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Clausels Grey Knight Army

Sir Clausel

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Since Im not getting some good heat in the WIP section I thourgt Id try out here.

Let me start off by showing what I have finished so far:









And Group Shot:



More Termies:







And the 2 DreadKnights:





Close up of the secounds blade:



A Wip of my Draigo count as(Needs a cape and some minor stuff)






And lastly my Paladins which is what Im working on atm:



I have used the normal termie heads and heraldry sheild because I simply like them better. So to make them paladin like I have given them all tabards, a little Iron Halo and a book. Atm I am painting them no different than the termies. I hope they will still look different enough to people when they are done.


C&C welcome and appreciated!

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Thanks alot for all the kind words gang. Very much appreciated


Truly terrible. Write out your painting method in detail so I can steal it, er, tell you where you went wrong. Yes yes, that's the ticket.

Something special you want described or maybe a tutorial you want?


What did you use for the halos on the paladins...

I have used plastic card for the bottom line which I took the Halos from the servo skulls from the devastator box(I like heavy weapons)


Any chance you'd be willing to post your process for painting your blue weapon blades?

Sure thing dude. Start of with a basecoat of Regal Blue. Then simply mix in Ice Blue. Add more and more Ice Blue for each layer until you are only using Ice Blue(I used 2-3 layers of Regal Blue/Ice Blue. The paint the very edge of the blade and very thin lines where needed with Skull White. Finally a thinned down wash of Asurmen Blue.


I am progressing slightly onwards with the paladins. When the first ones aare done Ill post them up here. Draigo is next after them and you might see a couple of wip shots of him.

  Sir Clausel said:
Sure thing dude. Start of with a basecoat of Regal Blue. Then simply mix in Ice Blue. Add more and more Ice Blue for each layer until you are only using Ice Blue(I used 2-3 layers of Regal Blue/Ice Blue. The paint the very edge of the blade and very thin lines where needed with Skull White. Finally a thinned down wash of Asurmen Blue.

Thank you. :tu: So it's a lot of subsequent mixing then. Sounds like it's time for me to try out a wet palette.

Then the paladins are done. Exept from a few touch ups. I think that even though they basicly are glorified termies i think they stand out just fine.








Group shot!




And I want you to see the veeeeery wip of draigos cape so far:






Mind theres a lot of work needed yet for that cape. But its more so you could see how Im doing it.

Well what ya think? C&C welcome and appreciated!


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