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Angels Sanguine


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I've just completed an Angels Sanguine Tac Marine:




Blood Angels were my first ever army, always liked the scheme for The Angels Sanguine and painted up a few squads years ago... After all, if Red's a pain to paint, let's just do half!


Gotta admit, not keen on the never revealing their faces newish background, because while cool and spooky, it means I won't get to paint any faces which for me, is often my favourite bit (Weird, I know)!


Anyhow C&C always welcome.

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Thanks for the comments!


As far as I know, a regular Tac Marine would have Red/Black with Gold being reserved for Vets/Sergeants?


Ha, yeah the Black is highlighted, though that doesn't come across well! It's Adeptus Battle Grey, washed with black to blend it in.



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I think the colour scheme and paint job were pulled off admirably. The only thing I would recommend would be to put him in a more aggressive stance. he looks bored :)


Can't wait to see more


Cheers! Ha, know what you mean: He's either thinking about what's for dinner, or wondering where he left the Stormraven! ;)


Wanted to thank everyone for the positive comments, pleased with how he's turned out, since been varnished...

Thinkin about some more, but torn between Blood Angels and Angels Sanguine.

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Cheers! Ha, know what you mean: He's either thinking about what's for dinner, or wondering where he left the Stormraven! :woot:


Games Workshop's next movie project, in collaboration with Sean William Scott: Dude, Where's My Stormraven?


The model looks awesome, brother. Love the paintjob - great work! Like someone said earlier, though, the challenge now is keeping up that standard on your other models!

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Great model. The paint job is very good and I actually really like the pose. He looks to me as though he is assessing the battlefield situation for the next threat/opportunity. I have always liked the Angels Sanguine colour scheme, just couldn't quite draw myself away from the parent chapter.
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