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IA-Abyssal Hunters

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Battle-Brother Domwyn Grack
A example of the average battle-brother of the Abyssal Hunters. Note the lack of identification, most likely common practive in infiltration missions. Strangely, the upper right armour plate seems to be from another source different from the rest of the armour. Identification incomi......Last notes of Inquisitor Paxin
History: The Abyssal Hunters had a long battle-list of honours after the first two millenium of their existence, mostly combatting Orkoid threats on the galactic rim. Although barely remebered, this could be attributed to the pro-active nature of the Chapter, often attacking at the slightest oppurtunity to destabilise incipient xenos incursions. These attacks increasingly took them farther from Imperial space, and support. Shortly before the third Black Crusade, the Chapter officialy sought to crusade along the Eastern rim, hopefully opening up a swathe of worlds which had just been unlocked due to dissipitating warp storms. The request was granted, and the Chapter soon disappeared into the outer darkness. Instead of a new swathe of worlds opening up, the warp storms returned stronger than ever, cutting off the Chapter from the Imperium.
The dark deeds the Chapter committed to survive are forever locked in the halls of the Librarius, but the official date for their settling of the Kharon system is in M35.761, by which time there were only five companies remaining. The Chapter settled in the system, purging it of the foul greenskins that had called it home. As the warp storms relented, they found that they were far from the blessed light of the Astronomican, both far out and below Imperial space. They needed reinforcement, ammunition, fresh armour and supplies. They had faced dangers unknown to the Imperium, bled and died, and now when their path was clear back home, none of their brother Chapters even noticed. This at first caused consternation among the brothers of the Chapter.This soon soured into anger as the remnants of the Chapter, from battle-brother to Captain, patrolled empty hallways and trained with broken blades. Then, the Inquisition arrived. It is recorded that they were uncaring of the noble sacrifices of the Chapter, merely demanding that they submit themselves to thorough investigation and the surrender of all arms. This tipped the balance for the Chapter, and they quickly killed the delegation, launching an all or nothing attack at their ships and taking the fleet, mostly made of poorly trained Imperial Navy, captive. So they began their path in shadows, still doing their duty, but now forced to flee into the cold expanse of space they came from, and with the remants of their Chapter reinforced by mortal and Astartes both, they fight still, purging the outer reaches of the Imperium of xenos and heretic alike, hunted by those they would call brother, until they flee back to their bases and outposts. One day they will be redeemed, and can stand in the light of day free from condemnation and hatred. Until then, they hunt the Emperor's enemies, protecting the people of the Imperium from the unknown hordes that travel in the cold void.
The Adeptus Mechanicus still has unofficial relations with the Abyssal Hunters, as the Chapter views them as a vital contribution to the Imperium, guarding their machines and occasionally crusading for lost knowledge in the benefit of humanity. This, plus the need for continued training of Techmarines, has often led to the Chapter fighting to recover the archeotech lost on the lost worlds along the Eastern Rim. Unsurprisingly, the Mechanicus is happy to support a Chapter indebted to them and in a position to recover archeotech scattered in the dangerous reaches of the void. The Chapter proffesses to trust them, but as the Inquisition has proved, trust freely given is trust misplaced, and the day when they shall be denied that crucial trust is one that has to be readied and planned for.

Christen Lycht- Hunter Rex.Breaker of Souls, Breaker of Champions.
Christen Lycht is the current leader of the Chapter, a man of mercurial nature and some would say, a tortured mind. As with most of the 1st Company, he has adapted his fighting style and personal combat doctrine to make full use of his implants. He has led the Chapter for only 200 years, and his to say his reign has been eventfull would be a understatement. He has taken down scores of warlords and champions alike, each time partaking of their flesh and blood to gain vital knowledge of the enemies tactics and beliefs. Through such sins, he has taught the Hunters how to strike chaos and disruption in even the most jaded of traitors,xenos and heretic. He has led the drive to recruit both the Auxillaries in faster and larger numbers, even granting the mortals a seat on the Chapter Council. It is not known why he appreciates them so much, but many whisper of the shadows in his eyes, and the increasing visits to both the Reclusiam and the Fleshwyrds

The system of Charon is a key link to a sparse group of systems that the Hunters uncovered during their travels. It contains only one habitable planet, the deathworld of Acherus, which is home to the main recruiting grounds of the Chapter. The people of Acherus are mostly tribal, though a few small cities have recently cropped up alongside the Chapters recruitment center. The high numbers of orkoid species, as well as the other predators on the planet keep the populace sufficiently warlike for the Chapters standards, as well as sufficiently small to prevent dissent against the abduction of their bravest and best. The tribal origins of the recruits have affected the Chapter, with the unoffiicial worship of the Emperor as a totemic symbol becoming widespread amongst newer recruits, as well as the taking of trophies, although the latter is positively encouraged by the Chaplaincy, due to the scavenging that the Chapter is often forced to by their lack of supplies.
The Chapters base of operations is the ship Grimdock, a pre-heresy star fortress recovered from the mad delusions of a petty intrasystem tyrant. Since then, it has been carefully built upon, the Chapter using the shattered remnants of those ships that can be recovered after void battles to slowly turn it into a mobile fortress worthy to launch a crusade from. Although it is nearing a state of completion, it has been heavily built upon and modified by the Chapter, containing everything from manufacturing districts and forge vaults, to massive gunbanks and hangars full of both Astartes and Imperial craft, recovered from the many old battlefields they come by and create.

Combat Doctrine

The Chapter, with its limited number of Astartes, has adapted their tactics to fit, with mortal troops filling their ranks, under the careful tutelage of the oldest veterans, who are the least likely to be inflicted with hubris over the mortals under their care. These mortal troops are often trained, for a short while, in the same manner as Astartes scouts, and light subconscious instruction is used to reinforce their loyalty to the Chapter and the Astartes. The mental effects of this are telling, with many of the companies regressing into a more aggressive mindset, and burnout is common in those serving permanently for any more than five years. Humans, even those trained and supported by Astartes, aren't meant to fight Astartes wars. Those few veteran units are looked on in awe by their counterparts, and respect by the more diplomatic of the Chapter. These men have fought horros and hell alike, and came out the other side a bit more, or less than human.
The Chapter also keeps a small core of veteran infiltrators, who seek out the strongest prey, and destroy them from within, often preparing a system for a imminent crusade by worldwide havoc and destruction. These men truly live up to the name 'Hunters', and though they will only fight when the odds are stacked highly in thier favour, the rare times they have failed has always cost the enemy dearly.
The battle-brothers who fight in squads are encouraged to complete their objectives as quickly as possible, to the exclusion of all else. This helps keep the enemy on the back foot, and quickly weeds the weak from the strong. The front line fighting is left to the veterans and mortals, to bleed the enemy dry, while the younger battle-brothers are let loose to tear the enemies supplies and transport to ruins. The more experienced are usually trusted to hunt down the enemy leaders, taking their lives in tribute to the Emperor, and quickly unmanning the enemy of reason and order.


The Chaplaincy has devolved and, some would argue, regressed in their time outside Imperial culture. The widespread tribal culture affecting many of humanities offshoots has firmly taken root in the Chapter, and it is not uncommon to see marines carrying small trophies of the enemy around with them, even to the extent of looted weapons appearing amongst their ranks. This is in part due to the ignoble scavenging the Chapter was forced to commit during their earliest crusade, melding the hallowed armour of their battle-brothers with poor stop-gap options and unhallowed war plate as Imperial supplies slowly dwindled in the armoury. Ever since the declaration of Traitorus Extremis was levelled against them, a more controlled form of this has been monitored and controlled by the Chaplaincy, which take the heavy burden of patrolling the battlefield for armour, arms and supplies. When facing fellow Astartes, they are given the grim task of butchering the bodies for their Geneseed, and armour, to fuel the eventual rebuilding of the Chapter into the war machine the Emperor meant all Astartes to be. This need for self-suffiency and obsession with the Chapters survival drives the Chapter to commit heinous deeds, but they view it as a grim duty, to take on the horrors others shirk, and pay the price for their duty, extracted in blood.

P.S; this is not my final draft, i will be working on this for a while, hopefully improving it with your critique. Thank you very much, and i hope you enjoyed the reading.
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Ive been reading your IA over and over.heres the thing,you have fluff that would make the chief librarian jealous,but unfortunately it has some spelling erors(im such a hypocrit) and needs some formating.a guide to formating can be found in a tome i revere like the emperors birth certificate: The Octaguide written by octavulg..its a must see for any IA writer.

Another great invention from K.Corp.


Your lightning claw not good enough. Abbadon showing off his fancy five fingered claw. Well, never fear, the K.Corp have developed the Fine Tooth Lightning Claw, like a normal Claw, but better! With the simple application of serrated blades to the existing claws, joined underneath, the Fine Tooth Claw will have those heretics run from the dragging, tearing and grabbing frenzy that is the Fine Tooth Lightning Claw.


Payment is taken in Imperial Supplies, non-refundable. Anybody caught with a Fine Tooth Lightning Claw will not be recognised nor accepted by K.Corp, due to legal and financial reasons. Any enquiries will probably be answered by your local Inquisition.


Spelling done, i really should be better at this with all the reading i do. I'm gonna blame it on having a computer for the first time in 8 years.

Another great invention from K.Corp.


Your lightning claw not good enough. Abbadon showing off his fancy five fingered claw. Well, never fear, the K.Corp have developed the Fine Tooth Lightning Claw, like a normal Claw, but better! With the simple application of serrated blades to the existing claws, joined underneath, the Fine Tooth Claw will have those heretics run from the dragging, tearing and grabbing frenzy that is the Fine Tooth Lightning Claw.


Payment is taken in Imperial Supplies, non-refundable. Anybody caught with a Fine Tooth Lightning Claw will not be recognised nor accepted by K.Corp, due to legal and financial reasons. Any enquiries will probably be answered by your local Inquisition.


Spelling done, i really should be better at this with all the reading i do. I'm gonna blame it on having a computer for the first time in 8 years.

call now and u'l get a free fine point las canon!

A fine-point Lascannon....That brings me an idea for a sniper-devastator unit. Dedicated tank killers, they will lie in wait for days just to get the perfect ambush. Five shots, five kills then they move to another, pre-prepared dug-out that allows maximum fire on the rear. Once they get boxed in, they send in the youngbloods... ;)


I have just seen the Octaguide. OH MY GOD THAT IS BIG. ahem, back to sanity. I am going to have to start this tomorrow, my mind can't handle what resembles to me the codex astartes section on creating new chapters. As in the real section. They should hire this guy to write it, seriously, that is dedication. Is Octavulg a space marine?

No need to summon him. Plus, its hard to get a hold of any real incense in Stonebridge. Plenty of 'incense', but no incense sadly.


I will have to slowly absorb the wisdom of Guilliman, er, Octavulg himself. Starting tomorrow...yeah...i can do this. Really, i can.

A few size differences added for the Subtitles.


I have just read the Octaguide. AWESOME. Anyway, i am thinking of re-doing the inquisitor>Chapter section in my IA, have a few ideas bouncing around my head.

Also tempted to write a new IA, but not sure if i should after still getting through the draft of the first. Hmm, thoughts?

And if its not to much trouble, could somebody explain how to write and link stuff into my posts. Sigging, and links mostly. Forgive me, of i am young in the ways of B&C :woot:

That is going to take some time:


Have 6 brothers 1 sister, a dog. And two of those brothers are autistic. That leaves microseconds of free time.

Also have 4 a-levels upcoming when back at school, leaving next to no time then.

No job, and no EMA.


But still, by the Emperor, i shall prevail. The Abyssal Hunters shall not remain cloaked in darkness forever!


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