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My Warband


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Arkan Kron


Kron is a former member of an assault squad during the days of the Crusade that was turned down when he tried to become a Chaplain in short. During the battle for Calth he slew an Ultramarines Captain before turning on a fellow Word Bearers Chaplain taking his Crozius and beginning his deluded quest to become a Chaplain of the Word Bearers.

In his eyes the only way that he can truly become a Chaplain is to get hold of one of the original copies of the Book of Lorgar. Over the years many have flocked to his banner or have become part of his warband after he has defeated their champion in single combat. Kron is a minor bit player in the greater scheme of things but is a threat to the Imperium none the less.

During his raids on the Imperial worlds of furthest reaches of Segmentum Ultima, in the region of space beyond the Ghoul Stars he managed to claim a corrupted version of the Imperial Tarot that he uses to divine his path and find likely recruits for his insane cause.

Unlike the rest of his Legion that adopted the red armour before the battle of Calth Kron has sworn to retain the old Legion colours until he can finally ascend to the rank of Dark Apostle. His warband is made mostly of veterans of the Heresy but more recent additions have been made from traitor chapters and loyalists that have fallen foul of the ruinous powers of chaos.

The combibolter and greave of his right leg were taken from a captain of the Ultramarines during the battle for Calth.






The army itself is going to be made mostly from a background point of view and revolves mostly around the main host that is made from a twenty marine squad. These guys are the first members of the army and come from a variety of legions.


WIP Joran Khallis


Khallis is a former member of the World Eaters that sided with Kron during the Heresy and as such has become one his most trusted lieutenants. As the Heresy drew ever closer to Terra Khallis was part of a small contingent of World Eaters that fought alongside Kron's forces during the attack on the Palisades of Mithnel, a small but vital Imperial supply outpost near the imperial world of Attila.

Although they took heavy casualties Khallis and his men fought their way through the station's automated defences to slay the defenders in a single night of carnage.




WIP Dioceses of the Faithful


This rag tag force of heretics makes up the first squad of the army. Whilst a tad on the large side they should be able to soak up a lot of fire and deal out some punishment at the same time. For the most part they will be made up of Mk V and Mk IV bits along with other bits they've salvaged from loyalist forces and other traitors.



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I like you. I'd trade a good 50% of my regular opponents for 1 person like you that gave a back story to his warband/force



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Cheers guys! :P


Yeah a back story makes all the difference when making an army, a warband seeking revenge against their former brothers on an Imperial agri-world sounds way much cooler than my 1500pts of marines versus your 1500pts of chaos marines. :tu:

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The fluff-nut in me needs to have a sit down. That is good stuff, brother. There's someone in the club I go to like you (in regards to this), he's got a whole folder full of fluff and stats on his army (it's a thick folder, too), involving every battle they've fought, who's killed what, what squads have what upgrades and why, etc etc. It's brilliant. Time consuming, but brilliant. I love armies that have a background and genuine character. ;)
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