Land Speeder Storm, 1 Land Raider Terminus Ultra, and my ironclad drednought just primed

Space wolves, 90% primed only (about 750 pts)

Imperial Guard, 50% half painted (1200 pts) and 1 sentinel

Grey Knights, Half painted (primed and boltgun base coat) (1000 Pts)

I am also working on a small Deathwatch Squad, which I forgot to mention before (1 Captain, 1 Terminator, 3 Raven Guard, 2 Dark Angels, 1 Space Wolf, 1 Black Templar and 1 Ultra Smurf)


Im hoping that within the next 2 weeks I'll find the time to get the rest of my raven guard finished and get to work on my vehicles.

For an update to my last group of numbers I have done a lot of painting and/or updating my armies. this was the last numbers:


the last two days have been pretty good for painting. I was able to get 4 scout bikes, 1 LSS, Iron Clad Dred, Command Squad, SM Captain, 2 rhinos, 2 razorbacks, 1 land raider redeemer, 1 whirlwind, 1 Land speeder typhoon.



now all i have left unpainted:

Raven Guard (1 Assault Squad, 2 whirlwinds, 2 vindicators, 1 land raider redeemer, 1 land speeder, 1 Land Raider Terminus Ultra,

Space wolves, 90% primed only (about 750 pts)

Imperial Guard, 50% half painted (1200 pts) and 1 sentinel

Grey Knights, Half painted (primed and boltgun base coat) (1000 Pts)

I am also working on a small Deathwatch Squad (1 Captain, 1 Terminator, 3 Raven Guard, 2 Dark Angels, 1 Space Wolf, 1 Black Templar and 1 Ultra Smurf)

Okay so I do try my best to stay up to date with my stuff, but i have a little bit of backlog.


Currently in progress: Last 6 tac marines for my 3rd tac squad, 2 half done plastic vanguards


All my sm stuff is primed: Drop Pod, Razor Back, 5 Assault marines, Telion, 5 as yet unassigned marines(counted my leg bits;), A biker chaplain converted from a chaos biker


Stuff that I bought just to use for bits: One Dc Box, Half a Greyhunter box ( i gave the other half to my friend when he started up as spacewolves), Parts of these have been scavenged already for use by some of my squads.


Currently painted and Ready for play: All the AoBR marines, One rhino/Razorback, One Landraider, 2nd Tac Squad,1rst squad of 5 assault marines, 1rst Dev squad, 6 Vanguard, One Techmarine(just needs his gloss, to make him shiny:), 5 sniper scouts, 4 Marines from tac squad 3... adds up to over 2k but less than 2.5k, forget how much exactly.


So my battle company is slowly chugging along, but not gonna buy anything more until I finish these guys, even if I really want that grey knights box (OMG POWER WEPONZ DROOOL)


I do have some fantasy stuff that may or may not ever see a brush, all the starter kit goblins from the old starter set, + one Goblin Spear Chucker, 10 Witchelves, Morathi, and a dark elf sorceress


15 DA vets

5 scouts

sammael on jetbike



15 DA vets

2 tac squads

5 man dev squad

2 attack bikes

2 dreads


Jump chappy

2 company masters

(basically half a battle company of unpainted stuff)




30 terminators

6 bikes



I mostly play deathwing so I'm not super worried about getting my other stuff painted yet. I'm doing a black paint scheme anyway so most of my work is done after priming.

Currently Ive one squad of Noise Marines/1 squad of 1k Sons unpainted, 12 daemonettes and a daemon prince on a juggernaught conversion thats been pending for a few years......

Unpainted Skulltaker and Abaddon are still floating around on my paint table and so are 12 Chaos Warriors....in addition to that ive some old school Chaos marines on bikes that need painting. And a Dark ELdar Archon Im supposed to be painting for someone but I got sidetracked by painting Chaos Terminators I had lying around for a while


(notice a trend here?)

I am making fast progress on my army. Only have 1 1/2 vindicators and 15 Marines left =) But the next order is already dispatched :eek

I always want to buy plastic faster than I can paint it; I have to resist making purchases pretty frequently. I believe this is a common "problem". :lol:

I recently did an inventory whilst packing for a move.


I have more stuff in boxes or waiting for paint than a good sized GW store!


All the following will make at least 2k points each:


I can make more than 14 SM armies, including 1 army of original Rogue Trader SM figs (mostly metal, some RB01 plastic). There is SW, DA, BA, BT, Ultras, and DIY as well as codex such as Mortifactors.


13+ IG armies, inc. RT metal, RT plastic (x2), Mordian, Praetorian, Valhallan, Vostroyan, Steel Legion, Cadian metal, Cadian plastic, Catachan metal, Catachan plastic and one using Necromunda and other GW figs from 1980s onward.


SoB, GK, and lots of Inquisition figs.


5 Chaos SM armies - one for each mark plus undivided.


Tyranid, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Orks, Deamons (x4 marks), Squats, and Tau.


Each has plenty of vehicles etc, made or still in boxes, but still needing paint!


Then, moving to WHFB, 3k+ points of Empire plastic, Empire OOP metal, Brets, Kislev, DOW/Mercs, Orcs, Dwarfs (metal Marauder), Dwarfs plastic, Deamons, Ogres, Dark Elves, High Elves, Wood Elves (mostly OOP metal), Vampire Counts and Warriors of Chaos.


Many of these armies contain conversions etc, and most have only 2-3 units painted!


This does not include my 30+ historical wargames armies from ancient Egypt, Troy etc to WWII!


Throw in a massive model railway collection and the wife has countless reasons for a divorce!


My big problems are that I always look to make each model unique in some way, whether by minor conversion or paint job, and try for better than table top painting which takes me ages and I always get excited when new stuff comes out or I find an old, rare model, so leave what I am doing half done to work on my new buys!


I am now trying hard to get at least one army completely finished by 2012, but I would probably do better if I set the target for my retirement in 12 years!

currently need a paint job:

techmarine & servitors (all conversions mind)

master of the forge on bike (again a conversion)

x5 scouts w/bolters and heavy bolter

10 assault marines

librarian (conversion)

1000pts of necrons plus the nightbringer

1 kabalite warrior squad and 1 wych squad


other than that, i have just finished my 5th tactical squad, 2nd chaplain and rebuilt my honour guard following an attack from the daemon Afro (my cat) that sent them spiralling through the stratosphere (well the tabletop anyway).

As of this current moment all of my raven guard (about 8,500 points) is finished. All vehicles, troops, and my deathwatch are done. But the next order to expand my 10th company is on the way. Just ordered 6 boxes of scouts and 2 more scout bikes. Guess I'll focus on my grey knights, space wolves and imperial guard now.

I think im going to be the clear winner here by no stretch of the imagination as I only buy more after I painted it which im quite good at. An recently do lack of funds ive been going back to my bitz box to see what I can make/convert to paint up and add to my army. So in otherwords bonus models BUT army wise unpainted models:


1 Libby in Terminator armour


that is all.......


EDIT: which ive started painting up now at 20:52 UK time :)

So.. I'm a plastic junkie.


So far there is



25 terminators

2 land raider crusaders

1 ven dread




Blood angels

25 assault marines

20 death company

5 sang guard

5 sang priests





2 razorbacks

1 DC rhino

4 dreadnoughts

1 land raider

2 land speeder typhoons

1 vindicator


Flesh tearers

20 assault marines

5 vanguard veterans

5 death company

1 librarian jump pack

1 sang priest

1 storm raven


Crimson fists

1 Pedro

20 tactical marines

10 scouts

2 predators (magnetized as Pred razor and rhino)

1 razorback


I need to start painting...



All up :

132 marine bodies

27 terminator bodies

13 tanks

5 dreads.


I'd say I'm about 1/5th of a way to a complete chapter.


Of plastic


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