Dosjetka Posted September 6, 2011 Share Posted September 6, 2011 I really am jealous, especially since that is the kind of thing that I would have wanted to see, but it would cost 142.5£ plus shipping for a 500 point army, so it's out of question ;) Ah well, I wish the best of luck with pinning, glueing all of that! Looking forward to the next update :) Ludovic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 8, 2011 Author Share Posted September 8, 2011 Ah well, I wish the best of luck with pinning, glueing all of that! Thanks! I am an attention whore... These aren't the most exciting types of updates, but I went a little mad with the primer cans and also did some base-coating tonight. I've got enough stuff primed to last me a good long while. The afternoon was just too nice not to be outside, so I went through a marathon session of bringing out figures, priming them, setting them out to dry on the veranda rail, rotating more stuff out as older things started to dry... I went through three cans of Krylon! Then I figured, "what the heck, I bet it wouldn't take me much time at all to do a bunch of base-coating. Why not?" What I've got here is the pole-holder for the 1st squad, all of the 2cnd squad except a Sister Superior, a Blessed Banner pole-holder for a Sororitas command squad, and my group of six Repentia: To make this post "useful", I present to you my solution to the fact I hate GW's Death Cultist Assassin models: These are all Reaper models. The top three are regular RPG character type minis that I did a search for "female armor dual wielder" on their website to find. The second set is from what I guess is their own skirmish game. They are "Battle Nuns" from the "Crusader" faction, whatever all that is. One day I may look at their rules, but for now they are the perfect DCA figures for my Ecclesiarchy Battle Conclave. So that's more of the Ordo Lucerna Aurea painted. There is a good chance the Sisters will be done before my Chaos Marines, who I've been working on for a long time... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 8, 2011 Author Share Posted September 8, 2011 Because I have an inability to just leave well enough alone, I went ahead and started my two multi-purpose Sororitas tanks this afternoon. And because I have a game on Saturday. And because Rhino based tanks are easy to put together... But for these I decided that since the parts were going together so well I might risk actually painting the interior for once. I left off the tops and primed the interiors, and I've got the interior of one of the tanks painted in: I am unsure if I'm going to go ahead and paint hazard stripes in the yellow "danger areas". I think I really should have done that before I put anything together, but there it is, I didn't. I also didn't add any magnets, which I didn't even think about because I got ahead of myself with something new here. We'll see how that turns out, but I'm thinking this assembly is tight enough that I probably won't need the magnets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 9, 2011 Author Share Posted September 9, 2011 With no suggestions forthcoming on whether or not to put the hazard stripes in my compulsive desire to do stuff took over and they went in. I think they're passable on the rear hatch, if a little largish, but in the side hatches they turned out hideous. I reckon it's a good thing they'll be very hard to get a look at once the top is on. I made the decking and walls dirty with Devlan Mud, then decided to "add a little story" to this tank. I started to dab some blood spots on the ramp, then decided it would be funny to haev a bloody outline of a wounded Sister on the floor. Then came the hand prints where walls were touched and door controls were used, the spot on the edge of the bench where the wounded Sister grabbed, the bloody footprints toward the forward control panel where the Sister Superior urgently voxed for a dust off... I got into it, but I hope I didn't go overboard with it. All for the inside of a tank which nobody will ever look at unless I say to them, "hey, look at this." There is something definitely wrong with me. :D I want to get these two tanks together to use in my Saturday game, but that might not happen because I got the bits I have been craving for my next Daemon Prince. I really didn't want to be doing two armies at once, but here I am. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 Dude, that's sweet, and who cares if no one sees it (I'd be showing everyone...), you know it's there, and its awesome. Cheers, Jono Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S'jet Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 Cool DCA alternatives. Are you gunna tech them up at all? =) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 9, 2011 Author Share Posted September 9, 2011 @Grotsmasha: thanks for the kind words. @S'jet: I am planning on painting the swords with power weapon lightning effects. Other than that I'm not sure how I could make them look more futuristic. Also: I want to paint the tanks yellow and black to match the Ordo heraldry. Haven't quit figured out a pattern yet, or which color should be more dominant. Any suggestions would be awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alejandrinus Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 The rhino interior is awesome -Max-,really like the story behind, maybe you can add in the edge of the panels some bolgun metal chipping here and there, but is nice as is. And for the dominant colour i think the yellow would be nice IMHO, maybe the engine panel black. Keep the good work comming and good luck for your incoming game Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Scipio Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 Love your Death Cult models, keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 10, 2011 Author Share Posted September 10, 2011 @Alejandrinus and Dark Scipio: thanks for the words of encouragement! ;) I got this idea from Brother Dread in this thread where he shared it with us. I already knew I wanted Whirlwind Launchers converted to fit on the Immolater kit, but I was thinking of having the two as separate pieces to switch out. Brother Dread provided what I think was a better way to do it. I had ordered the WW bits so I had them ready to go. I think the launchers he used look better, more like the Forge World variant kit, and they probably don't have the traverse issues that this does. The "gothic-y" view ports on the Immolator top prevent 360˚ movement without lifting the turret, but I'm not bothered enough to trim them off, though I think it could be easily enough done if anybody were to do this for a dedicated Exorcist instead of a multi-purpose tank like I did. I cut the middle piece out of the WW base piece, then drilled a hole in each end with a 7/64 drill bit (wiggled back and forth a little bit to finish up since it's slightly smaller than the posts). Now the launchers can be stuck on there and removed just like the regular Immolator options. If the holes wear out I can always go back and put magnets there, so that's no worry. I think it's pretty cool. Also: the Sororitas manning (womanning?) the Immolator turret is fiddly to assemble. The whole bloody thing is, actually. But worth it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 10, 2011 Author Share Posted September 10, 2011 I cut the middle piece out of the WW base piece, then drilled a hole in each end with a 7/64 drill bit (wiggled back and forth a little bit to finish up since it's slightly smaller than the posts). Now the launchers can be stuck on there and removed just like the regular Immolator options. If the holes wear out I can always go back and put magnets there, so that's no worry. Alright, the post lasted all of me typing the last update, walking back to my hobby room, sitting down, and trying to fit the Heavy Flamers in place. So I cut off the posts and drilled holes for my beefiest magnets, which are 1/8" diameter and 1/16th" thick. Behold! The Heavy Flamers have promethium lines going to the tank attached to the back. If you're gluing it on it wouldn't be a problem, but with my magnets there is a little space between the fuel hose and the tank coupling. I'm tempted to fix it with more magnets of the smaller variety, just to keep the Heavy Flamers level. Another part of me says, "meh". I can do it at any time, and right now I'm tired and have superglue on all my fingers, part of my face, and the tip of my tongue, so I really just need to stop messing with my models and go watch tv for a bit or summat. Oh, and just for fun I stuck a CSM Havoc launcher I already had magnetized and laying about just to show a smaller, and less expensive alternate bit to use for an Exorcist Launcher: Hope all this helps anybody who's thinking of doing something similar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ephrael Posted September 10, 2011 Share Posted September 10, 2011 That is a very good looking tank you have there. I like the turret a lot. May I ask where you ordered the whirlwind launchers from? I need a set for a project. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 10, 2011 Author Share Posted September 10, 2011 That is a very good looking tank you have there. I like the turret a lot. May I ask where you ordered the whirlwind launchers from? I need a set for a project. Thanks! I got the Whirlwind launchers from an eBay reseller called Rabid Games out of Indiana. $16 for the sprue and instructions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Melice Posted September 10, 2011 Share Posted September 10, 2011 great exorcist conversion mate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 10, 2011 Author Share Posted September 10, 2011 @ Brother Melice: Thanks, we hope to blow up some foul xenos with it today! :) So I can't sleep, because I'm some kind of maniac. Here is the initial painting of this Rhimmexorlatornoist thing: I had the idea to put down some wash and paint over it, but washed the primer instead of an initial base-coat, apparently because I'm an idiot. So I did not get quite the effect I was going for. I also keep finding spots I missed. The paint is very rough right now, but I expect to hammer out the kinks that are painfully apparent in some places. I really should have gone to sleep. But I like the black I made. I mixed some Boltgun Metal with some Reaper black paint and then watered it down a bunch. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but now it's a charcoal color with a bit of a metallic tint to it. I will never remember the mixture, but at least I got all the black spots on this tank. I'm sort of waffling over how I want the rear ramp to look on the outside. Part of me says do it black, the other part of me says to fix the yellow and just do the reliquary box a dark color. But that is a problem for another day, because I have a wargames convention to go to this afternoon and I haven't slept at all and it's dangerously near the time when my alarm usually goes off, so... Goodnight B&C, it's been an unusually productive night for me. :devil: Oh yeah: and I also found the Multimeltas for the Immolator and put magnets in them, too. Can you believe I almost threw the sprue away without taking the MMs off? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
*Furyou Miko Posted September 26, 2011 Share Posted September 26, 2011 I do like these models, and your paint scheme is awesome for the infantry - unique and the armour really looks, well, 'lived-in' for want of a better phrase. When you moved onto the subject of vehicles, however, I had a terrible premonition... and it's kind of come true. Yellow and black is a distinctive colour scheme. The two main things that jump to mind are bees... and JCBs. The rhinos look awesome, don't get me wrong, but i can't look at them without thinking "They 'nicked that off a construction site, didn't they?" Especially with the mud. Unfortunately, all I can think of that might change that (within your colour scheme) is to break up the yellow with black stripes or cherons... or, I guess, if you have spare doors, you could do different side doors for the different roles - the Troop arrow for when they're Rhinos, the Heavy Support.. whatever it is. I can't remember right now, for the excorcist with the cool little Elites cross/Fast Attack chevron for Immolators. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urauloth Posted September 26, 2011 Share Posted September 26, 2011 That havoc launcher actully looks a lot better than the whirlwind imho Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subtlebrush Posted September 27, 2011 Share Posted September 27, 2011 Gotta say I love the interior of your Rhino. Consider that Exorcist idea thieved :woot: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 27, 2011 Author Share Posted September 27, 2011 @Furyou Miko - What is a JCB? I wasn't sure about the yellow for the tank either, honestly, it just made sense to do them in the same scheme as the troops. Or a metal color, but my CSM tanks are already silver-grey, so I couldn't go that route without being bored to tears. I hope that when I'm finished with the detailing on the fleurs and the other Ecclesiarchy bits that it will help make the yellow less visually overwhelming. Can't do different doors because they've got that giant fleur molded onto them, but that's not a bad idea. @A Kvit Ghost - That was an idea I had after I went out and spent the money on the Whirlwind launchers, otherwise I might have gone with the Havoc launchers. The Havocs are actually bulkier, though, so if anybody else does this they should keep in mind they'll probably have to use just the tubes and do a bit more conversion work. @Mr.Malevolent - Thanks! I'm pretty upset with myself for the exterior paint having a worse time than the exterior, though. Thanks all for the comments. I'm going to try and do some more work this weekend and hopefully have the exterior fixed and finished. The last couple of weekends have been pretty busy for me, so I haven't been able to do much with any of my models. I want to at least get the second Immolator/Exorcist built, because an unfinished assembly irks me more than unfinished paint by a long way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted March 23, 2012 Author Share Posted March 23, 2012 I update this even slower than my Chaos Marines... Randomly working on things while other things dry and all that, I re-sprayed the Immolator that I screwed up, being careful to preserve the interior I like so much: And I got Living Dead Girl fully assembled and the base worked on. I only pinned the arm, so I'm going to have to be real careful not to drop this one... I really need to get back to my Sisters of Battle, but I'm working my way through my LPC vow with my Chaos Marines right now. I keep meaning to play with them, but I'm more comfortable with the CSM, so it ends up being easier to play with them when I'm in a hurry to make a list and pack up. Gotta change that... Will be updating this more often after the LPC is over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S'jet Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Yes, moar sistahs....! Heh, still loving the rhino interior. I cant bring myself to paint mine for some reason... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted May 28, 2012 Author Share Posted May 28, 2012 I tried to get 500 points of Sisters painted for a small game my buddy and I planned to play at the GW store opening in Kansas City last weekend, but I fiddled around until the last minute, and even a mad all-nighter couldn't get them done. But I did get my Repentia squad painted. On top of that, I made a Uriah Jacobus conversion and got him painted up. So, Uriah Jacobus conversion: I made him out of an Empire Flagellant and a sawed off bolter/hand bit. In retrospect there are some things I wish I'd done differently with the bolter bit. For his red and black Ecclessiarchy robes I used codex grey heavily washed with both Devlan Mud and Badab Black. Since Uriah is the sort of "crazy shotgun hobo" priest I wanted him to look faded and dirty, as opposed to my Kyrinov, who I was trying to make look brighter and richer. I think it worked better than I expected it to. I like the back mounted banner for the Banner of Sanctity, though I am pretty sure I'm going to remodel the Redeemer shotgun at some future point. Overall, though, I think I'm happier with my Uriah conversion than I would have been with the metal model. He's definitely one of mine, you know? I wasn't sure what to write on the banner. I messed around with the impression of a skull and cross-bones with writing around it and a bloody hand print, and then applied a bunch of thinned out paint and wash to make it look faded as all get out. Here is the Repentia Mistress. I'm not really happy with her for several reasons. One of them is the color scheme. I wanted her black and red, but didn't really think out what was going where when I started to paint. And I'm thinking I should have done the armor all boltgun grey instead of red with "battle damage". And this was the first time I tried to paint something on fire, and my method for paining power swords didn't work well on the neural whips. Seriously, I'm just not happy with her... But the Repentia themselves I am fairly happy with. They were not fun to paint, and I am glad I am done with them. I generally don't enjoy painting the old metals. The newer plastics are much kinder to people of my mediocre skill level. I just can't nail the detail of the older metals. I'll probably base them this week, but I'm not really in a hurry to get there. I need to get back to the Dark Angels challenge and my Chaos Marine Havocs. EDIT: because I forgot how to use the BBCode... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted August 25, 2013 Author Share Posted August 25, 2013 Would you believe I work on my Lamenters even less than my Sisters of Battle? Recently I started playing my SoB more often, taking a break from my Chaos Marines, and getting a bump of interest in them. I'm tired of proxying models, and went on a base gluing-to spree. Seeing them on the table, I've also been dissatisfied with the way the Whirlwind Launchers looked on the side of the Immolator turret, so this morning I sat down on the floor of my studio and worked out a more aesthetically pleasing solution: Because I didn't want it to look like a Whirlwind, but I wanted to use the Whirlwind parts (since I spent so much money on them.) It sort of looks like an extra-large version of the back mounted missile launcher that Terminators can take. I'm going to plug the tubing ends with greenstuff and add some "tech looking" bits to the underside. Who knows? I may even paint this tank this week... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted August 25, 2013 Share Posted August 25, 2013 Hey!!!! Great to see this thread back in action, looking forward to what you've got for us. Cheers, Jono Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Montuhotep Posted August 25, 2013 Share Posted August 25, 2013 That is an excellent idea and very well done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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