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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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Very nicely done. I ended up reading the whole thing, thinking, wow, Mav is pretty good at writing this stuff, especially given the length, before realizing that it was the summaries from the rounds. :P


To your credit you did a mighty fine job describing the brawl and keeping it interesting. Thank you for running it!

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Who exactly is allowed to use the supplied sig banners?

Anyone who's taken part can use the Inglorious Drunkard one.


So when's the next one? I have some whelps to round up with Skadi, Greenhorn, Nrth and Postal.


OOOOOOOOOOOO! I cant help but feel favored by the gods now!!!

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Who exactly is allowed to use the supplied sig banners?

To be clear


Inglorious Drunkard: If you have taken part.

League Brawler: If you have finshed top two in a brawl (used to be top three, but gto changed a while back)

Inglorious Brawler: If you have won a brawl


Everyone, make sure to atleast represent with the first one!

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Everyone, make sure to atleast represent with the first one!


But its not dark blue enough for my tastes...


Plus I have a hard time putting someone else's amazing work in my sig... it that weird pride thing that prevents me even though its allowed.


Also, its unbecoming of the most noble lord of the Night Angels to be considered inglorious or a drunkard regardless of the truth!

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Everyone, make sure to atleast represent with the first one!


But its not dark blue enough for my tastes...


Plus I have a hard time putting someone else's amazing work in my sig... it that weird pride thing that prevents me even though its allowed.


Also, its unbecoming of the most noble lord of the Night Angels to be considered inglorious or a drunkard regardless of the truth!

And you'll smell more like Old Spice and manly vigour rather than your preferred lemon zesty freshness.

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And you'll smell more like Old Spice and manly vigour rather than your preferred lemon zesty freshness.


If I had the money to start a wolf army I would proudly and gladly smell like piss and vinegar. But, alas... at least it's on the "to-do list".


Someday this angel might grow fangs and bark for a few hours.

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Also, its unbecoming of the most noble lord of the Night Angels to be considered inglorious or a drunkard regardless of the truth!

not to mention he always has a proxy to do the work for him! where are those gloriuos deeds of his chaptermaster gilford always brags about! where is this heroic action felix spreaks so proud of? i have yet to see zynk raise a hand, let alone a fist in this tavern!


now if this doesn't work i don't know what will ^_^

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And you'll smell more like Old Spice and manly vigour rather than your preferred lemon zesty freshness.

ROFLMAO! thats awesome forte



@hendrik Zynk(not felix or gilford) took part in this last brawl IIRC

so it seems apperantly! guess he finally showed his own teeth then!


as for the next night, i'm already planning on something so stay tuned :)

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We'll crush you this time with the mighty double Grey packs who nearly took down almost thrice their number last brawl. Prepare to be cleaning the Fang for the next year.


Skywarriors don't clean the fang, only armor. That's what the thralls are for. But maybe after we embarrass you again this brawl they'll retire you to just that!

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Skywarriors don't clean the fang, only armor. That's what the thralls are for. But maybe after we embarrass you again this brawl they'll retire you to just that!


Skywarriors? Wolves think their angels now... I might have to join the greybeards this time. Leave the skies to the angels, whelps!

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Skywarriors don't clean the fang, only armor. That's what the thralls are for. But maybe after we embarrass you again this brawl they'll retire you to just that!


Skywarriors? Wolves think their angels now... I might have to join the greybeards this time. Leave the skies to the angels, whelps!


I dont believe we need a ale wench at the moment.


WL Kieran

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Skywarriors don't clean the fang, only armor.

wait, you actually believed us when we told you to go and clean our packs armour? by god whelp! even for that we've got thralls!


Go back and read your Ragnar books, you'll see it. And any warrior worth his salt cleans and maintains his own weapons, I'm starting to think Hendrik was a wolf blade for a good part of his life, and has been spoiled by Terra life.

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Skywarriors don't clean the fang, only armor. That's what the thralls are for. But maybe after we embarrass you again this brawl they'll retire you to just that!


Skywarriors? Wolves think their angels now... I might have to join the greybeards this time. Leave the skies to the angels, whelps!


And this one over here? ::pointing a mocking finger at the self appointed "king":: You're visiting our home, so you should know our customs. We are the skywarriors. Or have you not noticed that you and yours are unable to match us.

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And this one over here? ::pointing a mocking finger at the self appointed "king":: You're visiting our home, so you should know our customs. We are the skywarriors. Or have you not noticed that you and yours are unable to match us.


Despite the Wolves' honorable tendencies on the battlefield, I've indeed seen your more... interesting customs in the Fang. Call yourselves what you will, but few chapters can match and even fewer can best the Night Angel's in air-land combat.


Furthermore, I've noticed few wolf players use skyclaws anyway. Ferocious advances are your niche, not air dominance. :P

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Ferocious advances are your niche, not air dominance. :D

obviously you haven't seen arez and forte getting hurled through the air enough! by now they're so common to the feeling they don't even need jumpacks anymore! just a tiny bit of help by one of the greybeards :P

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