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Blood Ravens Librarian

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Hey, this is my first time posting a figurine in here, so I hope you guys like it. I had a real time converting and painting this figurine, I think it's my best 40k painted figurine so far. As I haven't painted much 40k.





If you would like more picture requests then please do not hesitate to ask them, next Ill be painting a stern-guard vet squad to accompany him.

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Nice work! Smooth paintjob and the red contrasts nicely with the blue, although should the shoulderpad be a parchment colour? I like the faint green at the centre of the force blade too.

A little extra depth on the tabard might add to it too, maybe use devlan mud mixed with a dab of badab black?

Overall, well done brother. ;)


EDIT: I completely missed the fact that your model is a conversion kitbash, I gotta say a bravo on the wokr oyu did as I thought it was a GW model I hadn't discovered yet!



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Nice work! Smooth paintjob and the red contrasts nicely with the blue, although should the shoulderpad be a parchment colour? I like the faint green at the centre of the force blade too.

A little extra depth on the tabard might add to it too, maybe use devlan mud mixed with a dab of badab black?

Overall, well done brother. :D


EDIT: I completely missed the fact that your model is a conversion kitbash, I gotta say a bravo on the work you did as I thought it was a GW model I hadn't discovered yet!



Thank you so much for your comments, they really hearten me to continue this project with even more motivation. The shoulder guard... yes it should had probably been bleached and the tabbard red I used this armor as a reference for it:


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  • 2 months later...

And so you guys dont say that I aint doing nothing, here is the veteran sarge and more battle brothers that I did.

Veteran Sarge



Battle Brother Re-loading


Battle brutha with Bayonet bolter, cheeaaaaaargghh!




I have some more that are almost ready, Ill post them as soon as they are done and I get the camera and night light. B)

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Thank you so much for the compliments lads, it really means a lot to me. :D

Here is the picture of a missile launcher Marine, I am giving them greek like tabbards to represent the special weapons on the squads. Also because of the Blood Ravens Mediterranean nature.





Ill post an updated pic of the entire squad tomorrow which consist of a couple of more Marines, including a melta gun marine which is almost finished.


Validar: At the beggining I was going to convert him from the torso and leggs of a veteran Dark Angel plastic bitz, but I kinda forgot because I really liked the metal librarian that you see above. So I took off the head, placed a corvus helmet there and gave him a psychic hood. The cables are on his backpack so they are not exposed on his front if it comes to close combat fighting. I like to think it is a relic helmet hehe. Maybe someday Ill convert him with the other originally intended armor.


The recipee for the red is:

Dark Flesh, then add abit of blood red and so on, progresively. Sometimes you gotta put a line of blazing orange and then vomit brown for the lights. Ill post a tutorial later on. =)

Again thank you guys for the support.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Blog Aint dead.... yet

Here is a picture of the squad


Also does this guy look familiar?



And the coming reinforcements for the squad:


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