Martyn Posted August 4, 2011 Share Posted August 4, 2011 The Eighth Founding was treated as a great cause to further expand the Space Marines Chapters. It was in the mid 35M that the new Fortress Monastery left the foundries of Mars and left to its new owners. The youngling chapter named Blood Takers was given the honor to name their vessel on which they will sail into greater glory. And so the “Sleeping Maiden” drifted off into the Segemtum Ultima given the holy task of retrieving sacred artifacts of the Imperium and holding of forgotten shrines.Deemed worthy to bear the gene-seed of Sanguinus, the Blood Takers were to be eternally faithful to their cause and carry out their destiny. As being a Blood Angel descendent, they always felt close ties and respect to their founding Legion. The devotion of Sanguinus is highly regarded and praised often.As soon as the Chapter found suitable worlds for recruiting, it began raising the battle companies to full strength. At first their duties consisted of guarding shrines and assisting larger chapters, but soon they could take on tasks of their own as more relics were lost. Tactical Squad Blood Takers found their main homeworld on the planet of Vernia, there they spread their influence and began extracting many recruits to fill the ranks. Vernia is largely populated feudalistic world that its inhabitants began to build many temples and cathedrals devoted to the sky warriors. The other secondary planets that the recruits hail from are Thral and Brakia which in turn are also feudalistic worlds which the Blood Takers claim stewardship on. Every few generations when the Blood Takers land the recruiting phase begins and is more known to the inhabitants as the Feast Season. As much preparation is done for upcoming “Blood Trials”, as the inhabitants begin to congregate around the biggest cathedral that was built on the planet and many faithful recruits begin to fight for the honor of joining the ranks of the sky warriors The Blood Trials consist of three main parts which last from 2-3 weeks each. Each trail is labeled as Wisdom, Faith, and Strength and each recruit is needed to go through. First starting with the Wisdom Trials, the recruit must first go under questioning by a jury of the chapter and a Librarian asking the predominant questions. The recruit is tested on his wit and knowledge that will further help him as a full battle brother. If a recruit passes the trial then he is awarded a goblet which marks the completion. Then follows the Faith Trial which the recruit must undergo lengths of praying and meditation to strengthen his faith in the Chapter. After much time with little food and drink the recruit must recite the final prayers and given the honor to spill a drop of their own blood into the goblet and thus marking the end. Leaving the recruit to final trial and the biggest of the celebrations of the Strength Trial in which he must prove himself. The last trial takes place in a large arena which each recruit must part take in one on one combat against the other recruits. One may only leave the arena victorious with the sacred goblet of the opponent. Though the opponent needs not to be slain in order to claim victory, it often results in death in defense of their goblet. There were numerous occasions in which both recruits were taken by showing their prowess in the arena. The other recruiting worlds use the same Blood Trials as they go through the recruitment for the chapter. But some worlds have minor variations due to the culture on the planet, such as the inhabitants of Thral only send their first-borns to enter the Blood Trials, while others hold extra trials before the Blood Trial. Following the same creation of Marines as their Blood Angels brethren,they too suffer from the Curse of Sanguinius. While most chapters tend to hide such defects, the Blood Takers in turn decided to embrace it. Following on the same ideology of “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” the Blood Takers take in account of the Red Thirst during battles and repress it only when needed. Though most do not have the discipline to prevent the desire of bloodlust during battle and as such only the most experienced is given the duties of heavy weaponry. Yet there has been numerous occasions when the heavy support teams left their positions to tear into the enemy with sometimes only their hands. With numerous missions that required the extraction of holy relics did begin to take their toll on the chapter. Many chapter cults and independent fraternities began to spring up in many companies as each began guarding artifacts. In some cases it proved to be dangerous for the recruits falling in blood rituals. Then the most fatal flaw that renders itself on the Blood Takers as the Black Rage takes many loyal Brothers to the grave. But when a member does succumb to the Rage, then it is a time of celebration, as the near crazed brother is given many blessings and ceremonies for his last days. As most call it the “Touch of Sanguinus”, he then goes to prove his glory on the battlefield for the last time. The armor is then painted over in the sacred red color and given his weapons of choice, then the blessed dropped pods are then painted in red color. The biggest known use of the “Blessed” Company was during the battle of Enellia III, in which the chapter first made a name for itself. During a large rebellion of a heretical Imperial Guard governor claimed the planet for himself. Destroying major shrines dedicated to the God-Emperor, followed by a colossal intervention. The population only described it as “the skies began to rain blood” as the drop-pods pounded into the major headquarters of the rebellion. The planet was under imperial control by the day’s end. The gene-seed was taken from Blood Angel stock which is believed to come with the most devotion. As the Blood Takers praise and glorify their Primarch Sanguinus, they believe that devotions is their only shield against the whispers of corruption. Demanding that many of the recruiting worlds build the proper shrines and temples dedicated to God-Emperor and Sanguinus alike. Then further to spread their fanatical religion among the populations as they otherwise are purged for heresy. Picture of Models! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martyn Posted August 7, 2011 Author Share Posted August 7, 2011 Hmm still no feedback, I assume it wasn't that bad of a story. I've added some more information and spelling. Maybe I should change some things to make it more interesting? I'll even take "smashing your head against the keyboard" as an answer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted August 7, 2011 Share Posted August 7, 2011 Alrighty, let's see where I can help out. The first thing I would like to point out, if only to ease your concern, is that I don't see many, if any, spelling or grammar mistakes. So, good on you! Off the bat, a big issue with me is the name. Tears of Sanguine. By definition, sanguine is primarily an adjective that means happiness or red. As an example Tears of Happy just doesn't work. Sanguine is a noun, but in that respect it's just a shade of red. The Angels Sanguine, a successor chapter of the Blood Angels, works as a name because it basically just works out as Red Angels. Bloody Tears works as a better name, but that carries such a huge weight that it may just flip your whole idea upside down. Google stigmata or even tears of blood if you'd like to check it out. Now, for the IA itself. The biggest problem that I can tell is that I don't see much of a clear focus. It's all rather jumpy, and I don't see much of a purpose. You point out that they are relic hunters, but that doesn't seem to hold any weight at all with the rest of the article aside from the fact that they are fleet based. It doesn't really help that you're planting them in Obscurus either. The only really big thing there is the Eye of Terror, and most relics there are going to be corrupt by Chaos. The Relicators were excommunicated for using daemonic weapons, although there are examples of characters using items like that. The Ultramarine's Gauntlets of Ultramar (Marneus Calgar's power fists), Morkai (Logan Grimnar's axe), and the Blade of Antwyr (Garran Crowe's daemon sword) were once all, and the latter most case still is, weapons used by chaos lords if not full fledged daemon weapons. The easiest way around this is to have some sort of relationship with the Inquisition ala the Grey Knights and Exorcists, but that opens up a whole new can of worms that would be best avoided in a first attempt at an IA. The easiest solution to this is locating them somewhere else. This should help you out in that regard if you haven't seen it already. Just a wording issue, but Baal isn't "their" world. Baal belongs to the Blood Angels. It would be "they feel a close relationship with the planet of Baal." I know your article is still a work in progress, but tell us about Vernia, Thrad, and Brakia, not a whole lot, but tidbits about culture, why they were chosen, and how they've influenced the chapter, and things like that. Tell us about the Sleeping Maiden and its history. Tell us about the Blood Trials. Another thing I've noticed: If the Chapter has been tasked with bringing back relics, who are they bringing them to? If they keep them for themselves, it's hardly a task, and more of a assignment they've given themselves, which isn't necessarily bad, just different. Sanguinary Guard are a Blood Angels unit and title. You don't necessarily have to have them. That feather could also have a greater influence if you wanted, causing conflicts between the chapter and other Blood Angel successors. It also seems kind of odd for a chapter with such a late founding to have something that close to the Primarch. Organic things have a tendency of decaying. These blood rituals also seem to come out of nowhere and aren't exactly well explained. They're tacked on, and if you'd like to keep them I'd recommend fleshing them out. Space Marines in general favor close quarters combat. What makes them different is speed, flexibility, things of that sort. Close quarters does not necessarily mean hand to hand if you'd like to take them in that direction. The different organization seems unnecessary, explain it or follow the codex. It is not bad to be codex, always remember that. Divergence just gives you more to explain, and on top of that you need to explain why. Finally, and this is a big one, your interpretation of the Death Company does not line up with what we are made to understand. Falling to the black rage is more in line with madness than anything else. I think the best analogy would be rabies. Remember, Astorath, the Blood Angels Master of Sanctity (their highest ranked Chaplain) executes Death Company after battles. If you haven't already, I'd recommend reading the Guide to DIYing. Similarly, I'd recommend reading other articles that have made it into the Librarium already. Some of my personal favorites include the Warriors Eternal and, the one that actually inspired me to start an article, the Castigators. Before you go on, I'd really recommend writing down what you want to do with your Chapter. What are your inspirations and how do you want to work with them. It's best to outline your ideas before you start writing anything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martyn Posted August 7, 2011 Author Share Posted August 7, 2011 Ah thank you very much KingHongKong! Your feedback is greatly appreciated, I need a person like you as my personal critic. I'll go through your advice at one piece at a time as it will be easier for me. Quote Off the bat, a big issue with me is the name. Too bad that name didn't work, it must be my native language that must have messed it over. Probably Tears of Sanguinus is a bit far stretched. But I do prefer your suggestion but maybe as "Blood Tears" but I did want to indicate the drop as blood anyways. Maybe as you said with the prior chapters, Tears Crimson, Vermillion Tears, Children of Tears, etc. I'll think of a more fitting name. Though the name itself is not what I built the fluff on. I was building it around the fanatical cult system I was writing about so that I will consider. Googling your suggestions didn't really help as all I found was silly news articles. Maybe I need to rephrase them better. Quote The biggest problem that I can tell is that I don't see much of a clear focus. It's all rather jumpy, and I don't see much of a purpose. You point out that they are relic hunters, but that doesn't seem to hold any weight at all with the rest of the article aside from the fact that they are fleet based. Oh it is more than jumpy I thought, you're absolutely right, as I was just throwing out the main ideas to see if anyone would find anything interesting or intriguing. Maybe it's looking for a diamond in the rough, and to pick out which ideas would be best suited. Though the main idea of them is to hunt relics, I thought it would be appropriate for them to be fleet based as they would be on the move a lot. Bit of a strike force for that gets word from here and there. Quote It doesn't really help that you're planting them in Obscurus either. My plan of thought for putting them there would be to in fact recover artifacts that were lost to traitors and/or xeno. I did have in mind to let them have a bond with the Inquisition as I think they would be most interested in having relic hunters that do their dirty job in more dangerous scenarios. Then thinking about it again, if I put them in the Segmentum Ultima (which is far more bigger) that there would more cause to locate the artifacts that were lost in time. Quote Just a wording issue, but Baal isn't "their" world. Ah no problem, I'll fix that. ;) Then concerning the rest of my planets, I'll be adding more about them when I start outlining it more. I'll be more informative on those parts and I'll elaborate on the blood trails when I find some more fitting themes. Quote Another thing I've noticed: If the Chapter has been tasked with bringing back relics, who are they bringing them to? Now that you point that out, that's a bit selfish of my chapter to horde all the precious things for themselves. Say if I would retrieve these invaluable things, who would I be returning them to? Shall I give them back to Holy Terra herself? But I did want the Sanguinary Guard (though I want to give them a different name in my case) to be the most holy to carry these valued objects from their resting places. This is the kind of hierarchy that I would like to introduce into my chapter that would rank from most holy to simple zealot. Unless the Sanguinary guard is something completely different from what I understood. I did want at least one big thing into the chapter like the feather I mentioned, or otherwise them would seem a bit "meh". But don't you think it would be possible they preserved something from Sanguinus' body after the Horus Hersey for the ages. Would I be wrong to presume they have the power to keep most things intact? Though you're right it seems weird that they would have it as such a young chapter. Maybe pushing the founding further back would remedy that? I like your suggestion of causing quarrel among the other chapter regard holding such an artifact. I could use this to bolster my idea that they are more "shut around themselves" chapter that only believe in their own virtues. Quote These blood rituals also seem to come out of nowhere and aren't exactly well explained. They're tacked on, and if you'd like to keep them I'd recommend fleshing them out. My blood cults was inspiration from which I believe is the first book in the Horus Heresy. There were cults within the Luna Wolves which were hush hush. I thought that that would make them more fanatical in this case that they would go as far as start their own little circles and take their chapter beliefs into something more extreme. But if you think that doesn't fit then I will scrap it instead. Quote Space Marines in general favor close quarters combat. What makes them different is speed, flexibility, things of that sort. Close quarters does not necessarily mean hand to hand if you'd like to take them in that direction. Yes, what I had in mind was a deep strike force to hit enemy positions immediatly and bring objects out of there with close extraction. Leaving the foe wondering what hit them. Quote The different organization seems unnecessary, explain it or follow the codex. It is not bad to be codex, always remember that. Divergence just gives you more to explain, and on top of that you need to explain why. Yeah, you're right. I'll make them stay true, as it will give me unnecessary headaches. Quote Finally, and this is a big one, your interpretation of the Death Company does not line up with what we are made to understand. Falling to the black rage is more in line with madness than anything else. I think the best analogy would be rabies. Remember, Astorath, the Blood Angels Master of Sanctity (their highest ranked Chaplain) executes Death Company after battles. What I was going for is that this madness they fall to is seen by these fanatics as a "normal" thing and is sought after. I mean wouldn't you, as a screaming extremist seek greater powers if you could use them to their full benefits. And "sacrificing" them after a battle would seem fitting in such a chapter cult. Dying for the greater good in a sense. Correct me if this still wouldn't work, though I would love to incorporate something similar. Quote If you haven't already, I'd recommend reading the Guide to DIYing. I've that one, excellent guide, and I've read plenty of others that refrained from making silly chapters. I'll read them again and maybe pluck out some better points to use. I'm also reading up on the chapters you recommended (probably read some others as well), see if I can get a better idea. I'll be drafting out the chapter a bit better now and adjust them accordingly. Though the themes I've been trying to use was based more on, lets say, the Crusades to the holy land or even more fitting example for the Blood Angels of Vlad the Impaler that led the armies of believers against the enemy. I was going in that direction. Plus, leading a bunch of screaming fanatics seemed a bit more fun to work with. I'll post some more updates when I have a bit more material to show. Until then anyone else that would like to speak their mind is more than welcome. Thanks for the advice! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martyn Posted September 8, 2011 Author Share Posted September 8, 2011 I've finally com around and update the chapter and did a complete revision of it! I've also drafted up a flowchart of my thinking, so you can take a look at it here. Flowchart - Warning: big image! I hope this will encourage further revision and more excellent ideas! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 Hi, I'm here to help you a little with your Chapter. I'M known in the Liber for harsh and unforgiving critique, so anything what I say shouldn't be taken too seriously... B) Origins The Eighth Founding was treated as a great cause to further expand the Space Marines Chapters. It was in the mid 35M that the new Fortress Monastery left the foundries of Mars and left to its new owners. The youngling chapter named “affdsad” was given the honor to name their vessel on which they will sail into greater glory. And so the “Sleeping Maiden” drifted off into the Segemtum Ultima given the holy task of retrieving sacred artifacts of the Imperium and holding of forgotten shrines. - Okey. The Forge World, with the Badab War books, somewhat created chaos in the dates of Foundings. It is very unlikely that the 8th Founding was in the mid M35, since the 21st was early in the M36. As you can see, it will be very difficult to squeeze 13 Foundings into period of 500 years. So please, use the timeline here on the B&C. - Second, Fortress Monastery is, in most cases, permanent building (hence Fortress) on the surface of planet. I said mostly, because F-M could be also modified space ship, space station, space hulk, hollowed asteroid etc. etc. You get the idea, right? What you are talking here is probably Battle Barge, acting as the F-M. - Third, like the last time someone has had such idea... Space Marines are not glorious archaeologists. They are Emperor's Finest, his Angels of Death and their mission is to bring the wrath of Emperor to alien, mutant and heretic. - Fourth, the (vast majority of) Space Marines Chapter and Ecclesiarchy are, for some time, in doctrinal dispute how to see and worship Emperor. It's unlikely that Space marine Chapter will be created to look over shrines of Adeptus Ministorum. - Oh, I almost forget; What is "The youngling chapter named “affdsad”" supposed to mean? Soon finding the recruitment worlds needed for the chapter, they began building full strength companies that were needed. - Eeeh. "As soon as the Chapter found suitable worlds for recruiting, it began raising the battle companies to full strenght." was the intended meaning? ;) Homeworld The other secondary planets that the recruits hail from are Thral and Brakia which in turn are also feudalistic worlds which the Blood Takers claim stewardship on. - which... which... - Why do you have more recruiting worlds, btw? Most Chapters are satisfied with one. As much preparation is done for upcoming “Blood Trials”, as the inhabitants begin to congregate around the biggest cathedral that was built on the planet and many faithful recruits begin to fight for the honor of joining the ranks of the angels. - You called the Space Marines "Sky Warriors" in the previous paragraph. Battlefield Doctrine As the Blood Takers are a mobile force that are meant to be on the watch for reports of found and missing relics. When the time comes, the fleet moves out to retrieve the artifact and return it to the faithful owners. - If the another Chapter lost a relic, it is up to said Chapter to retrieve it back. It's matter of honour and therefore off limits. Their extensive use of drop-pods made them experts into dropping in dangerous environments of planets, causing many brothers to first get the pods blessed before any mission. - Do you know what is primary tactic of Space Marines? Yeah, it's deployment via drop pod. -_- Chapter Cult & Belief System Following the same creation of Marines as their Blood Angels brethren, they fall under the same problems of the Flaw. - This is too informal, "... they too suffer from the Curse of Sanguinius." is somewhat better. In my eyes. ;) Though most do not have the discipline to prevent the desire of bloodlust during battle and as such only the most experienced is given the duties of heavy weaponry. Yet there has been numerous occasions when the heavy support teams left their positions to tear into the enemy with sometimes only their hands. - There. If you don't know, what to write in the Organisation. Lets say, for example, that the 9th "Devastator" Company was changed to 2nd Company, to mark the fact that it's made from the most calm and headstrong marines/veterans instead of n00bs. With numerous missions that required the extraction of holy relics did begin to take their toll on the chapter. Many chapter cults and independent fraternities began to spring up in many companies as each began guarding artifacts. In some cases it proved to be dangerous for the recruits falling in blood rituals. - I don't understand. :D Gene-seed The gene-seed was taken from Blood Angel stock which is believed to come with the most devotion. - ;) Demanding that many of the recruiting worlds build the proper shrines and temples dedicated to God-Emperor and Sanguinus alike. Then further to spread their fanatical religion among the populations as they otherwise are purged for heresy. - That's what I was talking above. The Adeptus Astartes, with some notable exceptions, don't worship Emperor as a God. Usually, the Emperor is praised as the divine being, idol or paragon. Cheers, NightrawenII. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martyn Posted September 9, 2011 Author Share Posted September 9, 2011 Hey NightrawenII, first off I wanted to thank you for reading the article and your input. Great Stuff! The fact you stated you were a harsh critic makes me feel better. :) I just believe in other peoples judging will only make you better. Well anyways lets begin with your review. Origins Okey. The Forge World, with the Badab War books, somewhat created chaos in the dates of Foundings. It is very unlikely that the 8th Founding was in the mid M35, since the 21st was early in the M36. As you can see, it will be very difficult to squeeze 13 Foundings into period of 500 years. So please, use the timeline here on the B&C. -To find my founding timeline I used the Lexicanum Here to determine which it was. But even looking at the one you gave me I can't really pinpoint which Founding would fall under the 35M. Even there it jumps from the 32M Third founding to straight into the 36M 21st Founding. Seriously, what happened there? Plus, reading other posts from this forum I wanted to avoid the 21st Cursed Founding as everyone tends to hate those. I'll just read deeper into it, maybe I just missed it. Second, Fortress Monastery is, in most cases, permanent building (hence Fortress) on the surface of planet. I said mostly, because F-M could be also modified space ship, space station, space hulk, hollowed asteroid etc. etc. You get the idea, right? What you are talking here is probably Battle Barge, acting as the F-M. -In that case I'll change it into a Battle Barge, as the idea was to stay mobile. I'm assuming a chapter can operate fully from a Battle Barge? Third, like the last time someone has had such idea... Space Marines are not glorious archaeologists. They are Emperor's Finest, his Angels of Death and their mission is to bring the wrath of Emperor to alien, mutant and heretic. -Ugh, I was hoping to be original. But in that case, maybe we can turn around the chapters purpose to be at FIRST be created as protectors of the largest sector. Then as their numbers are filled, they can serve their duty as full space marines. Or maybe the chapter just takes a greater interest in holy artifacts. I'm not sure how to turn this over yet. Fourth, the (vast majority of) Space Marines Chapter and Ecclesiarchy are, for some time, in doctrinal dispute how to see and worship Emperor. It's unlikely that Space marine Chapter will be created to look over shrines of Adeptus Ministorum. -Should I in this case just lower down their zealous view on the Emperor? What if they just worshiped him privately, as I liked the idea of having fraternities and cults? I'll probably strike the shrine guard duty. Oh, I almost forget; What is "The youngling chapter named “affdsad”" supposed to mean? -Silly me, when I was writing the story I couldn't derive a decent chapter name. Instead I left the parts with gibberish until I had a better name in mind. Even now I still don't like my chapter name. Actually, it just occurred to me that it is a deviation of Flesh Tearers or Blood Drinkers. I'll just keep on searching. Eeeh. "As soon as the Chapter found suitable worlds for recruiting, it began raising the battle companies to full strenght." was the intended meaning? -Fixed. English is hard. :P Homeworld which... which... - Why do you have more recruiting worlds, btw? Most Chapters are satisfied with one. Which I will slap myself for dropping topics so abrupt. I'll patch it up. Now even though I thought most Chapters DID have multiple recruiting worlds. I must have gotten my facts wrong. Would it be selfish of me to have multiple? Better yet, I'll turn the other two planets into moons that revolve around Vernia. You called the Space Marines "Sky Warriors" in the previous paragraph. -I want to stick with sky warriors, but I'm ripping that off a bit from a Space Wolves book. :( Battlefield Doctrine If the another Chapter lost a relic, it is up to said Chapter to retrieve it back. It's matter of honour and therefore off limits. -Too bad, I thought I was being a more productive chapter aiding help to other brethren chapters. In this case, am I only able to touch artifacts that only belong to me or could I retrieve old Blood Angel artifacts from the past ten millenniums? I actually had this part more expanded in the previous version, in which I stated that I had one very precious artifact. That was one feather shed from Sanguinus himself. A previous critic stated it could be used to cause some sort of conflict with other chapters. It was just an idea though. I did favor having my chapter more closed in brotherhood and not really trusting outsiders. Do you know what is primary tactic of Space Marines? Yeah, it's deployment via drop pod. -But I'm SUPER special! Nah, I'll just ditch that part. Maybe come up with something more original that they can excel in. Maybe they could field an abnormally large amount of dreadnoughts, or even have a larger number of death company? Chapter Cult & Belief System This is too informal, "... they too suffer from the Curse of Sanguinius." is somewhat better. In my eyes. -I agree! There. If you don't know, what to write in the Organisation. Lets say, for example, that the 9th "Devastator" Company was changed to 2nd Company, to mark the fact that it's made from the most calm and headstrong marines/veterans instead of n00bs. -Ah great! So basically they ranked up from the reserves company to a shiny battle company because they were experience enough not to go crazy during battle. I'll be drafting up that part soon then. Thanks a lot for that! I don't understand. :mellow: :huh: -Will fix my Engrish! What I meant to explain is that from their constant missions of artifact hunting and shrine guard made them a bit crazy and zealous. I kind of liked the idea of having secret fraternities within the chapter as each company would have some sort of rite of passage into that said company. I picked this idea up from a Luna Wolves book in which they had a fraternity within the chapter and was looked down upon by the superiors. While the second part about taking the Blood Angels stock was reason enough to choose a highly devoted seed for the chapter. Kind of paralleling the fact that Sanguinus didn't challenge the emperor and submitted to him immediately. Just taking that idea that made them more zealous and attached to the Emperor. That's what I was talking above. The Adeptus Astartes, with some notable exceptions, don't worship Emperor as a God. Usually, the Emperor is praised as the divine being, idol or paragon. -May I can be a notable exception, as I was going for this fanatical theme towards the Emperor? Who are the chapters that do worship him as a God? But if it doesn't fit then maybe I could change it that they worship him as a God secretly. Maybe they do this in their secret cults that sprung up in the chapter? Well thanks for the insightful review! I hope you don't mind me stealing the format of your post (I think it looks cleaner than quotes). Well either way if you read and answer this then I'll buy you a beer or something. Cheers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted September 11, 2011 Share Posted September 11, 2011 Martyn said: Okey. The Forge World, with the Badab War books, somewhat created chaos in the dates of Foundings. It is very unlikely that the 8th Founding was in the mid M35, since the 21st was early in the M36. As you can see, it will be very difficult to squeeze 13 Foundings into period of 500 years. So please, use the timeline here on the B&C.-To find my founding timeline I used the Lexicanum Here to determine which it was. But even looking at the one you gave me I can't really pinpoint which Founding would fall under the 35M. Even there it jumps from the 32M Third founding to straight into the 36M 21st Founding. Seriously, what happened there? Plus, reading other posts from this forum I wanted to avoid the 21st Cursed Founding as everyone tends to hate those. I'll just read deeper into it, maybe I just missed it. Scroll down, there is a table with estimated dates of Foundings. Quote Second, Fortress Monastery is, in most cases, permanent building (hence Fortress) on the surface of planet. I said mostly, because F-M could be also modified space ship, space station, space hulk, hollowed asteroid etc. etc. You get the idea, right? What you are talking here is probably Battle Barge, acting as the F-M.-In that case I'll change it into a Battle Barge, as the idea was to stay mobile. I'm assuming a chapter can operate fully from a Battle Barge? Well, there was a dispute between members of B&C, how many Space Marines you can squeeze into Battle Barge. The consesus was; 3 Companies with all their stuff can operate from it without problems. Althought, the Space marines have usually larger fleet than a single ship. If you don't have knowledge of space ships in W40k. Looky here, it's official material for BFG. Quote Third, like the last time someone has had such idea... Space Marines are not glorious archaeologists. They are Emperor's Finest, his Angels of Death and their mission is to bring the wrath of Emperor to alien, mutant and heretic.-Ugh, I was hoping to be original. But in that case, maybe we can turn around the chapters purpose to be at FIRST be created as protectors of the largest sector. Then as their numbers are filled, they can serve their duty as full space marines. Or maybe the chapter just takes a greater interest in holy artifacts. I'm not sure how to turn this over yet. This will work just fine. Quote Now even though I thought most Chapters DID have multiple recruiting worlds. I must have gotten my facts wrong. Would it be selfish of me to have multiple? Better yet, I'll turn the other two planets into moons that revolve around Vernia. Hmm, no. Like I said, it's just unusual (for planet-based Chapter, that's it). Quote If the another Chapter lost a relic, it is up to said Chapter to retrieve it back. It's matter of honour and therefore off limits.-Too bad, I thought I was being a more productive chapter aiding help to other brethren chapters. In this case, am I only able to touch artifacts that only belong to me or could I retrieve old Blood Angel artifacts from the past ten millenniums? I actually had this part more expanded in the previous version, in which I stated that I had one very precious artifact. That was one feather shed from Sanguinus himself. A previous critic stated it could be used to cause some sort of conflict with other chapters. It was just an idea though. I did favor having my chapter more closed in brotherhood and not really trusting outsiders. See my reply here. Quote Do you know what is primary tactic of Space Marines? Yeah, it's deployment via drop pod.-But I'm SUPER special! Nah, I'll just ditch that part. Maybe come up with something more original that they can excel in. Maybe they could field an abnormally large amount of dreadnoughts, or even have a larger number of death company? This is common mistake in DIY. The aim of DIYer is not making his Chapter awesome or excellent in something, but rather create a Chapter with unique and interesting theme. Focus more on the character/nature of Chapter, having non-codex structure or more Dreads is just cosmetic difference. The theme is important. Are the Blood Takers defenders of humanity? If so, are they angels of salvations or machiavellians, who put greater good over the lives of few individuals? etc. etc. Quote Fourth, the (vast majority of) Space Marines Chapter and Ecclesiarchy are, for some time, in doctrinal dispute how to see and worship Emperor. It's unlikely that Space marine Chapter will be created to look over shrines of Adeptus Ministorum.-Should I in this case just lower down their zealous view on the Emperor? What if they just worshiped him privately, as I liked the idea of having fraternities and cults? I'll probably strike the shrine guard duty. + That's what I was talking above. The Adeptus Astartes, with some notable exceptions, don't worship Emperor as a God. Usually, the Emperor is praised as the divine being, idol or paragon. -May I can be a notable exception, as I was going for this fanatical theme towards the Emperor? Who are the chapters that do worship him as a God? But if it doesn't fit then maybe I could change it that they worship him as a God secretly. Maybe they do this in their secret cults that sprung up in the chapter? The Black Templars are very fanatical and zealous in their... actions. The Fire Hawks were very devoted to the Emperor. The Fire Angels are immersed in the worship of God-Emperor, mainly because they are from the later Founding. Yes, you can be notable exception and no, you don't need worship Him in secret. It will just cause a rift between your Chapter and more...moderate Chapters. As for the cults, the Exorcists do have something similar, but I lack any deeper knowledge, so I can help in this case. But the Exorcists are unique in many ways, so it's a little questionable precedent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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