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can you win without Daemon Prince?


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Hey everyone I am fairly new to Nurgle and was wondering is it possible to win with a Nurgle based chaos marine army without a daemon Prince as I am more of a fan of Chaos sorcerers with mark of Nurgle as I like to have them lead a plague marine squad in a land raider.


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It is possible, but to be honest you're trading one of the better HQ choices (Nurgle DP) for one of the worst (Nurgle Sorcerer). Remember that your DP can also take a psychic power so with the exception of the force weapon, there isn't anything the sorcerer can do better.


Now if you aren't a fan of a daemon prince, I would suggest a chaos lord with daemon weapon, as the Nurgle daemon weapon is actually one of the best.

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Welcome to current chaos. Whilst distasteful in fluff, 2xDP > all other HQ options.


However that's only if you're playing competitively. If your playing for fun, fill your boots with sorcerers. Some games you'll have a riot

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Yes, I have in several recent 2000 point battles.


I started with 2 Nurgle DP and several Plaguemarine squads, then changed to 1 Nurgle DP and 1 Nurgle Chaos Lord, now I am using 1 Nurgle Chaos Lord, 6 Plaguemarine squads and 3 Defilers or 1 Nurgle Chaos Lord, 5 Plaguemarine squads, a tooled up Nurgle Terminator squad and 2 Defilers.


My oppoenent uses Ultramarines.

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G'day Talon,

No worries. I prefer my armies to have a background, they are not tournament winning combinations. I can have a good time and lose a battle (yep, even been thrashed and still enjoyed the battle). To me winning is not everything in a game!


My opponent is reasonably new to the game, he has played about a dozen battles so far with his Ultramarines (I do occasionally suggest he re-consider a move and explain why so that he learns, but he does make his own decisions and sticks to his overall plan). So my first two battles I won convincingly, the first battle I killed every single Ultramarine on the board with less than 3 dead Plaguemarines (he learnt the hard way, do not deploy space marine squads in two files in the open facing Defilers, uncannily they never missed a target that game).. So I decided to try some different elements, paint up a few things (even tried a Chaos Lord riding a Palanquin of Nurgle wielding the Plaguebringer, sure was fun on the couple of occassions he rolled high for the number of Daemon Weapon attacks, walked through Ultramarines squads without stopping).


So in order to improve my ability with a full Deathguard Army, I dropped the DP (they always had wings, MoN and Wind of Chaos complete with a flamer template covered in Nurgle like spew. Looked absolutely awesome. Certainly killed off a few of his terminator squads as well).


Currently using Chaos Lord, MoN, PF and combi melta, 4 PM squads, Champ, PF 2 Meltaguns and Rhinos, 2 PM squads with 2 Plasmaguns, and 3 Defilers with extra DCCW replacing heavy flamer. Simple, most squads can do most things well and the Defilers back up as Dreadnoughts as required. Very few of the Plaguemarines have even fallen to Small arms fire (bolters, heavy bolters, autocannons).


Sometimes this army does struggle a little in delivering a killing blow, but their ability to take all kinds of punishment and keep going is awesome, just kill off the Devastator squad first. They have even stood up to two terminator squads, one was an assualt squad, the other a normal squad.


Maybe I am a little lucky, maybe Nurgle is smiling on me for not including those who are not fully dedicated to his cause, but so far 4 wins and 1 draw against the Ultramarines in mainly 1500 - 2000 point battles.

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Very few of the Plaguemarines have even fallen to Small arms fire (bolters, heavy bolters, autocannons).


Only a plague marine thinks of an autocannon as "small arms fire". ;)


Anything I get FNP against IS small arms fire.

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It is possible, but to be honest you're trading one of the better HQ choices (Nurgle DP) for one of the worst (Nurgle Sorcerer). Remember that your DP can also take a psychic power so with the exception of the force weapon, there isn't anything the sorcerer can do better.


Now if you aren't a fan of a daemon prince, I would suggest a chaos lord with daemon weapon, as the Nurgle daemon weapon is actually one of the best.


i use both a nurgle DP and chaos lord with plaguereaper.. both are amazing.

personally id never use 2DP as it rails against the fluff nut inside me.


i had a game last night where the DP was easily MVP, T6 is a whole lot better than T5 in a world of S4 average.

the lord takes names, he kills whole combat squads single handedly

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Please note that at a Tourney I was spectating about four years ago, a teenager with a mixed army just about all Cult Marines faced off against someone with Standard Chaos Marines who had more experience and two Lash Princes.


Turns out the teen summoned a Greater Demon. GD took apart his Vindicator, the two Lash princes, and just about half of the guys squads.


Also, the teens only surviving troops were the Plague Marines. (lol)


Probably not adding anything new, I was focused on replicating a similar Defiler build with a GD and a Sorcerer/Lord with Wings..but monetary restraints left me below 1000 points, and when I moved half way across the US, I left my Chaos Army at home. That includes the 3.5 codex and 4.0 codex. Some odd reason I brought the main rule book, but I haven't looked at it in a year.

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You can win without using Daemon Princes, it will just take a little more skill and a lot of luck. I find that usually my princes attract a lot of fire, so last game I tried using one as bait while my squads advanced in rhinos along with my second prince to take everything else out.


I keep mine fluffy by never using Daemon Princes with the same mark, that way it looks like one prince might be trying to usurp the other. Just for fun I'll take Typhus along instead as an HQ choice. Of course, then I always have to explain how his daemon weapon is different than the contradictions in the codex.

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Well I used DP a lot of time in various variant (Warp Time, Rot, Without any psychic) but finally I move to a Sorcerer with Time warp and another Psychic Power (Chaos wind usually or Chaos gift) and a combi-melta. It work very better because usually I manage to get the HtoH, or to blow his vomit wind up on enemy units ecc. My DP was always wiped out by enemy fire (GK or IG's friends army are my usual enemy), often before get HtoH or became really useful. Till now my new commander "Lord Inutilus" performed much better than DP


my2 cents

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