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Does an IC with grenades benefit his unit?


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Example: GK Librarian has frag grenades; Death Cult Assassins do not. If they charge a target that's in cover - Libby attached to the DCA - do they benefit from his frag grenades?


I don't think they do; however the Librarian's TDA prevents the unit from Sweeping...so that passes on to the unit. Why not the grenades?


EDIT: Because of the BRB entry on grenades. See below for details.

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yes only one model needs the grenades for them all to benefit, advantages of teaming an Ic with termies

Yea, I saw that FAQ; just can't recall what from the IC passes on vs what does not. I can check when I get home; curiosity got the best of me though. Thanks, guys.

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You guys are confused I believe. No grenades affect the models in an IC's unit if they don't have the grenade but the IC does. There are some grenades which work on opposing models, which are the ones the unit "benefits" from.


In more detail, frag grenades allow the model equipped with them to attack at their own initiative instead of initiative 1. The rule book, page 36 under Assault Grenades, stipulates:


Models equipped with assault grenades don't suffer the penalty to their initiatve for assaulting enemies through cover, but fight as normal.


The key word here is Models. The models equipped with assault grenades...


In comparison, the special Grey Knight Grenades, and the only ones specified in a FAQ ruling, affect the opposing units. The wording of those grenades indicate a unit is affected by the grenades when assaulted (or assaults) units with those grenades, they are affected by the grenades. So it doesn't matter if 1 or 100 models assault the units, the opposing unit suffers the penalty regardless of numbers.


That make sense or was I waffling again?


Of course, if someone wants to prove I missed something (reading the FAQs and rulebooks as we speak so it's possible) then let us know, but right now I believe I am correct on this issue.

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What you're saying makes sense. The opposing unit is affected by all grenades, but whether the attacking model(s) are "affected" (gain the benefits) is not always so uniform. So, assault grenades (as you pointed out) affect the assaulting model. The weirdo-grenades (Psyk-outs, the gas grenades, etc) affect the entire enemy unit, so effectively all attackers gain a benefit from that.


I get it. I knew there was something about grenades.

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What you're saying makes sense. The opposing unit is affected by all grenades, but whether the attacking model(s) are "affected" (gain the benefits) is not always so uniform. So, assault grenades (as you pointed out) affect the assaulting model. The weirdo-grenades (Psyk-outs, the gas grenades, etc) affect the entire enemy unit, so effectively all attackers gain a benefit from that.


I get it. I knew there was something about grenades.


Dang. You said it so much better than I!

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Models equipped with assault grenades don't suffer the penalty to their initiatve for assaulting enemies through cover, but fight as normal.


The key word here is Models. The models equipped with assault grenades...


damn your right, i got that one way off.. the 5th ed 1.4 FAQ makes no mention to this issue, so this ruling is accurate and up to date.

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What you're saying makes sense. The opposing unit is affected by all grenades, but whether the attacking model(s) are "affected" (gain the benefits) is not always so uniform. So, assault grenades (as you pointed out) affect the assaulting model. The weirdo-grenades (Psyk-outs, the gas grenades, etc) affect the entire enemy unit, so effectively all attackers gain a benefit from that.


I get it. I knew there was something about grenades.


Dang. You said it so much better than I!

Thade is a wording ninja. :ph34r: I have posted responses, only to discovered Thade has effectively said the same thing in as many sentences as I used paragraphs. Of course, I am also very long-winded. :lol:


Thank you for compiling evidence people can use in arguments, though! :tu:

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