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Carcharodon Astra to search the stars


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After years of playing BA i finally reach my limits with the insane amounts of new BA armies at my local gaming circles that have show up since the new BA codex has come out.

So i searched for a new chapter to play, one that would pretty much guaranty the impossibility of endless red vs red matches and ' oh you play BA too' talks.

After getting and reading the Imperial armor books on the Badab conflict i found myself enamored with the Carcharodon Astra or Space sharks as they were know up to that point.

They had it all great fluff, great color scheme and some pretty awesome assault rules which i love ( and what drew me to BA many moons ago).

While i am not the best painter in the world i consider myself capable of decent table standard and without further ado present my test mini.


For tabletop standards, it's not bad. I quite like it ;) What I would like to see though, is a small tough of orange in the front corner of the lens and a dot of white towards the back, but then again, that's just me being picky ;)


As for the base, it looks like scorched cheese that's growing back :down: Maybe go back over it with black, then brush with a layer of Graveyard Earth (or equivalent) and then a drybrush of Bleached Bone (or equiv.)? It's simple but looks good :)


Other than that, looking forward to seeing the rest of your models sometime in the near future :)




Edit: Good to see you on the B&C, nagash66 ;) It's been some time since we last talked on Warseer!

  • 11 months later...

Ok so its been a good long time since i posted anything but here it goes.

First off i would like to thank Battle-Brother Ludovic for his comments.

Now i present some marines, a techpriest and Tyberos the red wake.





Now while these minis have been done for a while i have re started this project with gusto and hope to be able to show some more miniatures in the next few days.


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