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How much unpainted army do you own?


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5 terminators from the AOBR set

About 5 Assorted Tactical Marines from AOBR

2 Veterans from the old Veterans Mk 2 boxed kit



40 tactical Marines

15 terminators

5 Sternguard

3 Random Veterans from the Mk 2 kit

1 Command Squad (5 models)

1 Calgar and Honor Guard (5 Models)

1 Land Raider Crusader

1 Predator

1 Whirlwind

1 Droppod

10 Assault Marines

2 Dreadnoughts.

1 Terminator Chaplain

1 Terminator Librarian

1 Jump-pack chaplain

1 Cato Sicarius



So... 12 unpainted minis vs 93 painted means 12.9% of my forces currently remain unpainted :P

This thread has made me evaluate my 40k life.


I'm going to return as many of the un opened boxes i can and simply build and paint 1 main army and then allow myself to paint the odd thing to break up the monotomy


Currently have


1250 points of blood angels unpainted

500 points of Space Marines unpainted

500 points of space marines boxed

1500 points of Dark Eldar in boxes

My thrird company is fully painted and half of of the second company. On the other hand four squads of the first and 50 out of 55 Termies and the fourth company unpainted. I love building but the painting comes it second. I realy need to start on my Grey Knights and Blood Angels too.
  • 2 weeks later...

Well my list of unpainted stuff has grown again. After I finally finished (for the moment) my Raven Guard Army, I decided to expand my very small Space Wolves army to a full Great Company and to full out my Raven Guard 10th company. So what I have now to paint is:


1850 pts Grey Knights

3000 pts Imperial Guard

4 Scout Squads (for Raven Guard)

1 SM Battleforce (for SW)

1 SW Battleforce

2 Bike Squadrons (6 bikes)

1 Attack Bike (for SW)

3 SW Wolf Packs

2 SM Tac Squads (for SW)

1 SW Wolf Guard Terminators

1 Assault Squad

Logan Grimnar

Njal Stormcaller

1 Dev squad (SW)

2 Contemptor Dreads (1 for RG, 1 SW)

1 Chaplain Dread (RG)

1 MK V Assault Squad (Forge World - for RG as Vanguard Vets)

1 MK V Tac Squad (Forge World - for RG Sternguard Vets)

  • 5 months later...

Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I remember seeing this thread last year and intending to post in it and just now got around to it. I figure a picture is worth 1000 words; so here's my unassembled, unpainted projects laid across my game table. It makes me feel pretty bad looking at it all... one model at a time is all I tell myself.


Hires: http://i42.tinypic.com/14j3t6h.jpg

I won't, or at least try not to buy a unit for an army unless I've painted everthing else in it. This works quite well for me. So I've got


Tyranids - Swarm lord and 14 space hulk stealers (15)

Eldar - Falcon (1)

Blood Angels - 11 Terminators from Space Hulk (11)

Sisters - 1 Rhino (1)

Grey Knights - 2 Strike squad, Arbite, 4 gang members and Assassin (8)

Space Wolves - hand full of grey hunters and Long fangs, 2 x Rune prists, 1 Blood claw sargent (13)

UltraMarines - 10 man Tactical squad - 5 man Assault squad - 5 Captains (20)

Orks - 15 boys, 7 Nobs, 3 Deathkoptas, 8 Grectin, Warboss (24)

Wood Elves - about 30

Warmaster - about 10

Epic - about 15


Total 148


Well I'd be happy with that score in darts! 3 x 20, 3 x 20, 2 x 12


Recently I've started keeping things in their packets so I can exchange them for the lastest thing I must have, rather then just add to the pile of unpainted plastic. I course this only works as long as the models are still sold. So I can't take my unopened metal blister packs back :D I like to think of them as slightly more interesting Games Workshop vouchers!

After sixteen years in the hobby I'd say I have tens of thousands of points worth of unpainted stuff. I'm in the process of sorting out my older collections, such as the old monopose models from 2nd ed 40k/4th ed WFB by basecoating them with foundation paint and dipping. I'm actually making pretty good progress, and once it's done I'm going to work on the rest of my backlogue. My rule is simple, before I buy a new unit I have to finish painting two others of at least equivalent size.


1 SM captain

9 tactical marines

3 ork boys


Painting in progress

6 sternguard

5 or 6 vanguard

1 Vulkan counts as

(all of the above are getting close to completion, sorta)

15-18 tactical marines

3 drop pods

1 ironclad

1 ven dread

20+ ork boys

20 Gretchin and 2 herders

10 (ish) Ork Nobz

Some small terrian/objective pieces


Modelling/assembly in progress

Chaos lord

Ork buggy (made out of a toy car)

20 Imperial Guard

20 necron warriors


Awaiting any attention whatsoever

3 Ork Deffkoptas

All of the Dreadfleet box


All in all, I've less to do than some of you, but need to get a serious move on. My local GW manager has diagnosed me with 'Shiny Model Syndrome'. I'd be hard pressed to deny it, I was really excited about my Steel Templars, but now I'm itching to start a Nurgle warband. I think I'm doomed to own half painted armies for the rest of my days

I just spent about $1000 US (after exchange rate and transaction fees) on Forge World. After the order arrived and initial inspection, it was sorted and stored.


Other than that, unpainted Marines? Nearly an entire clan-company of Iron Hands, plus five dreads and two land raiders (of three) are assembled but unpainted. That includes eight rhinos and six drop pods that still have yet to be completed (I can field the army in drop pods or in rhinos). And the command squad and all but three command models and characters are unpainted (I have three commanders, three librarians and three chaplains, each configured differently). Plus three full 10-man terminator squads, two LotD squads, a Vanguard vet squads (totally custom, mostly fw), a sternguard vet squad and a deathwatch squad (counts as a sternguard squad). All unpainted and at least partially assembled.


I have enough metal gray knights for a 1500pt army -- all unpainted and unassembled.


Eldar? My collection spans all the way back to RT days. I just recently stripped the lot of paint and started planning a new scheme for the army.


I have five wave serpents, five falcons, a fw warp hunter, a fire prism, 3 war walkers (newer), 3 wasp assault walkers, 3 vipers, a cobra type II, scorpion type II, three metal D-cannon support guns -- all assembled but unpainted. I have enough newer striking scorpions to field three squads, 3 squads of dire avengers (1 full squad from each edition that had them), 10-man fire dragon squad, a full 10-woman banshee squad, one squad of the original dark reapers, enough models for two full 10-man harlaquin squads, enough guardians for five 10-man squads w/ support weapons and enough old-school scouts for three squads, and a half dozen jetbikes. Ten wraithguard (fresh from the simple green bath), three old metal wraithlords in pieces, plus a wraithseer that I just got as part of that big fw order).


I have a full court of the young king, minus beheroth, and every single warlock and farseer ever released (plus a couple duplicates), a metal avatar, the ORIGINAL metal avatar (the one not much bigger than a typical farseer) and a FW avatar w/ spear. All assembled and unpainted. Not even a lick of primer in most cases.


What's holding me back? A color scheme and custom craftworld icon. Every time I feel I have a great idea, I find someone who's already done it. So much for trying to be original.

After an inventory of my collection I don't think I'm TOO bad off.


My Black Legion CSM army is 217 models assembled and primed, 129 of which are fully painted and based. 1 Predator and 1 Defiler that are partially assembled. I have 20 or so CSM that are partially assembled that I found in a box while cleaning my hobby room the other day (didn't even know I had those til I found them). (I started collecting this army about '98 or '99)


My pseudo-pre-heresy Emperor's Children SM army is 79 models, 12 of which are fully painted and based. I say pseudo-pre-heresy because they are in pre-heresy colors, but using current marks of power armor. (I started collecting this army about '09)


and SOMEWHERE in this ;) house is a N.I.B. Rhino, that I can NOT find!


p.s. I have 1 fully painted and based Ork boy with slugga and choppa that didn't make the shipment when I sold my 40 Ork army off 'bout 8 years ago.


p.p.s. Almost forgot to add: 1 scratchbuilt Warhound titan (90% assembled) and 1 scrathbuilt Reaver titan (~30% assembled, may scrap this and start over)

Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I remember seeing this thread last year and intending to post in it and just now got around to it. I figure a picture is worth 1000 words; so here's my unassembled, unpainted projects laid across my game table. It makes me feel pretty bad looking at it all... one model at a time is all I tell myself.


Hires: http://i42.tinypic.com/14j3t6h.jpg


I spy with my little eye.... Several million dollars in miniatures. That, sir, is insane. Can we get a list?

I spy with my little eye.... Several million dollars in miniatures. That, sir, is insane. Can we get a list?


Sure; let's see...

2 Whirlwinds

4 Droppods

2 Razorbacks

2 Vindicators

1 Storm Raven

2 boxes of Thunderwolves

2 boxes of Sniper Scouts

4 boxes of Scouts

1 box Gray Knights

1 box Gray Knight Dreadknight

4 boxes Ravenwing Box Set

1 Landraider

3 Landraider Crusader/Redeemers

3 Predators

2 Space Marine Battleforces

2 Baal Predators

23 Scout Bikes

4 boxes Fenrisian Wolves

1 Space Wolves Pack

1 Assault Squad

1 3-Bike box

1 Terminator Assault Squad

1 Command Squad

3 Devastator Squads

3 Land Speeders

1 Dreadnought

2 Anniversary figures

1 Tech Marine + Servitors Finecast



For Xenos and such I have:

Dark Eldar:

Metal Lilith

Metal Archon


4 boxes Hellions

3 boxes Wyches

2 boxes Scourges

1 Ravager

1 Razorwing Jetfighter

2 Dark Eldar Battleforces



Metal Pathfinders

Fire Warrior Team



Necron Deathmarks

White Dwarf Subscription Figure

Imperial Bastion

3 Terrain Builidngs

Moonscape Craters

Temple of Skulls

Realm of Battleboard


Here's a hint: co-owning a game store can be hazardous to your finances. :P

This also isn't counting things partially assembled/unpainted (which is a smaller list of things, I can try to comb through it but it's all in a 'big box o sprue' so it's harder to tell what's left until I'm done with it :P -- I'm slowly working through that backlog but will be posting pictures in my WIP thread ( http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=243494 )


edit: missed some smaller items.

The goal has always been to do the 'full chapter' of Vulpis Virtus for Apocalypse; it's a long slogging project and I've put a hold on buying anything else except for an occasional new release (like the wolves new items).

Unpainted/In progress:

Whole Dark Eldar army...(min 3k)

Whole Ork army...(min 3k)

Half of Battle Sisters...(around 1.5k)

Half of 'Grey Knights'...(around 1.5k)



...two companies...plus 3 Land raiders, 3 Vindicators, 3 Predators and 5 Rhino's....


My Templars are painted, but lets face it, you spray them black and add white bits >_<


Oh and most of my Chaos Marines are actually painted =D

I'm very guilty of buying at a much faster rate than I can paint. I just got into the hobby about a year ago, and started with Blood Angels. I had actually played about 12 years ago when I was much younger, but didn't play for long. Still I knew how addicting it could be, so I told myself, I'll just buy a box a month and try to have it painted before buying the next box. Well, that sounded good in theory, in practice not so much.


Painted I have:


1 Sanguinary Guard with PF and Chapter Banner

5 Death Company with various weapons

1 Lemartes


In progress I have:

7 Assault Terminators

5 Assault Marines


Unpainted I have:

15 Tactical Marines

10 Devastator Marines

5 Attack Bikes

15 Assault Marines

1 Librarian

2 Sanguinary Priests

Brother Corbulo

1 Chaplain/Reclusiarch(OOP Lemartes)

Commander Dante

5 Honor Guard

9 Sanguinary Guard

7 Vanguard Veterans


Unassembled I have:

1 Attack Bike

1 Space Marine Bike

5 Death Company


I'm so swamped with painting it's just discouraging now.

I have a lot of Blood Angels fully painted ...probably about 5000 points... but easily another 10,000 unpainted (and half built). I also have a 3000+ "STillInBox" Tyranid force and a 2000+ "StillInBox" Death Guard army... Unless something drastic happens I will likely never get these done.


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