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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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Spoiler: Yet even many more so huge, great, mighty, and large numbers of tankards are chucked than previously.


Inglorious Drunkards II was inspired by:




:: The Turn Sequence ::

1) Movement. A player moves similar to a rook and bishop in chess; moving any number of squares along rank, file, or diagonal

2) Shooting. (OPTIONAL, may go directly into combat if user wishes) Players can throw weapons available in each square tile in the map, weapons that consist from bottles, chairs, tables and the occasional Blood Claw. Shooting causes the player to be stunned and pinned.

3) Close Combat. Each user has the option to tag-team, or fight other users occupying a single tile in close combat. Once a player fails his save, he continues fight on with the following negative modifiers (-1 attack, -1 initiative) until he fails his leadership test.

Each member is responsible for giving out their instructions to their pack leader (alpha). Players have a total of 24hrs (12hrs North American side, 12hrs European/Asian side) to submit their instructions to keep the brawl running smoothly. once everyone's locked in combat the pase of the brawl may increase. Passed out or inactive members during the brawl are given a specified time to react (24hrs). If we hear nothing from the user, his character is then stripped, shaven, de-fanged, dressed as a Dark Angel marine and thrown out of the tavern, and is therefore referred to as an oath breaker! It's just that simple.

:: The Rules ::

1) Indicate your character's location and actions to a designated bartender/servitor. Post your instructions, it helps keep track of everyone on the trend and keeps everyone entertained at the same time. Lastly... PRAY to the dice gods!

2) Only five users may occupy one tile. Each character has the Independent special rule.

3) Users have an option to join a pack of up to a limit of 5 members. Your pack may team up with several other packs. The more the better! start a gang just in case other Astartes chapters decide to crash our party. Just remember, at the end of the night there can only be one man standing. Even if your team manages to be the victor of the night, the pack needs an alpha. Therefore to run your pack, you have to fight for the title.

4) Close combat weapons are temporary and are destroyed or left behind as your character moves onto the next tile. You can throw weapons, which counts as your shooting.

5) Once a user fails his armour save, a leadership roll is made to see if the drunkard can still stand and fight with negative modifiers (-1 WS, -1 A, -1 I) the drunkard breaks off from combat and restarts at a safe location. Once a user fails his final armour save, the character is rendered unconscious and is therefore subject to being used as a weapon by anyone in the tile or can be used as an ablative wound. ie. imagine a drunken Blood Claw being used by a long fang as a weapon

6) )mjod, before each round all the brawlers that are not locked into combat need to state wether they wish to drink a stein of mjod. incase of no answer it will be assumed they didn't drink any for that round. Should a brawler drink the mjod before the start of the turn a single D6 is rolled to see what effect the mjod has on the brawler. the results of the roll are descriped underneath and will last for the following D6 turns to represent the longer effect of the mjod inside the wolf his blood. Any brawler can opt to drink mjod in another turn, even if the previous mjod is still in effect.

-6- the mjod kicks into action and the brawler start to feel capable of doing anything, the rouse is so complete he's unaware of pain and will only feel the bruises the next morning.- for the following game turn the brawler gains the feel no pain rule

-5- slowly starting to get drunk the brawler becomes more and more aggresive, getting fustrated easier and even more easy to jump into combat.-for the following game turn the brawler gains the furious charge special rule.(this bonus stacks with the furious charge of stormclaws)

-4- in an attempt to gain the upper hand the brawler breaks his stein after downing the mjod so he can use it as an extra weapon.- for the following game turn the brawler gains +1A

-3-2- the mjod seems to have no effect on the brawler

-1- the mjod gains the upper hand of the brawler, and his visage begins to blur as the combat ensues.before the start of the round the brawler become -1 WS and -1BS.

7) The last three drunkards remaining, become league members. If one of those players is already a League member, then it defaults to the next non-league member. League championship upgrades teams or characters to the following: Wolf Guard, Iron Priest, and Storm Claw.

8) The last man standing, wins the game and earns the title of Inglorious Brawler.

:: Pack Wide Rules ::

And They Shall Know No Fear

Acute Senses


:: THE MAP ::


:: Tavern Brawl Character Special Rules ::


(users choose one of the following troop choices)

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Blood Claw

1) Headstrong. As indicated at SW: Codex

2) Berserk Charge. As indicated at SW: Codex

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Grey Hunter

1) Mark of the Wulfen, no rending

2) Wolf Standard. May re-roll only one failed armour save

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Grey Slayer (use stats from EoT codex)

1) Wolf Pelt. +1 attack during counter attack.

2) Wolf Tooth Necklace. Close combat attacks hit on 3+

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Wolf Scout (Wolf Scouts are solitude warriors that are touched by Lokyar. Wolf Scouts may only join a team if there are two other Wolf Scouts attached in a team. Wolf Scouts working together and numbering three or more in a team, gains 3+ armour save for the remainder of the entire brawl.)

1) Brawlers who wish to strike at a Wolf Scout (shooting or close combat) must first roll Ld to see if he can attack the Wolf Scout

2) Disarm and Stun. During any combat, a Wolf Scout may attempt to disengage. The Wolf Scout rolls a D6: On a result of 4+, the Wolf Scout may redeploy anywhere on the battlefield after the combat round is resolved.

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Long Fang

1) Double Tap. Long Fangs gain the ability to shoot two attacks per tile

2) Fire Control. Allows other Long Fangs who are sharing a tile, gains an added shooting attack to their Double Tap special rule.

ex. 3 Long Fangs sharing a tile, have a total of 9 shooting attacks


:: League Brawl Character Special Rules ::


(League Members ONLY. Inglorious Brawlers may upgrade their characters to the following)

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Wolf Guard

1) TDA. 2+ armour save

2) Runic Charm. May re-roll one failed armour save.

3) Pack Leader. All marines in the Wolf Guard's pack, including the Wolf Guard, Hendrik ( ^_^ ), may reroll failed to hit rolls.

4) Wolftooth Necklace. All attacks hit on a 3+

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Iron Priest

1) Runic Armour. 2+ armour save

2) Bionics. May choose to forfeit all attacks to make a single double strength attack on opponent.

3) Servo-Arm. Acts as an additional power fist attack.

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Storm Claw (use stats from EoT codex)

1) Furious Charge

2) Wolf Pelt. +1 attack during counter attack.

3) Healing Potions & Balms. Old tech, borrowed from the 13th company wolf priest. The pack may ignore one failed armour save per Stormclaw.




Night One: Sturm Moonwolf (Long Fang)

Night Two: Growler67 (Wolf Scout Korvis)

Night Three: TiguriusX (Grey Hunter)

Night Four: MaveriK (Grey Hunter)

Night Five: Orphus (Blood Claw)


Night One: maverik_girl (Grey Hunter/Shield Maiden)

Night Two: Runningwolffenris (bloodclaw)


League Member: Nacho Wolf

League Member: Firenze

League Member: Decoy

League Member: Mikal Wolfheart

League Member: Starkhan Fellblade

League Member: Wolf Lord Metuhs

League Member: The LoneWolf

League Member: Chapter Master Ignis Domus

League Member: hendrik

League Member: BrotherCrazywolf

League Member: Jonas Stromclaw

League Member: Wolf Lord Kieran

League Member: Brother Ramses

League Member: Arez

League Member: Zynk Kaladin

Night Three Brawlers:

Elithren, the Ummm.... : Grey Hunter A5 OUT COLD

Tsavong Lah, Extragalactic Alien: Grey Slayer A5 OUT COLD

Wolf Lord Kieran, Talon of Fenris: Wolf Guard A5 OUT COLD Used Wolf Amulet +1 Attack mjod(1 turn)

Volsung of Blackmane: Blood Claw A4 OUT COLD

Postal105, Who'd Better Not Go Postal: Grey Slayer H3 OUT COLD

Team Hendrik

Hendrik, Ye Olde Greybearded Pack Leader: Wolf Guard A4 OUT COLD

Forte the Newly Greyed: Grey Hunter A4 OUT COLD

Skadi the Shield-Maiden: Stormclaw A5 OUT COLD

Arez Greenhorn the Lord Drunk: Wolf Guard A4 OUT COLD

Vantius the Valiant: Grey Hunter A4 OUT COLD

Team Mav

Maverik, almighty Tavern Master: Wolf Guard A4

Zynk Kaladin, Embassy from the Night Angels: Wolf Guard A4 OUT COLD

Jonas Stromclaw, Not Stormclaw, CMID :tu: : Stormclaw A5 OUT COLD

Nrthstar, Arch-Rival of CMID(Grr...): Grey Hunter A5 OUT COLD

BrotherCrazywolf the Not-Quite-Crazy: Stormclaw A5 Feel No Pain Mjod(2 Turns) OUT COLD

Quick note: If you asked for mjod but don't have a mjod item beside your name, it means you rolled a 2 or a 3.

In a trio of power, the remaining brawlers prepare to bring each other to the ground. Mav the Mighty, fresh from his victory over Volsung charges into combat with the other two, ready to wreak devastation on his opponents. Deciding that the seemingly invincible Stormclaw is the most threatening target, he strikes, and, with the aid of the force of his charge, deals a solid blow, going through even the Stormclaw's incredible toughness. With a single-minded determination to bring down his opponent, the-Not-Quite-Crazy jumps at Kieran, recklessly risking all to take his foe with him. He hooks onto the helmet seals and rips it off with monumental strength, then brings his fist crashing in for a final blow. At the same time, Kieran brings up his leg with a force so great the mortals all around the Fang pause from their work. Crazywolf, already weakened by the continual blows, falls to the ground, with his arms still locked in a death grip on Kieran. Mav, the lone conscious member of the bar, excluding the poor bartender, stands triumphant among the fallen brawlers scratched and beaten, but still triumphant.

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Congrats again mav. This was a great brawl. Thank you all for being honorable and worthy oppenents. I will return again for the next night after I get out of the infirmary. B) I almost made it to last man standing, hell, I contributed in tre 13th company style and went down with my foe locked in a death grip. :lol:


WLK... We will meet again soon, maybe next time one of us will make it to the top of the pile.

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damn you and your tactical thinking! orchestrating, coordinating and choreographing the entire fighting and eventually winning it in the end is something. I'll give you that! :) congratulations greybeard, you're in the hall of fame for being a two time Inglorious Brawler champ. That's just craziness!
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Now when is the next brawl?

I don't think there will be another one for awhile, as this brawl immediately started up right after the last one. I remember Mav saying that there should be at least a short break before the tavern should open up again. I'm just curious what CMID has to say and think about running this brawl. Are there any improvements need to be done?, are the troop choices fair and balanced? what are the lessons learned and what would make this tavern work best in the long run?

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Thank you everybody! we had some really good fights and matches with this night of brawling! all worthy opponents. A special thanks to Hrothgar the dice-roller aka CMID. Well done wolf brother! thank you for running the brawl.

Forgive the newbie question, but what's the deal with League Membership?

League members have access to all the troop choices available for the brawl. You get into the League if your the second last man standing.

damn you and your tactical thinking! orchestrating, coordinating and choreographing the entire fighting and eventually winning it in the end is something. I'll give you that! :tu: congratulations greybeard, you're in the hall of fame for being a two time Inglorious Brawler champ. That's just craziness!


Ohh and before I forget... *as promised* to those few Inglorious Brawlers here, please update your sig banner to this new baby! hope you like. LOL honestly didn't think I'd win a second time around.


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WLK, I feel your pain. It was the same for me. 3rd last standing again, I want that banner too.


Cool work Mav. Maybe one of us last fe will win it next time. I do feel for the bartender having to clean up the mess though.

the beauty of servitors :lol:



I want that banner!!!!!!!next round i will win!

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:: Night Three Summary ::

Mav’s pack opens up with a howl, throwing their now empty tankards and tables at Skadi, possibly trying to prove that they’re still better than Hendrik’s pack no matter how many times the two tie. Their accuracy doesn’t appear to reflect that goal, as the assorted implements either go wide or bounce off the Shield-Maiden’s armor. Kieran, Elithren, and the alien from outer space apparently seem to agree with Mav’s pack, and also chuck everything they’ve got at Mavgirl. Ouch. Nevertheless, the Warrior Woman is unphased, and laughs as the erstwhile drunkards throw the plates into a corner. Kieran’s mjod must really be affecting him. Hendrik’s pack, eager to minimize the incoming fire, return fire at Elithren, bringing him to the ground with a nice thump to the neck from a bowl. Volsung the Blood Claw, eager to prove himself, charges towards Postal, opening fire with a table leg. The leg strikes Postal, but the Grey Slayer is unphased by a mere table leg, and simply catches it in one hand. An entire tavern would be more appropriate to the situation. Laughing at the Blood Claw’s antics, Postal charges in after giving the table leg back to Volsung in the same manner it was given to him. The Blood Claw, watching carefully, simply reaches up and deals the reckless warrior a thwack to the chin, laying him out cold on the floor.

After quaffing a suitable amount of mjod, the brawlers resume smashing each other, breaking furniture, and incurring fines if this was anywhere but the mighty FENRIS! After foolishly insulting the mighty Russ, Volsung slings his now empty tankard at Hendrik. He finds a weak point in the armor, an elbow joint to be precise, and flings the mug straight at it with brutal accuracy. With years of training, however, Hendrik is easily capable of shrugging the wound off(i.e., used charm), and simply orders his pack to fire on Volsung to redress the insult to the mighty Wolf King's pride. Maverik takes up the call, and together the two packs fill the area around Volsung with a veritable tornado of broken table legs, chairs, tankards, bowls, tavern walls, and toothpicks, Haegr sized. The Blood Claw quickly falls to such a torrent of fire that would make even the most venerable Long Fang jealous, with Mav opening up his defenses with a well-placed shot, and Greenhorn following up, sending Volsung crashing to the floor. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all, but the alliance is not fated to last. Already, they begin to eye each other up, ready to attack on the word of their pack leader. Meanwhile, Kieran and Tsavong Lah, perhaps having learned from the Wolf Scouts, sneak up behind Mav's pack and continue their attacks on Skadi. Kieran, amazed at the storm of fire from the two packs, simply drops his weapon in amazement, while Tsavong manages to throw his, but it simply clatters off Skadi's armor. Two wolves seem very, very doomed....

With a thundering howl, Mav's pack executes a stunning maneuver, splitting forces while throwing tankards, as well as reviving the unconscious Volsung. The swarm of improvised weaponry slams home onto Skadi, wounding the Shield-Maiden. She unsteadily remains standing, however, bellowing out her rage at the brawlers. Meanwhile, the two members of Mav's pack who had split off to join Kieran and Tsavong brace for impact as Hendrik prepares to strike. Team Hendrik throws covering fire at the larger half of Mav's Pack, and manage to strike home with a single weapon, which simply bounces off a plate of armor. Their goal has been achieved, however, and Hendrik rushes forward into the blob, sidearming a spare plate at them, but missing wildly out of sheer exultation at Russ's best form of combat. His sheer bulk slams into the pack, demolishing what little remained of the tables, but then collides with the armor of Kieran in a demonstration of the unstoppable force and the immovable object. He swings out, sinking mjod-powered hits into Crazywolf and Nrthstar, but is unable to penetrate their inferior, yet still strong, armor. Tsavong Lah is the first to recover his wits, but his attacks simply bounce off the leviathan. The other three take time to aim their strikes, however, and strike home with a great deal more accuracy. The Talon of Fenris, drawing on his banks of wisdom, recognises the weak points of the suit of terminator armor, and strikes home there, stunning the aging Wolf Guard. Meanwhile, the Stormclaw and Grey Hunter coordinate their attacks, one distracting with the fury of the Mark of the Wulfen, while the other jabs and strikes, taking down the gigantuan warrior once and for all.

As the brawl becomes more and more chaotic, the drunkards begin to cluster in a corner. Mav's Pack takes up a new firing position, while Team Hendrik charges forward, ready to send Skadi straight into the swarm to revive Hendrik in an act of near-suicidal bravery. Recognising this valorous action, Mav orders his pack to refrain from targetting Skadi, and instead attacks the Greenhorn. The rapid change of targets causes a declination of accuracy, however, and only one strikes the giant, only to clatter off of Arez's armor after an expert block by the Blood Claw turned Wolf Guard(Runic Charm). Meanwhile, Team Hendrik issues a swarm of covering fire into the clump of Nrthstar, Crazywolf, Kieran, and Tsavong, bringing down the mighty Talon of Fenris with a mighty whirlwind of broken bits of wall and pieces of the bar. Hrothgar is not amused at the destruction of the establishment. In a charge worthy of the tale of a Lone Wolf, Volsung, and Skadi both charge straight into the mouth of the kraken, attacking Hendrik's pack and the second part of Mav's pack in a mighty feat of heroism. Volsung attacks as if possessed by the spirit of Russ and, continuing his streak of hitting the largest foe he can find, brings down the mighty Arez. Someone's probably in the line for promotion to Grey Hunter. But will he survive the wrath of his foe, or fall like the raging barbarians of the tales of old? The inner Wulfen comes to the fore in both Hunters, and they strike with a whirlwind of blows. This berserk series of attacks seems to lose accuracy, however, and the vast majority of their strikes are evaded by the Blood Claw, with the few that hit not even being noticed by the new Wolf. Meanwhile, Skadi strikes into the heart of the band clumped where Hendrik fell, and lashes out at the Stormclaw, striking him a solid blow. The power of the mjod causes him to simply shake off the blow, however, and they strike back at the Shield Maiden. As if in awe of her heroic feat, they continually miss, leaving Skadi free to quickly wake the slumbering giant. Crazywolf also revives Kieran, and both warriors growl as the second round of the clash of the titans prepares to erupt...

With the grace period granted by Skadi's heroics over, Mav's pack charges up along side the ongoing melee between Vantius and the majority of Team Hendrik. Meanwhile, the rough alliance of lone wolves and half of Mav's pack readies their fists and prepares to strike at Skadi. They strike at the alone and outnumbered Shield-Maiden, barely succeeding in bringing the wild warrior to the ground after a flurry of dodges and blocks from the Fenrisian. She is so consumed by the mighty defense, however, and does not manage to strike out at any of her opponents. Zynk, eager to prove himself worthy of his lofty position, runs into the combat to support Volsung. They attack in concert, Volsung attempting to hit Hendrik, while Zynk provides support and assails Forte. Volsung is wildly outclassed against the aged and wise Wolf Guard, and fails to do anything, even with Zynk's encouragement. Meanwhile, Zynk pummels Forte, pounding him to the ground with a series of crushing blows, then sending him flying through the room with a final swing to the chin. Team Hendrik counterattacks with a flurry of uppercuts and hooks centered on the seemingly invulnerable Volsung. The Blood Claw, the excitement and adrenaline from his charges starting to wear off, fails to block nearly all the blows, instead relying on his armor. One gets all the way through, and the Blood Claw is sent reeling. Team Hendrik is slowly starting to fall...

As the brawl's end looms, alliances begin to break, and confusion reigns. Crazywolf, perhaps seeking to make this a fair fight again, begins to aid Team Hendrik. Nrth, Tsavong, and Kieran, taken by surprise after the sudden change, are unprepared, and barely manage to attack the Stormclaw, and fail to hit their former ally. Crazywolf, however, perhaps feeling remorse and desiring to give them a fighting chance, does not use the surprise to his full advantage and refrains from striking. The combat between Team Hendrik and Team Mav is not so elegant and calm, with both teams clashing tooth and nail, each trying to gain the advantage. Zynk, using the more decorative and fine style of the Night Angels, uses the his lessons learned from the duels to strike slightly before the others. He dashes in at Hendrik and manages to exploit a minor weak spot, which he repeatedly strikes, aided by the previously-imbibed Mjod. The great warrior manages to stay standing, but appears to have a heavy toll wracked on him from the trials of being knocked out once already. Meanwhile, Maverik, perhaps seeking to take down the final opponent before engaging in solo combat with Hendrik, strikes at Vantius, but fails to hit the desperately blocking warrior. Volsung, looking to take the greatest prize in front of so many of the Wolf Lord's bodyguard, also attacks Hendrik, and jumps in on the weakened warrior, striking the previously exploited weakness to bring the titan crashing to the ground in a scene resembling the defeat of Postal.

As the action starts to comes to a close, the brawlers clump closer together in an attempt to gain any advantage possible in such a hard-fought, tooth and nails combat. In another carefully coordinated maneuver, at least for a brawl, Crazywolf darts into the combat between Team Mav and the lone survivor of Hendrik's pack, seeking to jump in on the action after the unintentional miscommunication between him and the rest of his pack. Jonas, ready to dart in the moment he leaves, dives into the combat swinging left and right. Unprepared for this burst of fury, Kieran and Tsavong are left with their defenses down, and Jonas scores two well-placed hits, but the warriors are saved by the strength of their armor. They're still ready for Nrth, however, and easily block his mighty fists, countering with some quick jabs of their own, though these are either absorbed by the tough warrior or bounce off his armor. Meanwhile, the mop up of the survivors of Team Hendrik continues, but the lust for glory and acclaim among the Wolves causes a split among the former allies, and Volsung strikes at Zynk in a bid for yet more glory. Zynk is prepared for this, however, and strikes back with the speed of a Night Angel, though it lacks the strength of a Space Wolf, and is absorbed by the fame-seeking Blood Claw. The Blood Claw, at last met by an opponent who practices more of a finesse style of combat, simply cannot get through the interweaved defenses of the Wolf Guard. Finally, Vantius continues his last stand, bravely holding his ground against the foe, and striking back with equal ferocity, almost bringing down the two warriors, were it not for their Iron Priest blessed armor. He sacrifices a portion of his defensive measures to do this however, and Crazywolf darts in at an unguarded moment, knocking the courageous Grey Hunter back on his heels and stunning him. Mav then strikes, bringing down his worthy opponent with a final blow. And so went the last of Team Hendrik...

As the mighty Mav turns his wolves loose to hunt on their own, old enmities run clear and chaotic combat of the less evil kind breaks out all through the tavern. Crazywolf shows a new allegiance, for real this time, and joins up with Kieran and Tsavong to attack Nrth, his former pack member. The surprise at this sudden leap into a new combat stuns Nrth, and his armor barely holds under the furious blows of the Stormclaw. Kieran joins in on the assault, and exploits the vulnerabilities of the surrounded and outnumbered warrior, nearly breaking Nrth's armor with the sheer force of the blow. Nrth then strikes back, the sudden betrayal by his comrade causing the Wulfen to come to the fore, and attacks Crazywolf with a mighty hurricane of blows, sending him reeling and off balance with such force that not even the power of mjod can save Crazy. He barely remains standing, holding his fists up unsteadily. Jonas, thinking that perhaps Tsavong has vague xenoist tendencies, attempts to pummel him, but is to far out of position to have a meaningful effect. Tsavong, angered by this, returns the favor to Jonas, and brings him to the ground with the sheer power of his hits. Meanwhile, amidst the remains of Team Hendrik, Mav and Zynk duke it out in an epic battle for leadership, ignoring Volsung, though possibly at great risk to themselves given his recent performance. Zynk, once again using the speed of a Night Angel, strikes at Mav, but his armor stops the blow that otherwise would have felled him Mav, prepared for Zynk's betrayal, launches a preemptive strike of his own, dealing the terminator-clad Night Angel a solid blow to the head, one that not even the power of his amulet can save. Volsung continues to beat on the seemingly invulnerable Zynk, looking for a weak point while he's distracted, but to no avail.

Seeking a fresh start and a small period of respite, Mav backs away from Zynk, then charges in swinging at the Night Angel. This sudden move surprises Kaladin, though the expert warrior blocks all but one of the blows, which his armor barely manages to hold back. Meanwhile, Volsung whales at Zynk, exploiting the distraction provided by Mav to hit straight at the warrior, but the armor is still too strong, and the Blood Claw backs off, seeking another angle. Meanwhile, in the frantic free-for-all next to the clash of the two giants, Kieran strikes at Nrth, but the bold warrior simply absorbs the blows and strikes his current opponent, Crazywolf, nearly breaking his armor with the force of the punch. Tsavong, deciding he now has a bone to pick with the Stormclaw, also attacks Crazy, but cannot hit the crafty veteran of the Eye of Terror. Crazywolf, slowed by the brutal hit he took earlier, swings at Nrth and connects, dealing his rival a blow of equal force, knocking both warriors back with the sheer power of it.

As the horde of brawlers shrinks, they begin to reassess their situation. Kieran, eager to take down what he perceives to be the greatest threat, targets Nrth with his mighty fists. With his keen intellect, the Talon of Fenris unleashes a series of jabs, which are absorbed or blocked for the most part. One gets through however, and the already wounded brawler is brought crashing down amidst the remains of the furniture by Kieran's mighty fists. Tsavong, still stubbornly focussed on his target, strikes at Crazywolf, who is powerless to block the blows. They strike through his defences like a furious whirlwind, bypassing the armor, overwhelming the toughness of the injured foe, and take him down. The mjod running through his system causes him to recover, though, and he drags himself up yet again, bloody and broken-nosed, but ready to face his opponent. Noticing that Nrth has been taken down, he decides to exact his revenge on Tsavong, and hits the extragalactic alien straight in the chin, stunning him and leaving him nearly defenseless for the next series of blows. Meanwhile, the duel of champions continues, with Zynk's speed now counteracted by the effects of the previous blows. The two venerable warriors continue to lash out at each other, but are too evenly matched and too powerful to have any effect. The same cannot be said for Volsung, however, and the disorientated Blood Claw jabs out in Zynk's general direction. The proud warrior simply laughs it off as a bit of a tickle, but is cut off in mid-sentence as Volsung gets in one last swing, bringing Kaladin to the ground with a crash that resonates throughout the Fang.

Even more confident after taking down Zynk, Volsung squares off against Mav. The cunning Wolf Guard, still possessed of his mental faculties, backs off, then slams back into combat, driving Volsung into the wall. The Blood Claws armor barely saves him, however, at the cost of its function. The Iron Priests will be angry... Still going on with the headstrong spirit of a Blood Claw, he strikes back at Mav, dealing an almost equally powerful blow that also threatens to break through Mav's armor. Meanwhile, the last three brawlers of the horde continue their combat. Kieran, the least injured of the trio, manages to line up his attacks first, and charges Crazywolf, the seemingly indomitable Stormclaw. Though he is nearly incapable of defending himself by now, his legendary toughness holds up, and his armor and mjod combine to keep him going. Tsavong and crazy, both equally inebriated, jump at each other. Tsavong leads from the right, hitting at a weak point in the armor, but cannot penetrate. Meanwhile, Crazy takes the opportunity to size up his opponent, and lashes out with a whirlwind of blows, taking down the fearless Tsavong.

The final four brawlers square off in twos, creating a series of solo duels. Mav faces the rapidly rising Volsung, determined to put an end to his climb before his head gets too big for the Fang. He continues to relentlessly smash the Claw against the wall, an unstoppable bulwark of force breaking Volsung's armor, which now seems incredibly weak in comparison to the massive Terminator. Eventually, the repeated pounding becomes too strong, and the Blood Claw falls to the ground senseless. Meanwhile, Kieran and Crazywolf continue their duel, the two veteran warriors seemingly incapable of gaining an edge, at least until the Stormclaw swings in with a direct hit on Kieran, stunning the Talon, but not bringing the mighty Fenrisian to the ground. Soon, there will only be two...

In a trio of power, the remaining brawlers prepare to bring each other to the ground. Mav the Mighty, fresh from his victory over Volsung charges into combat with the other two, ready to wreak devastation on his opponents. Deciding that the seemingly invincible Stormclaw is the most threatening target, he strikes, and, with the aid of the force of his charge, deals a solid blow, going through even the Stormclaw's incredible toughness. With a single-minded determination to bring down his opponent, the-Not-Quite-Crazy jumps at Kieran, recklessly risking all to take his foe with him. He hooks onto the helmet seals and rips it off with monumental strength, then brings his fist crashing in for a final blow. At the same time, Kieran brings up his leg with a force so great the mortals all around the Fang pause from their work. Crazywolf, already weakened by the continual blows, falls to the ground, with his arms still locked in a death grip on Kieran. Mav, the lone conscious member of the bar, excluding the poor bartender, stands triumphant among the fallen brawlers scratched and beaten, but still triumphant.


Updated new banners. If you wish to update your signatures, feel free to use these new ones.


Inglorious Drunkards


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