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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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NIGHT ONE: Inglorious Drunkards


Team Decoy

- Decoy (pack leader, Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD

- Brother Crazywolf (Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD

- Firenze (Iron Priest) H4 OUT COLD

- elithren (Grey Slayer) H4 OUT COLD

- Wolf Lord Metuhs (Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD


Team hendrik

- hendrik ironskull (pack leader, Wolf Guard)SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G5 OUT COLD

- hrothgar the bold (Chapter Master Ignis Domus, 2nd in command, Wolf Guard) SOLO BONUS: +1 Attack. I5 OUT COLD

- skadi, the she-wolf (Grey Hunter) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G4

- forte the unweilding (Blood Claw) G5 OUT COLD

- Wolf Lord Kieran, the Talon of Fenris (Grey Hunter) G4


Team Nrth

- Nrtrhstar (pack leader, Grey Hunter) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G5 STUNNED

- postal (2nd in command, Grey Hunter) G4 OUT COLD

- Arez (Grey Slayer) G5 OUT COLD

- Zynk Kaladin (Grey Hunter) G4 OUT COLD

- Torin (Blood Claw) G4 OUT COLD


Team Alex

- commander alexander (pack leader, Grey Slayer) G4 OUT COLD

- Rune_Priest_Rhapsody (Grey Hunter) G5 OUT COLD

- Vantius (Blood Claw) G5 OUT COLD

- Loki-LaughingDeath (Blood Claw) G4 OUT COLD

- Reyner (Grey Slayer) F5 OUT COLD


SOLO or Undecided


- Wysten (Wolf Scout) H4 OUT COLD



- Brother Ramses (Tyr Bloodmaw, Grey Slayer) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. H4 STUNNED

- Chef Wulfen (Long Fang) I1 STUNNED




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Tavern Master: The eight.....:


I am throwing crap at Kieran and charging into his square directing all attacks at him. - Brother Ramses


I'm going after Chef Wulfen, shooting at him then charging if my movement is possible from my previous position. The guy is a slippery one! and needs to get taken down fast. Hopefully Kieran was handle the other two while I'm away. I have full confidence in his prowess - MavGirl


sorry bout this but can i move to E1 then to B1 then flip table and double tap kieran. disregard my other pm thanks. - Chef Wulfen


I made a commitment to Brother Ram original to take out Hendrik's pack, and as much as I'd love to help out my fellow claws, I have to hold true. So I'm going to dive head first at what's left of team Hendrik! - Nrthstar




Chef Wulfen dashes off to a far position after successfully taking down the Iron Giant. Adrenaline still running through his veins, he maintains his veteran wolf composure and focuses his attacks on Kieran. As the Shield Maiden running silently behind him ready to pounce at the man. Chef unleashes his attacks at Kieran from his position, the Long Fang hits Kieran twice but wounds only with one. The Talon of Fenris makes his save!


Skadi hot behind Chef Wulfen's tail, shoots at the man as he is seen throwing mugs and barrels at Kieran. With a quick glance, Skadi looks at Kieran. He survives the shot, and feels a little releaved. She throws a chair at Chef to distract him, but fails to land any blows on the man. She rushes in with the charge.


Skadi MoTW roll (5). Chef fails his counter-attack (I rolled 6, 4). Chef takes five wounds from the Shield Maiden. Chef saves four and fails one wound. Chef makes his Ld test (I rolled 5, 3) and is now stunned! that was a close one for the Ld test!


Nrth MotW roll (2). Kieran MotW roll (5). Ramses and Nrth both strike first at Kieran. Tyr Bloodmaw unleashes two wounds on Kieran. Kieran saves. Nrth lands three wounds on Kieran. Kieran makes all his saves! Kieran strikes back at the two. Wounding with four. Both Nrth and Tyr are now stunned.



WOW okay... didn't expect everyone to be still standing LMAO!

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NIGHT ONE: Inglorious Drunkards

Team Decoy

- Decoy (pack leader, Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD

- Brother Crazywolf (Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD

- Firenze (Iron Priest) H4 OUT COLD

- elithren (Grey Slayer) H4 OUT COLD

- Wolf Lord Metuhs (Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD

Team hendrik

- hendrik ironskull (pack leader, Wolf Guard)SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G5 OUT COLD

- hrothgar the bold (Chapter Master Ignis Domus, 2nd in command, Wolf Guard) SOLO BONUS: +1 Attack. I5 OUT COLD

- skadi, the she-wolf (Grey Hunter) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G4

- forte the unweilding (Blood Claw) G5 OUT COLD

- Wolf Lord Kieran, the Talon of Fenris (Grey Hunter) G4

Team Nrth

- Nrtrhstar (pack leader, Grey Hunter) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G5 STUNNED

- postal (2nd in command, Grey Hunter) G4 OUT COLD

- Arez (Grey Slayer) G5 OUT COLD

- Zynk Kaladin (Grey Hunter) G4 OUT COLD

- Torin (Blood Claw) G4 OUT COLD

Team Alex

- commander alexander (pack leader, Grey Slayer) G4 OUT COLD

- Rune_Priest_Rhapsody (Grey Hunter) G5 OUT COLD

- Vantius (Blood Claw) G5 OUT COLD

- Loki-LaughingDeath (Blood Claw) G4 OUT COLD

- Reyner (Grey Slayer) F5 OUT COLD

SOLO or Undecided

- Wysten (Wolf Scout) H4 OUT COLD


- Brother Ramses (Tyr Bloodmaw, Grey Slayer) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. H4 STUNNED

- Chef Wulfen (Long Fang) I1 OUT COLD


Decryption sequence initiated…..


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Tavern Master: The nine.....:

For the next round, I'll unleash the wulfen fury on Kieran! - Nrthstar

is there anyway to disengage from Chef and assist Kieran? - MavGirl (reply: no! read the rules papa smurf, no special treatment from me. I'm surprised your still alive actually LMAO)

All attacks into Kieran. - Brother Ramses


Skadi MotW roll (3). The Sheild Maiden strikes first. Skadi hits the Long Fang with three and wounds with three. Chef makes two saves, but fails his one. The already stunned Chef Wulfen falls to the ground in defeat.

Kieran MotW roll (6). Nrth MotW roll (6). Nrth and Ramses strike first! Nrth lands five attacks, and wounds with three, while Tyr lands two and lands one wound on Kieran. The Talon of Fenris makes his saves! (Ramses:3, Nrth:6,5,5).


I held off on ROUND TEN as I would want everyone here to split their attacks equally. I didn't want to assume that Ramses and Nrth will swing at Kieran while Skadi rushed in the combat.

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all my attacks on Nrth! I'm sure Kieran will go face against Ramses. Nothing personal Nrth, we are pack-mates but this is for your decision to side with Ramses after Kieran asked to join forces offline with us LMAO


Aye Sister Skadi, you take Nrth down! I got him lined up for you, feel free to seal the deal!(and i already took him out in the side brawl i believe!)


I'll do my best to take on the ferocious Ramses...I just hope my incredible luck will continue to hold up!


For Russ!

For the Emperor!

For Team Hendrik!


W.L. Kieran

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It's true, hence my dilemma last night on deciding what to do, but you allied with old man Hendrik, so I took up sides earlier on with Brother Ram, and it would have felt too deceitful to go back on that!


I'll meet Skadi face to face! Statistically, maybe not the best idea, but I'm not the kind of person to overanalyze a brawl after all...

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NIGHT ONE: Inglorious Drunkards


Team Decoy

- Decoy (pack leader, Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD

- Brother Crazywolf (Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD

- Firenze (Iron Priest) H4 OUT COLD

- elithren (Grey Slayer) H4 OUT COLD

- Wolf Lord Metuhs (Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD


Team hendrik

- hendrik ironskull (pack leader, Wolf Guard)SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G5 OUT COLD

- hrothgar the bold (Chapter Master Ignis Domus, 2nd in command, Wolf Guard) SOLO BONUS: +1 Attack. I5 OUT COLD

- skadi, the she-wolf (Grey Hunter) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G4

- forte the unweilding (Blood Claw) G5 OUT COLD

- Wolf Lord Kieran, the Talon of Fenris (Grey Hunter) G4 OUT COLD


Team Nrth

- Nrtrhstar (pack leader, Grey Hunter) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G5 OUT COLD

- postal (2nd in command, Grey Hunter) G4 OUT COLD

- Arez (Grey Slayer) G5 OUT COLD

- Zynk Kaladin (Grey Hunter) G4 OUT COLD

- Torin (Blood Claw) G4 OUT COLD


Team Alex

- commander alexander (pack leader, Grey Slayer) G4 OUT COLD

- Rune_Priest_Rhapsody (Grey Hunter) G5 OUT COLD

- Vantius (Blood Claw) G5 OUT COLD

- Loki-LaughingDeath (Blood Claw) G4 OUT COLD

- Reyner (Grey Slayer) F5 OUT COLD


SOLO or Undecided


- Wysten (Wolf Scout) H4 OUT COLD



- Brother Ramses (Tyr Bloodmaw, Grey Slayer) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. H4 OUT COLD

- Chef Wulfen (Long Fang) I1 OUT COLD






Skadi unable to shoot into combat rushes in to aid Kieran. Facing off against the stunned Iron Chin. Skadi MotW roll (1). Nrth MotW roll (4). Kieran MotW roll (3). Skadi and Nrth strike first at each other. Nrth makes his counter-attack. Both fighters wound each other twice! Skadi roll (6,6). Nrth roll (5,1). An already stunned Nrth comes crashing down! Kieran and Ramses face-off. both land an equal amount of attacks, and Kieran lands two wounds on Tyr Bloodmaw. The Grey Slayer returns the favor with one wound on the Grey Hunter. Kieran fails his one save. I rolled a 1. Ramses rolls, I roll: 1, 6. Ramses comes crashing down. Kieran is now stunned.




Skadi and Kieran face-off for the title of Inglorious Brawler. Skadi MotW roll (1). Kieran MotW roll (3). Skadi strikes first. The Shield Maiden lands three blows on the Grey Hunter, and lands two wounds. Kieran rolls: 1, 5. An already stunned Kieran comes crashing down. A daughter of Fenris is crowned the first female Inglorious Brawler, and first champion of season two.



Well that was unexpected! nothing against the wife, but I was rooting for Ramses, Nrth or Kieran LMAO. I totally pictured Nrth or Ramses taking out the only opponent who strike first. Damn! props for MavGirl, and congratulations. Kieran, Ramses move into the league. Discussions for improvements can now begin! but not before a round of drinks go around the tavern.

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Inglorious Drunkards II was inspired by:




:: The Turn Sequence ::

1) Movement. A player moves similar to a rook and bishop in chess; moving any number of squares along rank, file, or diagonal

2) Shooting. (OPTIONAL, may go directly into combat if user wishes) Players can throw weapons available in each square tile in the map, weapons that consist from bottles, chairs, tables and the occasional Blood Claw. Shooting causes the player to be stunned and pinned.

3) Close Combat. Each user has the option to tag-team, or fight other users occupying a single tile in close combat. Once a player fails his save, he continues fight on with the following negative modifiers (-1 attack, -1 initiative) until he fails his leadership test.

Each member is responsible for giving out their instructions to their pack leader (alpha). Players have a total of 24hrs (12hrs North American side, 12hrs European/Asian side) to submit their instructions to keep the brawl running smoothly. Passed out or inactive members during the brawl are given a specified time to react (24hrs). If we hear nothing from the user, his character is then stripped, shaven, de-fanged, dressed as a Dark Angel marine and thrown out of the tavern, and is therefore referred to as an oath breaker! It's just that simple.

:: The Rules ::

1) Indicate your character's location and actions to a designated bartender/servitor. Post your instructions, it helps keep track of everyone on the trend and keeps everyone entertained at the same time. Lastly... PRAY to the dice gods!

2) Only five users may occupy one tile. Each character has the Independent special rule.

3) Users have an option to join a pack of up to a limit of 5 members. Your pack may team up with several other packs. The more the better! start a gang just in case other Astartes chapters decide to crash our party. Just remember, at the end of the night there can only be one man standing. Even if your team manages to be the victor of the night, the pack needs an alpha. Therefore to run your pack, you have to fight for the title.

4) Close combat weapons are temporary and are destroyed or left behind as your character moves onto the next tile. You can throw weapons, which counts as your shooting.

5) Once a user fails his armour save, a leadership roll is made to see if the drunkard can still stand and fight with negative modifiers (-1 WS, -1 A, -1 I) the drunkard breaks off from combat and restarts at a safe location. Once a user fails his final armour save, the character is rendered unconscious and is therefore subject to being used as a weapon by anyone in the tile or can be used as an ablative wound. ie. imagine a drunken Blood Claw being used by a long fang as a weapon

6) The last three drunkards remaining, become league members. If one of those players is already a League member, then it defaults to the next non-league member. League championship upgrades teams or characters to the following: Wolf Guard, Iron Priest, and Storm Claw.

7) The last man standing, wins the game and earns the title of Inglorious Brawler.

:: Pack Wide Rules ::

And They Shall Know No Fear

Acute Senses


:: THE MAP ::


:: Tavern Brawl Character Special Rules ::


(users choose one of the following troop choices)

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Blood Claw

1) Headstrong. As indicated at SW: Codex

2) Berserk Charge. As indicated at SW: Codex

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Grey Hunter

1) Mark of the Wulfen, no rending

2) Wolf Standard. May re-roll only one failed armour save

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Grey Slayer (use stats from EoT codex)

1) Wolf Pelt. +1 attack during counter attack.

2) Wolf Tooth Necklace. Close combat attacks hit on 3+

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Wolf Scout (Wolf Scouts are solitude warriors that are touched by Lokyar. Wolf Scouts may only join a team if there are two other Wolf Scouts attached in a team. Wolf Scouts working together and numbering three or more in a team, gains 3+ armour save for the remainder of the entire brawl.)

1) Brawlers who wish to strike at a Wolf Scout (shooting or close combat) must first roll Ld to see if he can attack the Wolf Scout

2) Disarm and Stun. During any combat, a Wolf Scout may attempt to disengage. The Wolf Scout rolls a D6: On a result of 4+, the Wolf Scout may redeploy anywhere on the battlefield after the combat round is resolved.

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Long Fang

1) Double Tap. Long Fangs gain the ability to shoot two attacks per tile

2) Fire Control. Allows other Long Fangs who are sharing a tile, gains an added shooting attack to their Double Tap special rule.

ex. 3 Long Fangs sharing a tile, have a total of 9 shooting attacks

:: League Brawl Character Special Rules ::


(League Members ONLY. Inglorious Brawlers may upgrade their characters to the following)

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Wolf Guard

1) TDA. 2+ armour save

2) Runic Charm. May re-roll one failed armour save.

3) Wolf Tooth Necklace. Close combat attacks hit on 3+

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Iron Priest

1) Runic Armour. 2+ armour save

2) Bionics. May choose to forfeit all attacks to make a single double strength attack on opponent.

3) Servo-Arm. Gains an additional attack, but may wish to forfeit this attack for a single double strength attack on opponent.

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Storm Claw (use stats from EoT codex)

1) Furious Charge

2) Wolf Pelt. +1 attack during counter attack.

3) Healing Potions & Balms. Old tech, borrowed from the 13th company wolf priest. May ignore one failed armour save, may also help revive fallen team mate, per tile.




Night One: Sturm Moonwolf (Long Fang)

Night Two: Growler67 (Wolf Scout Korvis)

Night Three: TiguriusX (Grey Hunter)

Night Four: MaveriK (Grey Hunter)

Night Five: Orphus (Blood Claw)


Night One: maverik_girl (Grey Hunter/Shield Maiden)


League Member: Nacho Wolf

League Member: Firenze

League Member: Decoy

League Member: Mikal Wolfheart

League Member: Starkhan Fellblade

League Member: Wolf Lord Metuhs

League Member: The LoneWolf

League Member: Chapter Master Ignis Domus

League Member: hendrik

League Member: BrotherCrazywolf

League Member: Jonas Stromclaw

League Member: Wolf Lord Kieran

League Member: Brother Ramses


:: Solo Duels ::

Members of the Fang are welcomed to call out other members in order to settle unspoken grudges or help end a debate/argument from withing the threads here at B&C, via by challenging each other here at the Fang. The winner of the solo match is deemed the alpha between the two combatants and gains a bonus when the actual tavern brawl begins. The alpha can choose one of the following bonuses: extra close combat attack, or an initiative boost. Solo duels are also a good way to help decide, who leads each team for the actual brawl. Established chain of command will follow to the challenger of the solo duel should the alpha of the pack is knocked out during the tavern brawl. Please note that the solo match is separate from the brawl. After the fighting, both players reset to their original state. The solo duels help kick off the actual brawl because their fighting.

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Lets hear it for Sister Skadi! Congrats on the win, and I hope you brawl alongside you in the future!


And a keg for Maverik, for this gaem and putting up with all our BS!



now, rules wise, all i would say is the +1 initiaive is very scary to face off against, and largely seems to be the most popular choice. is there anyway we can balance out the gifts of the solo duel?



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First things first...CONGRATS TO MavGirl!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!


Big thanks to Mav too for putting it all together.


Allow larger Blood Claw packs, say 10 to a tile. :)


and I agree about the solo duel bonuses being a bit much.

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Don't we have any Fenrisian younglings running around to take care of the Dark Angel?


Just FYI, admission back into this tavern brawl for the Dark Angel beatdown seems a bit unfair for those of us not weak enough to be knocked out early and then have the simple task of beating up other weaklings, including a dress wearing weakling.


The common theme being a certified weakling should not have the opportunity to then become a a league brawler or tavern champ after already sent to dreamland.


Good brawling and already talking in PM about what to do next time.


I am putting this objection up again as what I feared was going to happen with the brawl indeed did happen. Forte, Postal, or Chef Wulfen should have been the been in the top three earning a new title. A chance entrance by the Dark Angel and subsequent beatdown should have earned an exclusive title such as, "Tavern Bouncer". That would have been a fairly rare and coveted title inits own right. As it stands we had a few people that threw down for a full tavern brawl and some that took a nap for a round or two and came back in fully healed and changed the tide of battle for the above-mentioned brawlers.


Thoughts for next brawl if we have another uninvited guest.

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Congrats to Smurfet er Skadi on the win :P



As for round 2. How about drop MotW to D3 attacks? And yeah, the +1I for the whole brawl is huge. How about 1st round of combat?



Like the Tavern Bouncer idea.

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Congrats to Smurfet er Skadi on the win ^_^



As for round 2. How about drop MotW to D3 attacks? And yeah, the +1I for the whole brawl is huge. How about 1st round of combat?



Like the Tavern Bouncer idea.


I think that +1 initiative for a single chosen round of combat would be pretty cool.

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Congrats to Smurfet er Skadi on the win ^_^



As for round 2. How about drop MotW to D3 attacks? And yeah, the +1I for the whole brawl is huge. How about 1st round of combat?



Like the Tavern Bouncer idea.


I think that +1 initiative for a single chosen round of combat would be pretty cool.

That sounds like a better bonus to me.

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I can't believe I won LMAO! all I wanted was to take out Chef Wulfen, isolate Ramses and go from there. The initiative boost made a difference! but I think people would have survived a little longer had those wound allocations were still in play. I honestly didn't think I was gonna win. But that's cool. First female to win. Team hendrik!!!!!
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