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Blood Angels Vindicator


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Am I reading the codex and the rule book wrong? Can the BA Vindicator really move 12 inches and still fire the demolisher cannon?

Yeah, it's pretty good. Makes us people who have blue vindicators jealous. We have to console ourselves with the fact that they are... at least... a little more expensive.



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Actually guys a fast vehicle moving at 12" can fire one main weapon and all defensive. However, the Vindicator doesn't get to do this because if you fire an ordnance weapon you can't fire anything else. Just thought I'd clarify that.
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Careful not to confuse the issue, gentlemen. <3 The OP is weighing in at 7 posts. :ph34r:


In short, a vehicle's allowed to roll at Combat Speed and fire one Ordnance weapon (e.g. a Demolisher cannon), per the BRB; Combat Speed is 6".


Fast vehicles can move an additional 6" and still count as moving at "Combat Speed"...so a Fast Vindicator can fire it's giant gun after a 12" move. And it is awesome. :HQ:


Any vehicle firing an Ordnance weapon can't fire anything else in the turn (including its defensive weapons). Leonaides's point is that if you purchase a Hunter-Killer missile for your Vindicator and choose to fire it after a 12" move instead, you can also fire the Vindicator's storm bolter: perfectly legal, as neither are ordnance.

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Am I reading the codex and the rule book wrong? Can the BA Vindicator really move 12 inches and still fire the demolisher cannon?

Yeah, it's pretty good. Makes us people who have blue vindicators jealous. We have to console ourselves with the fact that they are... at least... a little more expensive.





Dont worry you can always just call them "Ultrabloods" and play them using the BA rules like one of our local players. ^_^

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