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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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Nrth, postal,Zynk, Torin wanna team up again?




Hopefully Mav will let me use the C:SM honor guard rules, but whatever he allows will be fine by me.


Congrats maverik_girl. You deserve to have a cat 5 hurricane named after you.


Once again, thanks MaveriK for hosting another game. Can we get to knock your head around next round? :wallbash:

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I honestly didn't think I was gonna win. But that's cool. First female to win. Team hendrik!!!!!

slowly getting up with a burning headache hendrik sees mav girl as the last wolf standing and lets out a loud howl! as if by command all the other wolves in the mead hall join in with the howling and soon the meadhall is filled with the thundering sound of howling!


congrats on the victory mav girl! from the stazrt of this brawl it looked like you were really into it and if any will dare to say you've not earned your title of inglorious brawler they'll have to pass me first!


as for the next night, if mav's ok with it i'll run it for him so my mate's got a chance to brawl on his own!!!

right now i need to unload the tents and armour etc but when i get back i'll try to read all the comments on the rules, make changes where i deem them necesarry and even introduce an idea of my own so stay tuned! :P

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ok, unpacked and read the comments everybody had. so here's my take on it on how i'll roll it if mav agrees with it.


first of we've got the ablavative wound issue. i'll scratch it so there can be no more complaining about that.

second, the solo duel bonusses. since the +1 I boost is really entirely brawl changing(in fact every bonus is) i propose we lose the bonuses since these duels are about honour etc after all. instead of the bonus during the brawl the winner of the fight will aern himself a tally of his opponent, be it a fang, a lock of hair or maybe even a piece of his ear! this way the only reason why one could wish to do a duel will be out of honour/argument/whatever, instead of hoping to boost your statline for the coming brawl.

third, and this is the addition of my own i was talking about, it's about time we place the word MJOD into this brawl!

since we all know the tavern is filkled with it and we all know the effects it has any brawler may choose to drink some mjod each turn. if he chooses to drink this highly alcoholic drink he'll have a chance to profit from the rouse it brings with it, or suffer the consequenses...

here are my proposed rules for the mjod


MJOD, before each round all the brawlers need to state wether they wish to drink a stein of mjod. incase of no answer it will be assumed they didn't drink any for that round. Should a brawler drink the mjod before the start of the turn a single D6 is rolled to see what effect the mjod has on the brawler. the results of the roll are descriped underneath.

-6- the mjod kicks into action and the brawler start to feel capable of doing anything, the rouse is so complete he's unaware of pain and will only feel the bruises the next morning.- for the following game turn the brawler gains the feel no pain rule

-5- slowly starting to get drunk the brawler becomes more and more aggresive, getting fustrated easier and even more easy to jump into combat.-for the following game turn the brawler gains the furious charge special rule.(this bonus stacks with the furious charge of bloodclaws)

-4- in an attempt to gain the upper hand the brawler breaks his stein after downing the mjod so he can use it as an extra weapon.- for the following game turn the brawler gains +1A

-3-2- the mjod seems to have no effect on the brawler

-1- the mjod gains the upper hand of the brawler, and his visage begins to blur as the combat ensues.before the start of the round the brawler become -1 WS and -1BS.


as for non space wolves chapters joining. unfortunatly they won't be having as many choices as we have so they'll only be able to pick their basic PA tactical marine. HOWEVER! since they do pocess the gland that negates the intoxication of alcohol they gain a reroll on the effect of the mjod,picking the highest number

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Bog standard tactical marine? Looks like Felix is getting drunk before the fight... again... I think his gland is broken and maybe his head, too. Anyway, with the rerolls do you pick the highest value or is is just straight up pick the last roll?


I think there should be one more risk involved with drinking MJOD. Maybe on a roll of 2 they get -1 to their leadership or something. As it stands the benefits outweigh the risks. Cool idea though.

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Bog standard tactical marine? Looks like Felix is getting drunk before the fight... again... I think his gland is broken and maybe his head, too. Anyway, with the rerolls do you pick the highest value or is is just straight up pick the last roll?


I think there should be one more risk involved with drinking MJOD. Maybe on a roll of 2 they get -1 to their leadership or something. As it stands the benefits outweigh the risks. Cool idea though.

you pick the highest, forgot to add that :)

and zynk, suggestiosn are welcome but since i only posses the previous edition space marine codex i find it hard to make a standard non space wolf marine fit in with our rules

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Suits me fine,whens the next brawl?

i'll be starting it as soon as mav gives me the go.

forte, i think i'll keep the mjod as it is for now, keeping track of who drank how many mjods can be a lot of work

zynk, about the mjod not being dangerous enough. it shouldn't be, afterall it are still astartes we're talking about and with 1/6 chance of geting -1WS and -1BS before even landing a blow getting stunned might become way easier

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Hmm agreed. Fair point regarding the MJOD. We'll test it out next round, then. Hopefully no problems will arise.


I'll have a go at getting our bog standard tac marine into the rules and get some interesting and reasonable ideas by tonight. I'm sure Codex Astartes has tactics for bar fights in there somewhere...


Maybe if I ever get to Inglorious Brawler I can finally make some honor guard rules. Then you wolves can see how real Astartes fight.

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Then you wolves can see how real Astartes fight.

are you intending on giving us a mirror then night-boy? :P

the fact is that standard marines just don't have any usefull bar upgrades if you ask me, they either need wargear like fists and digiweapons or tactics(both hard to do in a "peacefull" brawl) but i'm curious with what you'll come up.

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If only there was a level creator on par to forge world in space marine. I'd make a tavern map to brawl in




Better idea, I do have a lot of pink foam still and some mini tables left over from d&d days.... I might have to make a tavern

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If only there was a level creator on par to forge world in space marine. I'd make a tavern map to brawl in




Better idea, I do have a lot of pink foam still and some mini tables left over from d&d days.... I might have to make a tavern

and with lots of pics on here!!!

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I am not feeling the mjod change too much.


That can end up being a bigger headache then you think, 1-20 mjod rolls a turn.


I still like the solo duel bonus idea of being useful for one chosen turn.

sure the mjod rolls might involve an extra roll a turn but i do belive they'll make the brawl more brawl-like, especially with the effects of alcohol involved


not giving solo duel bonus more has to do with the reason why they were invented in the first place. they were created to settle personal scores, decide who will be packleader in the brawl etc. in my opinion they weren't designed to boost your statline, even if only for a single turn. i also think the mjod will offer pleny of bonusses available

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gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Tactical Marine

1) Combat Tactics, Tactical Marines get LD9 and rerolls on any leadership rolls they are required to take

2) Of Sound Mind and Sound Body, Tactical Marines may reroll their MJOD roll, choosing the highest result

Night Angels Universal Special rule: Such is the awesomeness of the Night Angels that all who would oppose them defecate so violently in fear that the Emperor himself, righteously impressed, gets off his throne, personally handshakes every midnight clad angel, and launches nukes into the warp from his nipples ending Chaos forever.

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