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DragonFire '11


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Hey guys, just as a quick heads up...


My buddy Level (on the board) and I are defending our title for the Cape Town, Dragonfire Doubles- which we've held for the last 2 years.

Its a dual FOC 1500 each (ie: 3k a side) tourney. Huge amount of fun.



Anyway, Level and I rocked Wolves/BA for 2 years in a row. He's a bit off the wolves at the moment and as a result agreed ( with a bit of coercing :) ) to try double Blood Angels.


(for info sake, none of the lists have any interaction- even if theyre the same dex- so no using transports/fnp etc.)


We're rocking the following two lists:



Priest - PW, JP

Furioso - Talons, Extra Armour

10 RAS - 2MG, 1IP, PF

5 Sang Guard- IP, Banner

3 Attack Bikes- 1HB, 2MM

2 Attack Bikes -2MM

2 Attack Bikes -2MM

Storm Raven - Extra Armour, TLMM, TLLC





5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLPG, LC

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLPG, LC

5 RAS - Flmr, PW

Razor - TLLC

8 DC - Hammer, PF

Rhino - Dozer

DC Dread

Storm Raven - Extra Armour, TLMM, TLPC




We played two games so far, two more tomorrow.


First was vs. Ultramarines and Dark Eldar, second was vs. double Templar.


Both good games. Will try batrep it later!


Thoughts/comments/general natterings welcome!

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Seems like it would be a little bit of a challenge to hold objectives.


The missions we've played so far are Annihilation and Secure and Control (5 objectives).


Today we'll play Capture Control (2) and then board quarter capture.


In the 5objective game we won 3 objectives to 1 with one contested. The theory is that the razors actually form quite a low priority of the enemies shooting list. You target them, then the other nastyness is getting there.


The sang guard scoring and the 10man RAS squad with Dante means you have very very aggressive scoring units, allowing you to take mid to deep field objectives while your razors allow back to mid field objective claiming.

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Interesting, and it definitely seems like a sound strategy. If I had to look for a weakness I'd say infiltrating hard combat units like genestealers. It looks like the Dreadnaught and Mephiston would make perfect backup for the razors too, especially if there are large infiltrating units and/or hordes moving for your back objectives, otherwise you might have trouble dealing with large numbers of infantry units should the part of your army going for forward objectives becomes overextended.
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We pulled the hat trick :D


Three-time Dragonfire wiiiiiners B)



So, in the 3rd game we came up against a killer Ork/SW combo fielded by 2 previous tourney /double winners.


They were rocking:


2x Bigmeks with KFF and twin linked shootas

13x Lootas

2x19 Shoota Boys with Klaw Nob

1x20 Shoota Boys with Klaw Nob

3x Battlewagons - defrolla, paint

2x Koptas - rokkits, buzsaws

2x Koptas - rokkits, buzsaws


1x Rune Priest- LL/Strm Caller

1x Rune Priest- LL/Jaws

10x Grey Hunters - 2 Plasma, fist, banner, wulfen


10x Grey Hunters - 2 Melta, fist, banner, wulfen


9x Grey Hunters - 1 Melta, fist, banner, wulfen


9x Grey Hunters - 1 Plasma, fist, banner, wulfen


6 Fangs- 5 ML

6 Fangs- 5 ML




Set up was dawn of war and capture control.


We got second turn unfortunately.

This game was sooooo tight and really hard fought. We battled around a huge, semi central piece of terrain, with our objective having being placed as far up into our deployment zone as possible (in retrospect a mistake! The army we faced was too hardy to play against it that way).

In our first turn, we boosted the ravens on, and took some twin linked multi-melta shots at what we could see, we managed to only stun a rhino a wagon if memory serves.


Just as a side note, the rolling of this team was un-frickin-believable.

Like, insane.

The orky guy was consitantly doing 50% wounds of the number of shots he had !! Never mind number of hits..number of shots. (ie: if he had 30 shots, he would be wounding with 15 - not the "statistical" 5 )

Same went for his wolfy partner, who just blew up both ravens with relative impunity in their second turn. Long fangs shoot- pen- boom. Long fangs two, shoot raven two- pen - boom.


Not good.


Thankfully we still got a bit of dready action in and cleared out a big mob with a DC dread after we popped open their one wagon. However, their luck prevailed again, when their wulfen got 8 attacks and wrecked our DC dread :huh: grrr.


Dante and Mephy held an entire flank by themselves. They managed to help take out 20 boys and 20 Hunters on the one flank- after being fired on and multicharged.

Dante then hit and ran, and recharged clearing things up.

It was a huge slug fest in the central areas and in the final turn, he lagered his rhinos around the objective, with one squad claiming. We needed a 6th turn. As we only managed to wreck 2 of the rhinos from shooting/combat, but could not get close enough to the objective to contest.


It ended in a draw when we didnt get a 6th.


It ALMOST ended in a loss when a sang guard charge with 20 PW furious charge attacks got 16 hits and only 5 wounds on a contesting Hunter squad. Luckily the guys were killed were removed out of contesting range.


Tight, tight fought draw.

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Final game was vs. the current undefeated team of Chaos and Marines (chaos player being an ex Veterans winner, Marines coming second in the last regionals).


They were rocking:



Lash Prince

5 Plague Marines- 2 Melta

6 Plague Marines- 2 Plasma, Plasma Pistol, PF


3 Oblits

3 Oblits

Land Raider


Libby - Gate/Nullzone, Termy Armour, Storm Shield

5 Terms- TH/SS

3x5 Marines

3x Razorbacks - TLLC (1xHKM)

3x Preds - Auto/HB

2x Riflemen Dreads

2x Speeders - Flamer/MM



Game was board quarter capture. (Troops claim board quarters like objectives- only troops can contest) and pitched battle.



This game was insane. So, so, so intense.


They won first, so we went into reserve, with only mephy and some bikers on the field.

We got quite a poor roll for reserve (not statistically- but tactically) with only 2 razors, the DC and dante coming on. We had to pick a flank to base the battle in, and it would have to be the weaker of the two - ie: where abaddon was not!


We pushed hard right, while we sent a lone razorback with corbs to help out mephy. We dragged out mephy into the open to try draw firepower. We also put out bikers into line of fire to take some much needed shots at the oblits sitting perched in a great firing spot.

This gamble paid off and we killed 2 of the three oblits. (a necessity with lash prince flying about).


The game then swayed towards the right, the guys still keeping their distance at the halfway mark, knowing the ravens would be coming on, possibly in the next turn.


Sadly, i stuffed up big in my subsequent turn, we moved dante and the boys to engage some plague marines up in the top left corner. I multicharged their rhino and them, so I could try take out mobility too. Then ..sooooo dumb. I was so keen to use hit and run again - especially to avoid the oncoming termies - however, my keenness to use it, overrid my logic in the matter, not thinking about the fact that A: the termies were so frickin far away, they wouldnt have gotten a charge, and B: now the lash prince would nuke us.

I passed the hit and run and rolled the 3d6 and as soon as the dice hit the table i was like "NOOOOO". And my partner didnt understand what I had done- spent the next few minutes apologising for a move that could essentially cost us the game.


More to come when i have time....

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Where you not tempted to run Asteroth so you could both get his bonus. It should be leagal as he effects all bloods friend and foe. Not that you needed his help I'm just wondering what your thoughts where on why not to use him. I'm not saying he's a must have, just that I'd have been mighty tempted to put in at these points levles for that extra all round buff.



Congratualtions on the win that Chaos list doesn't look like an easy to face.

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we were VERY tempted to use him and it was a toss up between him and Dante.

However, we both agreed on a few things.


Firstly, the Sang Guard, when used properly are really, really good. In smaller battles, theyre very dear and can be taken out quite quickly with AP2. However, in bigger battles, there are often more immediate threats, allowing them to come in from reserve and act as a counter. Having this elite, hard hitting unit as a scoring troop (fearless and 2+ save) was a big boon for us.


Further to that, the ability to precision strike anywhere on the board just sold it for us. (We'd do this with the 10man RAS squad and priest). Then you have the curse ability- which helps SO much.

And on top of that you get hit and run which allowed us to draw the game vs. the Orks/SW.

So, the 1-3 rage would have been super good on some level, but I think we made the right choice overall.


On a side note, our Furioso held up Abaddon for his entire game (about 5 rounds of combat!) and eventually killed him. Thanks to the -1 attack and more importantly the -1WS, Abby was hitting the fury on 4's not 3s. Not to mention needing 5s just to glance! And we only needed to take 3 wounds off him, instead of 4 :D

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spent the next few minutes apologising for a move that could essentially cost us the game.


More to come when i have time....


Come on Morticon, you can't leave us on such a cliff hanger.


I can just picture you rolling the dice and shouting "Noooooo..." as the screen fades out to a "to be continued..."

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Okay, so where were we...


The bikes that were in the open, got shot to hell, and the lone biker that survived fell back. This was just before Dante ran off to engage the plagues...

In the same 3rd turn we got both ravens, and managed to immob Abbies raider! Big score! We also managed to take out the last of the remaining initial squad of 3 oblits. And mephy starts moving from the left side of the board to the right as fast as he can.


So, as mentioned, I had moooore than enough to kill 6 lowly plaguies, but I chose not to...because my brain stopped working.



SO, we do our 3d6 back, and move along the far right board edge avoiding the termies now on the terrain to our right, but I know they're coming.

In our opponents turn they lash dante and the boys into a nice flamer shaped position, and nuke em with two speeders and whatever else they had.

They also wound up blowing up one Raven, and shake another.

Abby and the plagues that jumped out of the raider to engage the raven that busted up their ride fail a DT check to charge my furioso! So, he survives.

Their terms then charge. :P

They kill Dante (2 of 3 Saves passed ><; soooo close!) and the last remaining biker, and most of the remaining squad- i do nothing in return. Luckily, the squad breaks and the 3 remaining troopers fall back.


In our next turn, the furioso moves to engage the plagues, mephy continues along the right and up towards the action, hopign to start flipping over some tanks.


However, the stress/pressure and general fatigue leads me to yet another stuff up.

I see the fallnig back jumpers near the raven and think - wow..awesome, move em up and jump in- makes it a fast moving scoring vehicle to contest board quarters later, meaning they will HAVE to take out the raven...

The crappy thing is my friend and I had both overlooked that we cant use each other's transports, and that raven belonged to the other list (non-jumper list). In the subsequent turn we realised we had kinda cheated our opponents, brought it to their attention and suggested we just remove the models from play to try make up for the stuff up ><; bleh.


Anyway, back to the previous turns action...Abby, now hitting the furioso on 4s, not 3s and still needing 5s to beat on him didnt do any real damage before the dready got to eat at the plagues. He chomped through them and then started work on Abby. They stayed locked in combat for 5 turns of combat- the dready eventually winning!!!


Mephy and the DC dread where now in the lines of the tanks of the opponent and were starting to flip em over, one by one. The sang guard were prancing about looking for a chance to actually do something. We knew we'd be fighting a losing battle vs. the terms (statistically only 3 dead hammernators dead on the charge by the Sang Guard, so we took to avoiding them rather.

The enemy then advanced with the last remaining bloody plague marines he had (that Dante allowed to escape) into my quarter-contesting it.


4th turn came and went and at the end, they had 2 quarters claimed and we had one- and one contested. ie: a loss.


In the final turn, we rushed a razor out of the razor, and ran with them - luckily we got a 4 and it pushed the squad over the line to contest the quarter in the top left.

Corbs and his squad held the bottom left, antoher RAS squad held the bottom right and the Sang guard were central waiting to try pull a contest somewhere.


Now, usually its customary for us in Cape Town to get a spectator or other impartial person to roll the the dice for us, but I wanted the "blame" for the loss on my shoulders..so i asked to roll the dice. I did, and thankfully it continued. Now at least we had a small chance.


In their 6th turn they moved the remaining oblit on the left to engage the poor 5man squad contesting the top right. They moved everything else they had that could shoot (not a lot since mephy was now going to town), and the DC had rammed into their lines and taken on and beaten the weakened Lash prince.


What could unload opened up on the Sang Guard - they took heavy fire but in the end, 1 model still stood.

On the right hand side, the 5man squad took casualties from the rifleman dread, the oblit the pred, the laserback and the raider - Thanks to going to ground, i was able to save at least 1 guy in the squad. He passed his break check too.


In our 6th turn, we positioned to take out what we could. Continued mopping up the troops, and the tanks in range. The sang guard moved in to the top right quadrant to contest it, the guy that went to ground stayed still and the other guys stayed in position.


Since I had rolled the last turn, I offered my opponents the roll to end the game.


It would come down to one dice roll. 4+ they would win (as they would be able (statistically) to kill one model, and 1-3 we would win since we were contesting 3 quarters now and claiming one.


The enemy insisted that since i was so keen to have the fate of the game in my hands, that I roll it.

I obliged, picked up a red BnC die (they roll crap for me!! :HQ: ) ...rolled..




Game ended in 6th!



We won with 2 models in each quadrant. Whew.

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we were VERY tempted to use him and it was a toss up between him and Dante.

However, we both agreed on a few things.


Firstly, the Sang Guard, when used properly are really, really good. In smaller battles, theyre very dear and can be taken out quite quickly with AP2. However, in bigger battles, there are often more immediate threats, allowing them to come in from reserve and act as a counter. Having this elite, hard hitting unit as a scoring troop (fearless and 2+ save) was a big boon for us.


Further to that, the ability to precision strike anywhere on the board just sold it for us. (We'd do this with the 10man RAS squad and priest). Then you have the curse ability- which helps SO much.

And on top of that you get hit and run which allowed us to draw the game vs. the Orks/SW.

So, the 1-3 rage would have been super good on some level, but I think we made the right choice overall.


On a side note, our Furioso held up Abaddon for his entire game (about 5 rounds of combat!) and eventually killed him. Thanks to the -1 attack and more importantly the -1WS, Abby was hitting the fury on 4's not 3s. Not to mention needing 5s just to glance! And we only needed to take 3 wounds off him, instead of 4 :HQ:


I understand, It's a tough call with them being so similar yet very different all at the same time. I tend to favour Dante my self, but I'm not sure if that more to do with fond memories than game ability. That was one lucky Furioso! You know you now have to make a sacrifice to the dice gods.

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That was one lucky Furioso! You know you now have to make a sacrifice to the dice gods.


Hhahah!! I thought the Abby was lucky to have lasted as long as he did ;)

Abby averages a glance a turn.

DC averages 3 wounds every 2 turns.

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