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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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impossible! we might be fighting but he's still part of my pack and i'm part of his! without the other we are less. for we hunt together!

ok if you wont believe that......I swear i didnt do anything to make him not fight :P

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Annnnd now! The Wolftime! The climax! The moment you've all been waiting for: the duel of Mav the Mighty and Hendrik the Heroic, bold warriors both whose sagas stretch the length and breadth of the stars themselves! This is truly a clash of the titans!

Round One

Maverik, well-used to the layout of his tavern, easily takes the lead! He reaches out with both fists, swinging for Hendrik's head, and strikes dead on with both of them. The mighty warrior is unphased, however, and simply emits a laugh, before striking home with a blow of his own.

Round Two

Now that they're well and truly stuck in, the home field advantage begins to wear off, making the combat equal. MaveriK continues his series of punishing blows, but to no avail. The old warrior is simply to bull-headed to even acknowledge the strikes. Matching him blow for blow, Hendrik counters and attacks, in an epic confrontation that rivals that of even Calgar and the Avatar.

Round Three

Maverik, preparing a cunning defense, leaves his opponent unfettered by attacks for a short while. Perceiving a weakness, Hendrik strikes, but the clever tavern master is too cunning. He unveils his strategy, flipping a table into the path of Hendrik's fists and leaping onto the next one, ready to rain down a series of brutal hits on Hendrik's head.

Round Four

The mighty lord's plan succeeds, dealing Hendrik a blow so mighty it nearly knocks the old warrior from his feet. But he is not down! Weakened and staggering, he continues to attack MaveriK. However, Mav's carefully prepared stratagem has already accounted for this, and the mighty warrior's blows are stopped by a continual series of whirling blocks and parries, though they appear to be growing weaker as the combat rages on.

Round Five

And weaker they do get! Struggling to find a target in the lurching mass of plate and table, Mav instead sends a tankard flying into the recently downed Volsung, laying him back on the ground with a solid thwack!! Hendrik is ready to capitalize on this, and lashes out from beneath the pieces of table, nearly breaking through Maverik's rock hard ceramite with the sheer force of it!

Round Six

Finally, Mav manages to spot a joint in Hendrik's armor in the chaos! He lashes out, bringing the brave warrior to the ground. But wait! Hendrik reaches out, and with a final exertion from the depths of his strength, he brings MaveriK crashing down with him, leaving the tavern a utterly destroyed wreck.

Well... That was unexpected... Should both or none get the bonus? But anyways, it was an epic fight, and managed to keep my attention even though it lasted six rounds. The first two rounds were a bit nuts, with all but two dice rolls being exactly the same for both of them. I can't get over the tie, though. Has that even happened before?

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Fenrys hjolda! well fought wolf brother! we've been trained by the best, and we run with the best! hahaha more drinks for you and me! tonight we celebrate, tomorrow we go to war... tavern war! bwuhahaha


as for the brawl itself? my pack and I will set-up on C5.



Ohh and on a side note: It's been decided that it's best to try and limit the league membership, onto just having the runner-up get into the league instead of the last three fighters. Also for the last night of season two, I wanna call out and rally the remaining Greybeards here at the Fang against the newbloods/bloodclaws of this forum. Let's make it as epic as the season one finale of the Blood Claws Insurrection.

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Fenrys hjolda! well fought wolf brother! we've been trained by the best, and we run with the best! hahaha more drinks for you and me! tonight we celebrate, tomorrow we go to war... tavern war! bwuhahaha

by russ what a fight! ale's on my tonight brother! but you'll have to come and get it :rolleyes:


as for ties in the solo brawls, they have happened before. no bonus got awarded.

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@Mav: not sure what you mean about limiting membership in the league. Inactive members lose status?

no no no... instead of having the last three drunkards get into the league at the end of the night, league membership will only go towards the runner-up of the brawl.

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@Mav: I understand now. Makes sense.


Wouldn't the "fast ball special" make someone a sky claw? What about missed throws? Maybe if you fail to hit your target you take a wound test to see if hitting the wall/floor/ etc at that speed does damage. Or if you don't hit, maybe scatter and D3 tiles away from your intended target? And take a stunning penalty if a wall stops your movement? Bit late to be adding rules, but hey, maybe next round.


Not against the idea, but I think it needs to be refined. Use of a fellow brawler that is up and moving would be interesting.

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Don't worry. I haven't abandoned you all. Some friends and I had a gaming marathon, so I wasn't able to get anything done whatsoever.


I wanna have time to play real 40k... :)


Inglorious and Mafia Wars is all I have time for nowadays, how sad... =(

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Here we go. I'll give you a quick day to change targeting requests, and then whala!


Inglorious Drunkards II was inspired by:




:: The Turn Sequence ::

1) Movement. A player moves similar to a rook and bishop in chess; moving any number of squares along rank, file, or diagonal

2) Shooting. (OPTIONAL, may go directly into combat if user wishes) Players can throw weapons available in each square tile in the map, weapons that consist from bottles, chairs, tables and the occasional Blood Claw. Shooting causes the player to be stunned and pinned.

3) Close Combat. Each user has the option to tag-team, or fight other users occupying a single tile in close combat. Once a player fails his save, he continues fight on with the following negative modifiers (-1 attack, -1 initiative) until he fails his leadership test.

Each member is responsible for giving out their instructions to their pack leader (alpha). Players have a total of 24hrs (12hrs North American side, 12hrs European/Asian side) to submit their instructions to keep the brawl running smoothly. once everyone's locked in combat the pase of the brawl may increase. Passed out or inactive members during the brawl are given a specified time to react (24hrs). If we hear nothing from the user, his character is then stripped, shaven, de-fanged, dressed as a Dark Angel marine and thrown out of the tavern, and is therefore referred to as an oath breaker! It's just that simple.

:: The Rules ::

1) Indicate your character's location and actions to a designated bartender/servitor. Post your instructions, it helps keep track of everyone on the trend and keeps everyone entertained at the same time. Lastly... PRAY to the dice gods!

2) Only five users may occupy one tile. Each character has the Independent special rule.

3) Users have an option to join a pack of up to a limit of 5 members. Your pack may team up with several other packs. The more the better! start a gang just in case other Astartes chapters decide to crash our party. Just remember, at the end of the night there can only be one man standing. Even if your team manages to be the victor of the night, the pack needs an alpha. Therefore to run your pack, you have to fight for the title.

4) Close combat weapons are temporary and are destroyed or left behind as your character moves onto the next tile. You can throw weapons, which counts as your shooting.

5) Once a user fails his armour save, a leadership roll is made to see if the drunkard can still stand and fight with negative modifiers (-1 WS, -1 A, -1 I) the drunkard breaks off from combat and restarts at a safe location. Once a user fails his final armour save, the character is rendered unconscious and is therefore subject to being used as a weapon by anyone in the tile or can be used as an ablative wound. ie. imagine a drunken Blood Claw being used by a long fang as a weapon

6) )mjod, before each round all the brawlers that are not locked into combat need to state wether they wish to drink a stein of mjod. incase of no answer it will be assumed they didn't drink any for that round. Should a brawler drink the mjod before the start of the turn a single D6 is rolled to see what effect the mjod has on the brawler. the results of the roll are descriped underneath and will last for the following D6 turns to represent the longer effect of the mjod inside the wolf his blood. Any brawler can opt to drink mjod in another turn, even if the previous mjod is still in effect. the D6 diceroll for the result however gets rolled with a -1 modifier, the third mjod with a -2 modifier etc. this to represent the increasing chance of getting pissdrunk

-6- the mjod kicks into action and the brawler start to feel capable of doing anything, the rouse is so complete he's unaware of pain and will only feel the bruises the next morning.- for the following game turn the brawler gains the feel no pain rule

-5- slowly starting to get drunk the brawler becomes more and more aggresive, getting fustrated easier and even more easy to jump into combat.-for the following game turn the brawler gains the furious charge special rule.(this bonus stacks with the furious charge of stormclaws)

-4- in an attempt to gain the upper hand the brawler breaks his stein after downing the mjod so he can use it as an extra weapon.- for the following game turn the brawler gains +1A

-3-2- the mjod seems to have no effect on the brawler

-1- the mjod gains the upper hand of the brawler, and his visage begins to blur as the combat ensues.before the start of the round the brawler become -1 WS and -1BS.

7) The last three drunkards remaining, become league members. If one of those players is already a League member, then it defaults to the next non-league member. League championship upgrades teams or characters to the following: Wolf Guard, Iron Priest, and Storm Claw.

8) The last man standing, wins the game and earns the title of Inglorious Brawler.

:: Pack Wide Rules ::

And They Shall Know No Fear

Acute Senses


:: THE MAP ::


:: Tavern Brawl Character Special Rules ::


(users choose one of the following troop choices)

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Blood Claw

1) Headstrong. As indicated at SW: Codex

2) Berserk Charge. As indicated at SW: Codex

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Grey Hunter

1) Mark of the Wulfen, no rending

2) Wolf Standard. May re-roll only one failed armour save

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Grey Slayer (use stats from EoT codex)

1) Wolf Pelt. +1 attack during counter attack.

2) Wolf Tooth Necklace. Close combat attacks hit on 3+

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Wolf Scout (Wolf Scouts are solitude warriors that are touched by Lokyar. Wolf Scouts may only join a team if there are two other Wolf Scouts attached in a team. Wolf Scouts working together and numbering three or more in a team, gains 3+ armour save for the remainder of the entire brawl.)

1) Brawlers who wish to strike at a Wolf Scout (shooting or close combat) must first roll Ld to see if he can attack the Wolf Scout

2) Disarm and Stun. During any combat, a Wolf Scout may attempt to disengage. The Wolf Scout rolls a D6: On a result of 4+, the Wolf Scout may redeploy anywhere on the battlefield after the combat round is resolved.

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Long Fang

1) Double Tap. Long Fangs gain the ability to shoot two attacks per tile

2) Fire Control. Allows other Long Fangs who are sharing a tile, gains an added shooting attack to their Double Tap special rule.

ex. 3 Long Fangs sharing a tile, have a total of 9 shooting attacks


:: League Brawl Character Special Rules ::


(League Members ONLY. Inglorious Brawlers may upgrade their characters to the following)

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Wolf Guard

1) TDA. 2+ armour save

2) Runic Charm. May re-roll one failed armour save.

3) Pack Leader. All marines in the Wolf Guard's pack, including the Wolf Guard, Hendrik ( :lol: ), may reroll failed to hit rolls.

4) Wolftooth Necklace. All attacks hit on a 3+

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Iron Priest

1) Runic Armour. 2+ armour save

2) Bionics. May choose to forfeit all attacks to make a single double strength attack on opponent.

3) Servo-Arm. Acts as an additional power fist attack.

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Storm Claw (use stats from EoT codex)

1) Furious Charge

2) Wolf Pelt. +1 attack during counter attack.

3) Healing Potions & Balms. Old tech, borrowed from the 13th company wolf priest. The pack may ignore one failed armour save per Stormclaw.




Night One: Sturm Moonwolf (Long Fang)

Night Two: Growler67 (Wolf Scout Korvis)

Night Three: TiguriusX (Grey Hunter)

Night Four: MaveriK (Grey Hunter)

Night Five: Orphus (Blood Claw)


Night One: maverik_girl (Grey Hunter/Shield Maiden)

Night Two: Runningwolffenris (bloodclaw)


League Member: Nacho Wolf

League Member: Firenze

League Member: Decoy

League Member: Mikal Wolfheart

League Member: Starkhan Fellblade

League Member: Wolf Lord Metuhs

League Member: The LoneWolf

League Member: Chapter Master Ignis Domus

League Member: hendrik

League Member: BrotherCrazywolf

League Member: Jonas Stromclaw

League Member: Wolf Lord Kieran

League Member: Brother Ramses

League Member: Arez

League Member: Zynk Kaladin

Night Three Brawlers:

Elithren, the Ummm.... : Grey Hunter A5

Tsavong Lah, Extragalactic Alien: Grey Slayer A5

Wolf Lord Kieran, Talon of Fenris: Wolf Guard A5

Volsung of Blackmane: Blood Claw D5

Postal105, Who'd Better Not Go Postal: Grey Slayer H3

Team Hendrik

Hendrik, Ye Olde Greybearded Pack Leader: Wolf Guard A2

Forte the Newly Greyed: Grey Hunter A2

Skadi the Shield-Maiden: Stormclaw A2

Arez Greenhorn the Lord Drunk: Wolf Guard A2

Vantius the Valiant: Grey Hunter A2

Team Mav

Maverik, almighty Tavern Master: Wolf Guard C5

Zynk Kaladin, Embassy from the Night Angels: Wolf Guard C5

Jonas Stromclaw, Not Stormclaw, CMID <_< : Stormclaw C5

BrotherCrazywolf the Not-Quite-Crazy: Stormclaw C5

Nrthstar, Arch-Rival of CMID(Grr...): Grey Hunter C5


The Mighty Mav vs. the Heroic Hendrik! TIE!

The Not-Quite-As-Mighty Arez vs. The Not-Quite-As-Heroic Nrthstar AREZ WINS!

Elithren the Apparently Crazy vs. BrotherCrazywolf the Not Crazy(Confused yet?) ELITHREN WINS!

Volsung the Valiant vs. Zynk Kaladin the Night Angel ZYNK WINS!

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