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Night Lords.

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Hey, there fellow B/C followers!, I'm about ready to start a night lords army, but seeing as how the current codex.. Is well for lack of a better term, awful. So I have decided to use my Imperial armour 9 & 10, as well as the vanilla marine codex >.>. would that be seen as well un-realistic... I have just ordered my imperial armour 9 a few hours ago..


Thanks in advance!



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It is your army, how you build and field it is entirely up to you.


You may run into trouble if you plan on doing tournament or club games.

But for friendly games, discuss it with your friends first and you should be fine.

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The new codex will be coming out...eventually.


Here's my plan, I suggest you try it as well:

We all know Chaos is good for dozens of fine conversion opportunities. That means you can lavish attention on individual models to your heart's content. The good thing, however, is that there's really no pressure to get an army out on the table in playable form, since the current codex is sub-par. So you can bring your Blood Angels out when you want to play, and bring your latest Night Lord model to show off to your friends.


That's what I'm doing with my Alpha Legion. Fifteen models strong, so far. By the time a new Codex comes out, I'll have a good chunk of my basic troopers already done, so I can then just focus on getting the new pieces I'll need and people will say, "Wow, you got your army built and painted so nicely and the Codex just came out a few weeks ago." :D

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The new codex will be coming out...eventually.


Here's my plan, I suggest you try it as well:

We all know Chaos is good for dozens of fine conversion opportunities. That means you can lavish attention on individual models to your heart's content. The good thing, however, is that there's really no pressure to get an army out on the table in playable form, since the current codex is sub-par. So you can bring your Blood Angels out when you want to play, and bring your latest Night Lord model to show off to your friends.


That's what I'm doing with my Alpha Legion. Fifteen models strong, so far. By the time a new Codex comes out, I'll have a good chunk of my basic troopers already done, so I can then just focus on getting the new pieces I'll need and people will say, "Wow, you got your army built and painted so nicely and the Codex just came out a few weeks ago." :P

I'll be honest, I plan on starting to play a bit with the current codex and then just make adjustments for the new codex.

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The new codex will be coming out...eventually.


Here's my plan, I suggest you try it as well:

We all know Chaos is good for dozens of fine conversion opportunities. That means you can lavish attention on individual models to your heart's content. The good thing, however, is that there's really no pressure to get an army out on the table in playable form, since the current codex is sub-par. So you can bring your Blood Angels out when you want to play, and bring your latest Night Lord model to show off to your friends.


That's what I'm doing with my Alpha Legion. Fifteen models strong, so far. By the time a new Codex comes out, I'll have a good chunk of my basic troopers already done, so I can then just focus on getting the new pieces I'll need and people will say, "Wow, you got your army built and painted so nicely and the Codex just came out a few weeks ago." :P


Couldn't agree more. I was in the process of finally resgning myself to playing my blood angels as my main army until the 'new march codex' rumour came out here.


Now I'm painstakingly pro painting every damn Word Bearer I have (metal shoulder pads and conversions ahoy) in anticipation of unleashing chaos marine hell in all it's finely painted glory in my LGS the day that damn codex gets released mwahahahahaha

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I'm still going to work on my Night lords army any ways!, just because the novel series is way too inspiring! Don't spoil anything! i'm almost through blood reaver! hahaha. thanks again fellas of the B&C as always you're all extremely helpful!
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