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Cult of Orifus/Ecstatic brotherhood of Orifus. WIP notes.


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What follows are the notes I've made on this DIY chapter of mine. Work in progress obviously. A mess of ideas.

Warning: A little dark. I know this is a silly warning for 40k, but I at least felt a little disturbed by it back when writing the main chunk of it and dwelling on the concept. I don't know why. Hence also why I feel it would work for chaos marines.


"Ecstatic brotherhood of Orifus"

"Cult of Orifus"

"consumers/ingesters of souls"


Cannibal renegade chapter.

Slaaneshi worship.

scavengers of battlefield corpses--->possible rumoured pre renegade behaviour, documented current behaviour.

Consumption and violation of battlefield casualties, civilian populations.

Homeworld / recruitment world--->several noted mysterious disappearances of civilians.

Chapter HQ raided by inquisition.

Logic suggests a blood angel successor chapter.



Daemon prince (former chapter master or just unknown warp entity)?

Current name of chapter master?

Name of devoured and worshipped chapter master?


Rakshasa? Title or rank?



Cannibalistic rites/belief system? Likely related to the Omophagea organ, as is usually the case, organ function possibly leading to some sort of ancestor worship.

Parallels to christian symbolism of eating body/ drinking blood of christ? (though likely in a more literal fashion)

Drinking of own blood?

Eating own flesh? (not sure how that would be practical, unless cloning or such is used or replacement with bionics)



History outline:

Blood angels successor chapter, original name [Edit: name taken] Home world:_________.


Gene seed causing usual agressive behaviour. Rumoured gruesome post battle rituals, somewhat common within a portion of astartes chapters.

-possibly already cannibalistic at this stage

- Rumoured scavenger behaviour. Notable disappearance of battlefield casualties in a few campaigns involving the chapter. No link to chapter proven.


Incidents grow to point of attracting Inquisitorial/Ordo Hereticus attention during ________ campaign.


Retrospective investigations indicate increasing disappearances of civilians on homeworld.


Intelligence leads up to Inquisitorial action to bombardment and raid of chapter monastery.

Chapter is believed to have ritualistically devoured it's own chapter master (Orifus) in grand feast at the arrival of inquisitorial forces, declares it's rejection of the imperium. Chapter declares itself "cult of Orifus", "ecstatic order of Orifus" and "ecstatic brotherhood of Orifus" in extended chant to the chaos god Slaanesh, recording transmitted on several frenquencies. Sacrifice believed to be ordered by chapter master himself, supposedly holding a belief of this leading to ascension/immortality, possibly related to Omophagea organ.


Fortress monastery destroyed, with major casualties to chapter. Human remains thought to be mass graves found under chapter monastery. Civilians deemed uncorrupted and are evacuated. Exterminatus performed on planet.


Chapter remnants thought to have perished or disbanded.


Chapter however thought sighted at handful of occasions [reports on____and____]. Confirmed sightings during the 13th black crusade at outskirts of conflict, conducting raids and scavenging battlefields. Appear to occasionally ally themselves with other warbands. Thought maybe to offer their services out of necessity.


Chapter said to speak of it's chapter master as if still alive. Significance or meaning of this unknown.




Right now this is a mess, but I've had it stored on file for a good while, so I thought I'd dump it here and see where it goes from there.



In case you were wondering: yes, Orifus is a spin on "orifice". [EDIT: also of Orpheus, forgot to mention]


The concept is simply of a chapter with cannibalistic tastes. Looking for inspiration, I admit "devil's rejects" gave me the raid idea. There may be a bit of "texas chainsaw massacre" in there too, I don't know. Mainly the idea is simply thoughts I've had about the blood angels and their successor's, but made more sinister and with added demented religious overtones.

More notes I came up with today.


The red thirst/black rage now displaying elements of Kuru disease? (occasional tremors/spasms and pathologic bursts of laughter)

(disease that can be transmitted through the act of cannibalism. Actual disease is fatal, but the condition displayed in these chaos marines is not)

Gene seed mutations?


Teeth modification practising? Filing teeth for sharpening? Maori or various african type scarification could be visually interesting?


Traditional "hollywood voodoo cannibalism", beliefs of inheriting strength or properties from consumed flesh. In this case actually tied to the Omophagea organ as well as the resulting religious beliefs.


Self cannibalisation ritual undertaken before bionic replacement when possible. Applied reincarnation metaphors (possibly vaguely Iron hand-like thoughts on flesh and machine)?


Possible recruitment from various planetary populations...likely more sponatenous as opposed to specified recruiting worlds. Recruitment is a rather perilous and horrifying scenario. Essentially a child/youth having to interact with a coven of craven cannibals. Individuals deemed unfit are devoured. Possibly by other recruits. Members accepted from other chaos marine warbands seems less likely. The cult is rather rigid and xenophobic due to gene seed, leading to unique deviant chapter practises.


"You are what you eat. You eat what you are."

As with any Slaaneshi warband, caution must be exercised as to how far you go in describing the 'nastiness' of whatever kind that they get up to; after all, this is generally a 'family' oriented forum.


Not a problem here yet though, and some interesting ideas too, keep going!



Side point: It's ecstatic, not extatic.

As with any Slaaneshi warband, caution must be exercised as to how far you go in describing the 'nastiness' of whatever kind that they get up to; after all, this is generally a 'family' oriented forum.


Not a problem here yet though, and some interesting ideas too, keep going!



Side point: It's ecstatic, not extatic.


Yeah, you're right. Ecstatic. I usually get that one right. Thanks for the correction.


As for the nastiness, this is exactly where i'll draw the line. I don't think it needs any more on that. ;)

The chapter has a reclusive, isolationist and xenophobic nature,

yet in contrast may adopt exotic tastes and influences if it fits their own hedonistic indulgences.


nexus noun (nexus or nexuses) 1 a connected series or group. 2 a bond or link.

ETYMOLOGY: 17c: Latin, from nectere, nexum to bind.


Tongue splitting ritual? (for some specific position in the chapter probably)


"Brethren of flesh"


abiit ad maiores

S/he has gone to the ancestors (i.e., died)


abiit ad plures

S/he has gone to the majority (i.e., died)


ad patres

To the fathers (i.e., dead)


corpora lente augescent cito extinguuntur

Bodies grow slowly and die quickly (Tacitus)


PS. Isn't it nice how most other people have an almost finished IA article that needs a little tweaking

while mine is more of a lunatic's diary. ;)

Some good ideas here. If you flesh it out and organise it then it could have the makings of a very good IA!

Im guessing youve read "Guide to DIYing" if you havn't its a good place to start :)


Thanks, mate.

I've skimmed through the guide now and then. Great thing to have.

Certainly something I'll need when I'll eventually try to whip this all into some kind of shape.


I was particularly happy I had none of the "don'ts" mentioned. :)

(though most of them are pretty obvious)

Just skimmed through, and I really like what I have read so far B) Great stuff!


If you flesh it out and organise it then it could have the makings of a very good IA!

I definitely agree with this :tu:



Just skimmed through, and I really like what I have read so far :) Great stuff!


If you flesh it out and organise it then it could have the makings of a very good IA!

I definitely agree with this ^_^





Glad you like it. ^_^

Sometimes less is more, especially when it comes to horror, (and this definitely has some good horror elements to it). What makes this interesting is you have kept back enough details to give the implication of violence and terrible actions but given just enough to imply some disturbing imagery.


Several great horror movies (Jaws, Texas chainsaw massacre, psycho) rely on the implication of violence but don't actually show it in too much detail. Compare that with the saw and hostel movies, which are terribly unsubtle with their violence, and you can see the difference between a classic and a passing fad.


If I could give any advice to you, it would be too keep the reader as distant from the point of view of the chapter as possible. Perhaps flesh it out in the form of a journal, kept by a member of the ordo hereticus which details their crimes. For instance


Date: 23.46.4264

More skeletons found under the chapter monastery, along with numerous dining implements, all made of what appears to be bone. Remanded for further testing. This is the 12th chamber in 5 days, and we have barely scratched the surface. The bodies appear to have been <redacted>. I don't know which disturbs me more, that there seems to be no end to these mass graves, or the fact that, despite thoroughly searching the entire structure, we continue to receive reports of clanging pots and the odor of cooking meat.


its just a suggestion, but I would hate for you to ruin what you have so far by going into too much dwtail. you really have something quite good here.

Sometimes less is more, especially when it comes to horror, (and this definitely has some good horror elements to it). What makes this interesting is you have kept back enough details to give the implication of violence and terrible actions but given just enough to imply some disturbing imagery.


Several great horror movies (Jaws, Texas chainsaw massacre, psycho) rely on the implication of violence but don't actually show it in too much detail. Compare that with the saw and hostel movies, which are terribly unsubtle with their violence, and you can see the difference between a classic and a passing fad.


If I could give any advice to you, it would be too keep the reader as distant from the point of view of the chapter as possible. Perhaps flesh it out in the form of a journal, kept by a member of the ordo hereticus which details their crimes. For instance


Date: 23.46.4264

More skeletons found under the chapter monastery, along with numerous dining implements, all made of what appears to be bone. Remanded for further testing. This is the 12th chamber in 5 days, and we have barely scratched the surface. The bodies appear to have been <redacted>. I don't know which disturbs me more, that there seems to be no end to these mass graves, or the fact that, despite thoroughly searching the entire structure, we continue to receive reports of clanging pots and the odor of cooking meat.


its just a suggestion, but I would hate for you to ruin what you have so far by going into too much dwtail. you really have something quite good here.


Glad that ye like. Thanks for the diary suggestion, that's actually a very good idea. A very texas chainsaw/nazi/Ed Gein sort of idea with stuff made from human remains. Something that came to mind at some point, but that's definitely the way to bring it in.


I agree entirely about horror and letting the viewer fill in the gaps. That's why I put in the phrase "Consumption and violation of battlefield casualties, civilian populations." I myself don't really know what the "violation" part refers to exactly, but it sounds vile and very "un-family friendly". :tu:


Really the reader should not have anything to relate to with these guys. My idea also with them is that even though they have the blood angel gene-seed and the effects of it, these guys probably made a choice to do this. I don't want it to be as sympathetic as a simple "genetic tendency" (even though that helped probably). I don't think I'll give any clear reason for their going bad either, partly to keep the mystery but honestly also because I can't think of anything good enough. Let the reader fill in that if they want.

(I am sort of slowly writing together some sort of index astartes out of all this as I try to figure out how it goes together)


"Flesh brethren": not sure about this one. Initially idea for naming the "death company". Probably another faction and separate project alltogether. Possibly very mutated and "realm of chaosy".


Cult of Orifus chapter icon ideas: A sun with the face of the chapter master's face? (pretty much like the blood angel death masks) or asian monster face (sort of a flat snaggletoothed face from the front, I seem to be thinking about a chinese tang dynasty lion or some such).


Sic gorgiamus allos subiectatos nunc (We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.) Might make a nice phrase. Supposedly Addams family motto?

  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder what kind of combat doctrine these guys would have?

They certainly aren't high in numbers anymore.


Only part I really haven't got anything on yet, aside from their vulturous opportunistic nature.

They definitely use larger conflicts as opportunity, often waiting for large forces to be drawn elsewhere.


"Sneaky" tactics I suppose. Ambush?


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