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What does it take to slay a Grey Knight?

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Personaly i always field them Per 8,Sacred Number Gizmo^^,also it cuts a bit on the pts prices, a 8 man Zerker squad is 213 with champ+PW.


And yes a LR or two,or a LR+ Vindicator.


A good way to have more then one Melta is by taking a Khorne's Teeth unit;a Havoc unit of 8 with IoK+4 meltas in a Rhino,make them stay close to your Zerkers units,when you can disembark them alongside the Zerkers in the turn you plan on assaulting.

Make them fire their Meltas and Boltpistols on the target,Charge with your Zerkers,Then with your Khorne's Teeths.


The Havocs by always having their BoltPistol+CCw and their Bolters,only exhcange the Bolters for the heavy or special weapons,so you stil gain the xtra attack for 2 CCw's, so with the Icon you get 4 attacks per guy!


2 x 8 guys with each 4 attacks!(minus the eventual PF of course...)59 regular attacks and 6 PF!!!(if you get a champ+pf with the Khorne's Teeths),i really would like to see any Paladin squad take that much attacks without given a few 1's...


You can also if you are limited in pts value,forget the IoK and just get a Champ + PF.


An interessting stuff would be;




2x3 Termies with assigned LR


4 Zerkers Squads in Rhinos


1 Vindicator or Defiler


2 Khorne's Teeths units,one in a Rhino,one on foot


At the start of the game you leave your termies in reserve,deploy Khârn and his retenue next a LR and the footslogging Khorne's Teeths next the second LR,when starting the game,make them embark in the LR's and go for it!!!


Always make sure that the two LR always go for the Deathstar unit of the GK,move flat out with the LR's,disembark when you see that you will be in assault range,make some shooting with the meltas of the Khorne's Teeths and send Khârn and his boys+ the Khorne's Teeths in,watch the fun...


The second Khorne's Teeth unit should stick to your other Zerkers,or go say hello to a Dreadknight...


Also if you can afford the points,put a pintle mounted Combi melta on your Rhinos,if they make it to the middle of the game,where you can get in range of the GK's vehicles,use them!!


Also don't split too much your army,you won't have that many minis at your disposale anyway,so make some kind of Grinder of Death formation and stay packed,GK's don't have many template weapons anyway,use the Refused Flank tactic while deploying migth help.

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Wow. Now I'm sort of wishing I hadn't assembled most of my miniatures lol I find that there are so many things I know now that knowing back then would have been a world of help when making my battleforces.


We normally pack 1500 point games, so I think for the moment I may invest the price of ordering a Lord Zhufor to proxy as my Abbadon and invest in some Termie Conversion bits once I grab those Land Raiders. My current Termies are looking kind of dated. I'll play around with some of these strategies next time I play. Normally play 3-4 times a week. Im thinking a solid force would be Zerkers and Khârn packed into two Landraiders, suit em with an Aspiring and Power Fist, (if he lives then he'll be going last as it is).


Tell me more, what is Khorne's Teeth? Thats a Havoc set up right?

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Lord Zhufor to proxy as my Abbadon

That's what I do and everyone tells me it looks good and fits well. I do very well with Abaddon, and though I don't always use him, I enjoy how much he can wreck.


Tell me more, what is Khorne's Teeth? Thats a Havoc set up right?

Yes, ideally with Autocannons, although Heavy Bolters are okay too (but not as good).

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I bought my Havoc's seperately unfortunately, was buying up the metal in the store while it was still there. So much to invest in lol As much as I lose, GW will always win in the end hah... Been doing alot of Proxying lately trying to figure out what would would good, he's been pretty cool with letting me do a crap ton of counts as.


Btw, Love the sig Brother Grius.

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Oh and Slayer, after rereading your suggestion, I have to say, they do have ALOT of template weapons suprisingly... Vortex of Doom from the Librarian, S10 AP 1 Large Blast. Warp Vortex (I think) Template, causes an Initiative test on a 4+, Twin Linked Plasma Cannons on the Storm Raven, Sanctifying Flames, Cleansing Flames, and of course that weird 12 Inch Heavy Flamer S6 AP4 (I think...) on the Dreadknight, Heavy Psycannon Large Blast S7 Rending on a 6, AP4. I know he's invested in atleast half of that stuff... I usually try to back myself away from things like that, but I can see having armor would save me from anything but the best rolls with Plasma, or the Warp Vortex. That damnable Might of Titan also adds a Penetration dice...


(I hope im not violating something by posting weapon stats, I have seen some people get pounced for doing so, so I apologize if this violates something.)

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Also, this thread clears it up for us.




Not a Nemesis Force Sword, just a special Force Weapon with nemesis abilities (ie daemonsbane). Kind of funny actually.


The boys down in the Inquisition don't tell us these things for a reason :D


The emphasis on key words is different in the link than what I was responding to, and it makes more sense in the thread linked. So a Force weapon is different than a Nemesis Force Sword. I'll buy that without complaint.

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I guess the fluff explanation behind it is that Nemesis Force Swords have some kind of Shield Generator in the hilt. When Draigo made his, he beasted some huge daemon, stole the axe and melted it in a volcano and forged it with his mind. And he... didnt exactly have a shield generator on hand at the time so... lol being trapped in the warp and all, didnt exactly have a way to get one in lol
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Grey Knights are tough nuts to crack. I've had good luck playing my chaos as I would my tau (reserving my troops, heavy support with las cannons out front). I roll with 2 havock squads with 4 lascannons, and 1 3 man obliterator squad if I know I'm going to play Grey Knights, and build my army from there.


I can see 2x vindicators with sufficient meat shields infront of them also being useful. Get within 24in and drop pie-plates of GK killing, Feel no Pain removing woe.


Or, after reading their fluff, you could make your own Paladin Grey Knight army-they are servants of the blood god too, and is reasonably cheap to get started. I'd do something really cheeky like put abaddon's head on Driago's body, and sculpt Khorne Marks on their armor too. If there wasn't so many games coming out this fall that I wanted...I'd so do that.

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So a Force weapon is different than a Nemesis Force Sword. I'll buy that without complaint.

Yep. Pretty sure (if memory serves) that thread you linked says as much, but for the value of a recap: all Nemesis Force Weapons are Force Weapons...but not all Force Weapons are Nemesis Force Weapons. <_<

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Or, after reading their fluff, you could make your own Paladin Grey Knight army-they are servants of the blood god too, and is reasonably cheap to get started. I'd do something really cheeky like put abaddon's head on Driago's body, and sculpt Khorne Marks on their armor too. If there wasn't so many games coming out this fall that I wanted...I'd so do that.


Funny story about that hehe... I got the idea from a Dreadknight Soulgrinder conversion. The guy geared it up with Khorne Markings and had a Bloodletter Pilot it. Im thinking something like this. Psykers are constantly under threat of attracting Daemons right? I think it may be necessary to build a "Tax Collector" army for those pesky Psykers who use up too much Warp Energy. After all the original Daemonhunters army was very anti psyker. Why not return to those roots? The most powerful psykers will attract the most deadly daemons and forces of chaos specifically engineered to slay those with immense psychic power. Just a sick little idea I had floating in the back of my brain. The fluff constantly rants about how no grey knight could ever ever ever ever everrrr evarrrr be corrupted. So it made me think a little bit. I was thinking of doing some nice Conversions with the Forgeworld Termie Conversion sets and the GW Chaos Termies, take some Grey Knight weapon Sprues, do some cutting and you have yourself a Hellblade Halberd! ;)


Not to mention Khorne HATES Psykers. Im sure we could use some kind of crap excuse that in order to rid the world of his hated cowardly foe, they needed to call upon some extra warp power theyre allegedly collecting to give them an edge. Hehehe, Berzerker Purifiers with Flaming Force Axes. A Monstrous Dreadknight, use the Harvester gun for the Psilencer, carve up that Nemesis Greatsword (Idk what the rules say! Mine is gonna Duel Wield all night long!) Im sure there are plenty of spiky chaos bits to make the outer armor look very corrupted and evilish.


Anyways, this is just a bit of a far fetched Idea I had floating amuk one day. Khorne knows itll cost me more than a fortune to make before it'll start repaying in blood...

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From experiance fighting against a CSM player with my drago wing I found that obliterators and spammed melta were my bane... the plasma cannon shots from 9x oblits tend to really do a number on my squads.... and with a large paladin squad its hard to miss, not to mention the lascannon or melta shots (which ID paladins) the oblitz can fire...
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im thinking chaoszilla would do well against GK

lots of dreads and defilers, with a couple of DPs

Dps with MoS to hit at I6, make sure they can hurt stuff before getting power weaponed, or MoT for extra inv save.

i like the spawn power (cant remember the name) that allows you to pick a target and turn him into a chaos spawn, no inv saves allowed.. goodbye draigo :jaw:

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