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Scouts in DoA


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I'm currently working on building a DoA list. However, since I don't really care for assault squads I intend to run Dante with Sanguinary Guard, Honor Guard and VVs for the main units in the army. I've been pretty satisfied with their performance against a variety of opposing units, but I find that units like the SG absolutely cannot sit at objectives, they'll be taking too much AP 1 and 2 fire that they'd be better off assaulting.


As a result, I'd like to try sniper scouts for a number of reasons. Most importantly, it's a lot of scoring bodies to sit in cover at the objectives. But another benefit is the ability to provide some fire support at a range for my assault troops to soften up assault targets. Does anyone have any experience with scouts in DoA? Will this work?

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This is the 2000 point list I've been building towards, although I don't have it all yet. I'm hoping to have SG engage troops where their armor save is relevant, VV's assault anything with dangerous power weapons, Dante's squad of SG and the melta HG for busting tanks, and the scouts for fire support and objective camping. I'd include more anti-armor in place of the storm bolter honor guard, but I see a lot of tyrannids and drop-pod spacewolves, so 24" firepower on jump packs seems more relevant.


Dante - 225

Librarian w/ jump pack and infernus pistol - 140

Vanguard Veterans w/ jump packs, 4 storm shields, sergeant w/ 2 power fist - 280

Honor Guard w/ jump packs and storm bolters - 180 points

Honor Guard w/ jump packs and melta guns - 205

Sanguinary Guard w/ chapter banner, infernus pistol - 240

Sanguinary Guard - 200

Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack and power sword - 90

Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack, infernus pistol and power fist - 115

Scouts w/ camo cloaks and sniper rifles - 170

Scouts w/ sniper rifles - 140

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I use the 5 man ML/Sniper/Camo squad in my DoA hybrid list. They hold backfield objectives for me, and add their firepower along with 3 missile Dev squads for much needed long range support. While they are seldom "stars" (BS3 really does stink), they are often doing exactly what I intend them to do. Score, and be hard to shift from cover.


Adding more bodies though doesn't make much sense to me. One look at your scout squads tells me that you could replace them with 3, 5 man units of ML/Sniper/Camo and actually have 10 points left over. You'll pick up 3 missile launchers, giving you some much needed template weapons (BS3 affects them less than direct firing).


You could also rearm the Priest you have that is toting the fist and Infernus pistol. With the points saved you could convert your Storm Bolter HG to Meltaguns, the benefits of which are obvious. :lol:

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