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Is summoning still a bit rubbish?


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So after we've had a good few months play and an FAQ how do people feel about summoning now? Anyone still using it on a regular basis, or is it just more trouble than its worth?


Also do mystics and or servoskulls definately work for the summoned unit? I know teleport homers are no good but didnt notice a clear FAQ ruling on the other two means of reducting/negating deep strike scatter. (also what about the ravens locator beacon?).

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After three massive threads on it, I can safely say that mystics and servo skulls work, while THs do not. :P


That's what I thought to be honest, figured it wouldn't hurt to confirm. I'm mostly interested in how people have been using it tho, it seems like such a promisingly fluffly GK power but I have very little experience with its use in game.

To be complete...


Here is the original thread (in this Ordos board) around this topic.


Here is the Official Rules board gang hammering on it.


The consensus is "it's dumb, but dem's da brakes: TH doesn't work with the Summoning."

Yeah, I've found that it's not worth the rules argument over what does and doesn't work and it's to risky if you scatter. It's a shame too, it could've been a neat power and really made the librarian a pretty good choice. As it stands, I always take a grand master instead.
even though it "doesn't" work with a teleporter homer, I still like the power. go for servo skulls, and you only scatter d6, sure it might mishap, but pulling back a depleted unit in a kill point game, or pulling back a scoring unit in a objective game are well worth the 5 points it costs to take the power, in my opinion at least.
Yeah, I've found that it's not worth the rules argument over what does and doesn't work and it's to risky if you scatter. It's a shame too, it could've been a neat power and really made the librarian a pretty good choice. As it stands, I always take a grand master instead.


Here's a little blurb you might be interested in seeing.


Sorry, I may have mid-represented myself a little. I think the librarian is good, and he can make the unit he's with dead 'ard, but I prefer the grand master to him because he affects my entire army and the way I build my lists, while still buffing his own unit with his grenades and stat line. It should be noted that neither of those things can be stopped by psychic defense, nor is there a chance a daemon will come eat his face when using them. I think if summoning worked like they meant it to he could have the same game-altering ability that the grand strategy gives the gm.


That's really what I look for in my hqs. Something that makes my whole army better, not just one or two units. That's why I prefer the gm. It all comes down to preference, and I totally understand why some people prefer the librarian


Oh, and on servo skulls. I found them to be a waste. My opponents usually had something fast enough to deny them to me by turn two. Also, since the summoning has such a short range, even scattering d6 can result in bad things happening.

If you place the servo skulls far away from the enemy where you can drop a couple of shooty squads I've found that to work the best for me. Also you can simply use them to bait your opponent into moving a unit towards them then blast them off the table.


G :lol:

hate to point this out thade, but in most units, if your popping the power fist (or whatever the main cc guy in a unit is), then the 2++ will not help you in the slightest and is wasted points, bit off topic but seems like a wasted vidi shot to me, if your already investing in a warding stave, why spend vidi shots protecting the libby from something you already spend lots protecting him from.
I've got to agree with confused_gordy. Imo that warding stave is a waste of points. In most of my games the opponent hasn't had anything that wanted to charge the squad my librarian was with and even if they do have an assault threat, then keep the librarian back and move him in a way that you avoid base to base contact or atleast fists.
The warding stave is backup. No one can guarantee that they'll always be able to kill the enemy power fist every time.


G :(

Not to mention that the 2++ save while in combat has been FAQ'd to work against Perils of the Warp while he's in combat. A waste? Are you kidding?! 2++ is waaaay better than 5++, especially when you have to roll it successfully twice against a Perils. That Librarian can cast ad-infinidium while in that assault tarpit, buffing every unit in range while he casually kills a few models each turn.


I will be taking a Warding Stave on my beast of a Librarian, thank you. <3

Tarpitted libby? IMO, doesnt that = lose?


Wouldn't you rather your libby be cruising around in a Chimera (for obvious reasons re spell range AND protection), buffing up friendly units while zipping around the battefield?


That's how i envision the Libby's role to be..

Tarpitted libby? IMO, doesnt that = lose?


Wouldn't you rather your libby be cruising around in a Chimera (for obvious reasons re spell range AND protection), buffing up friendly units while zipping around the battefield?


That's how i envision the Libby's role to be..

Not the way I play. Actually, my space marine Librarian in the last six or so games I've played has ended up all by himself mid table, holding the majority of my opponent's forces at bay. It's a little exciting (2+/3++ can only go so far) it's hardly a loss. Granted, I never plan on him being alone...but his entourage isn't quite as durable as he is.


With the GK Librarian locked in a medium to small CC at 2+/2++ (I wouldn't put him in all alone against an Ork mob, but against a marine assault squad, a five man Vanguard or Sanguinary Guard, he'd probably do okay) he can still use his ranged buffs on other units while he's "busy" keeping that unit busy (and my other units are tearing up other stuff). Again, I recommend a Vindicare to pick off that power fist (for the inevitable 1 you roll). With a 2++ (which he only gets in CC) he's far safer than he'd be flying around with a 3+ cover save, taking who knows how much anti-tank fire waiting to crash and burn. Just me though. :) There is merit to your plan as well.

I use summoning in one of my henchmen lists with coteaz he is prilliant for gettin units back tio him (I use a mystic also) or when i put him the land raider and summon 5 jakero to put down 5 heavy flamers on a unit = dead and the land raider to protect them by obscuring line of site. It is a very usefull power if you run henchmen not so much knights.


In saying that I use it in my draigo wing when I outflank 10 paladins and they come on the worng side the Lib summons them back into the middle of the board saving 700pts worth of a unit being useless for an entire game. people need to start thinking a little outside of the box for uses of powers and units in the GK codex, there are some great synergies.





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