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Defiler or Vindicators?


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Hey everyone me again currently trying to make a CSM army dedicated to nurgle but am a bit stuck on what to have for my heavy support choices so far I have a Land raider and 3 Obliterators but cannot decide if to take a Defiler or Vindicator, what do you reckon is the better one to take as I am really stuck trying to decide


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Considering the heavies you already have, I would go with the Vindicator.


Now I am normally a big fan of the Defiler, its all I run, but it seems that you'll need the Land Raider and Vindicator combo to keep the pressure off of each other and the triple Oblits.

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Ditch the blits all together and run 2 vindis with DP and the LR.


I've never had blits earn their points back in a game and 2 Vindis will make your opponent flinch and pucker more then a defiler and a blitsquad.


From my experience anyways

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Oblits are nice, vindis are nice and defilers are nice. Not very helpful I know....however.


I would personally pick one of the three and spam them a bit. 9 Oblits are better than 3. 3 vindis are better than one. Same with defilers. You can focus a role this way and scare the bejesus out of your opponent into burning a lot more targets whilst still statistically leaving you with some of the tools to do the job you had planned for them.


My 2 cents

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Slightly off topic. Has anyone ever run Soulgrinders in place of Full CC Defilers, and if so did you catch any flake for not using the true Defiler model


Oof I think my opponents would be pisstherepants happy if I did. Defiler size is one of their issues as is without making them bigger :S


Edit: stupid iPhone can't spell defiled.....Grrrr see? Defiler!!!!!

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It sucks that you can't take land raiders as dedicated transports for plague marine squads then would solve a lot of problems


You can buy a Landraider as a dedicated transport for a termicide unit, then have the termies Deepstrike and deploy the Landraider so that the Plague Marines embark on turn one. That way, the Landraider doesn't take up a Heavy Support slot.

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I would personally pick one of the three and spam them a bit. 9 Oblits are better than 3. 3 vindis are better than one. Same with defilers.


That is the safest option and the reason that most Chaos armies are based on either 6 or 9 oblits.


However I'll be the first to admit that its kinda boring, both to paint as well as play.

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Both are mediocre. The Defiler is too large and too thinly armored and the Vindicator suffers from having a single, shortranged canon on a vehicle with weak sidearmour which is easily neutralized. Daemonic posession helps against stunned/shaken results but increases the Vindicator's price even further.
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  • 2 months later...
Yeah it boggles me thant scumbag Soulgridner gets better armor than our beloved Defilers. For a mere five more you can add a havoc launcher to your possessed vindi so it's not a bunker after you lose the demolisher. Still not great, but better than sitting there after a razorback horde immobilizes/weapon destroys your vindi. Still, at least the defiler is fleet...
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