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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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Despite the recent events that I have just today been able to catch-up with, I want to apologize to my fellow brawlers.


Ideally when your computer breaks, you replace the part and go along your merry way. In my world, fixing one part breaks another, fixing that part breaks another, and so on and so on. Basically it came down to me spending a good amount of cash to try and get the brawl completed which could not go on. I had to make the decision to take what parts I had bought new, trash the old stuff, and set about ordering a new system to install my new stuff into.


Hoping to have the new system up and running this coming month. Again sorry for the interrupted brawl my fellow wolves.

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I nearly dropped to my knees and wept with joy at these announcements <_<


Well Mav and I both knew you would faint like a schoolgirl at a Beiber concert and we proceeded anyway for the laughs.

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I nearly dropped to my knees and wept with joy at these announcements <_<


Well Mav and I both knew you would faint like a schoolgirl at a Beiber concert and we proceeded anyway for the laughs.

How very right you were. An I was on the train too. Happy days. Mjod all round and good to see you back Ramses.

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Indeed good things don't die so easily. I defiantly would enjoy a minor distraction from the daily tedium of homework and studying since I left my angels back at home. Ramses, I hope all goes well with your new system.


Hah, you and me both, smurfie!


So... before the real drinking starts. Shall we begin with something small for an appetizer? Maybe a dozen leg of roasted elk-flesh... each?

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-Strolls down the dark hallways on his usual patrols, thinking how eerily quiet this area had become over the last few weeks. Khine comes to an abrupt halt just as he passes the corridor to the great tavern. Could that have just been his imagination or did he hear muffled voices coming from that direction. Knowing he would be in for a sever reprimand if anything happened to the Great wolves ale his the immediate reaction is to move quietly and investigate. Mumbling in a low whisper to himself- " Damn those glory starved whelps .. probably trying to stir up trouble to make a name ..." -Turning the last corner of the stone passageway, a sight greets his eyes that catches the words in his throat. Why was Russ Brother attempting access into the tavern, he should know better than to break the seal. A dark glare passes over the wolf scouts features as he reaches down to pick up loose stone and steps out of the shadow. Knowing better than to let a pray know of the danger before it has time to react, Khine hurtles the stone at his brother's side a moment before he steps out of the dark.- .. Brother..!


[Hope that was the sort of appetizer you were after Volsung :ph34r: ]

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damn you!! I want me ale! *picks up the stone and proceeds to bash the lock off the tavern door... swings the door open to find great Ramses standing there with a stoney expression... casually walks away mumbling many times over "I have seen my mistake and will be sure to correct it..." ...* I'll get you back Khine you sneaky beggar!! *wanders off down the hall cursing and mumbling under my breath...*
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Awesome I need a good brawl now where's my drink



here *slides tankard over* now we wait - once the brawl getsa going ima coming straight for you brother ;)


*catching the tankard as it slides across the bar looks up to Russ Brother 92* If you fight better than those whore sons of magnus I think im going to enjoy this.*Gulps down the ale and waits for the fun to begin*

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Looks like Loken wants a kicking :D


Now to the important question...


Will this be continuing from where it was left with Ramses or...........do we start the night from scratch. Not sure about everyone else but this lack of brawling the last few weeks has left me a tad sober shall we say. A few solo duels would get people fired up again.


That and a new whelp rally ;)



For old time sake, I feel the need to call out GREENHORN!!!! I have a fist with your face on it.

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Looks like Loken wants a kicking :)


Now to the important question...


Will this be continuing from where it was left with Ramses or...........do we start the night from scratch. Not sure about everyone else but this lack of brawling the last few weeks has left me a tad sober shall we say. A few solo duels would get people fired up again.


That and a new whelp rally :D



For old time sake, I feel the need to call out GREENHORN!!!! I have a fist with your face on it.

Challenge accepted,if we do restart i'll do a rally again.

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TAVERN MASTER: just a recap of the rules...


Inglorious Drunkards II was inspired by:




:: The Turn Sequence ::

1) Movement. A player moves similar to a rook and bishop in chess; moving any number of squares along rank, file, or diagonal

2) Shooting. (OPTIONAL, may go directly into combat if user wishes) Players can throw weapons available in each square tile in the map, weapons that consist from bottles, chairs, tables and the occasional Blood Claw. Shooting causes the player to be stunned and pinned.

Coming under fire without knowing where the shots are coming from in the tavern can be extremely shocking, making the targeted drunkards fighting in the tavern or solo duels, throw themselves flat on the floor. If a drunkard suffers any unsaved wounds from a shooting attack, he or she takes a Ld test to see if the ranged attack was severe enough to sustain a stunned result. From there, he or she must then take take a pinning test. This is a normal Leadership test.

(So that's two Ld test in total. I've decided on this because I wanted EVERYONE to have a chance to get into close combat, and I didn't want people to get taken out of the tavern so quickly if they failed their armour saves during the shooting phase. Those who are already stunned, are far more vulnerable during shooting phase as they are already stunned. Stunned results DO NOT stack!) So pretty much I envisioned it to be like a real-life scenario bar fight. Someone is constantly throwing bottles at you, and if you get hit... there is a chance it can cause damage. From there you can't do much but take-cover until the shooting stops. It's as simple as that! at least, I'd like to think so.

If a drunkard is pinned, they are unable to aid fellow drunkards, as he or she is stuck in their location until he or she is able to move once again, using the movement rules. Just remember. EVERYTHING thrown at you at the tavern has range! drunkards who are pinned cannot move into close combat, but can be charged at by an opponent. Counter-attack still applies! As long as test are passed, a drunkard may be called upon to take multiple pinning test, slowing their advance to get into close combat with an opponent in the tavern brawl.

Remember, this is a tavern brawl with tactics in mind. Slowing down League members with shooting is a smart way to capitalize on strategy, so use it wisely! Please take note, that you CANNOT target opponents/drunkards who are already locked in combat. You can assemble and build a uber team, but I'd like to think that I've set-up the tavern so that for those few, who knows how to utilize the map, the rules and the movements... they can pretty much keep things balanced. Wolves are cunning, it's not about who's a league member, or has the largest group of allies. In the end, it all comes down to strategy, and luck. May the dice gods favor the bold!

3) Close Combat. Drunkards in each tile may choose to fight in close combat against those on the adjacent tile(s). Each user has the option to tag-team, or fight other users occupying a single tile in close combat. Once a player fails his save, he continues fight on with the following negative modifiers (-1 attack, -1 initiative) until he fails his leadership test.

Each member is responsible for giving out their instructions to their pack leader (alpha). Players have a total of 24hrs (12hrs North American side, 12hrs European/Asian side) to submit their instructions to keep the brawl running smoothly. Passed out or inactive members during the brawl are given a specified time to react (24hrs). If we hear nothing from the user, his character is then stripped, shaven, de-fanged, dressed as a Dark Angel marine and thrown out of the tavern, and is therefore referred to as an oath breaker! It's just that simple.

:: The Rules ::

1) Indicate your character's location and actions to a designated bartender/servitor. Post your instructions, it helps keep track of everyone on the trend and keeps everyone entertained at the same time. Lastly... PRAY to the dice gods!

2) Only three users may occupy one tile. Each character has the Independent special rule.

3) Users have an option to join a pack of up to a limit of 5 members. Your pack may team up with several other packs. The more the better! start a gang just in case other Astartes chapters decide to crash our party. Just remember, at the end of the night there can only be one man standing. Even if your team manages to be the victor of the night, the pack needs an alpha. Therefore to run your pack, you have to fight for the title.

4) Close combat weapons are temporary and are destroyed or left behind as your character moves onto the next tile. You can throw weapons, which counts as your shooting.

5) Once a user fails his armour save, a leadership roll is made to see if the drunkard can still stand and fight with negative modifiers (-1 WS, -1 A, -1 I) the drunkard breaks off from combat and restarts at a safe location. Once a user fails his final armour save, the character is rendered unconscious and is therefore subject to being used as a weapon by anyone in the tile or can be used as an ablative wound. ie. imagine a drunken Blood Claw being used by a long fang as a weapon

6) Mjod, before each round all the brawlers that are not locked into combat need to state wether they wish to drink a stein of mjod. incase of no answer it will be assumed they didn't drink any for that round. Should a brawler drink the mjod before the start of the turn a single D6 is rolled to see what effect the mjod has on the brawler. the results of the roll are descriped underneath and will last for the following D6 turns to represent the longer effect of the mjod inside the wolf his blood. Any brawler can opt to drink mjod in another turn, even if the previous mjod is still in effect.

-6- the mjod kicks into action and the brawler start to feel capable of doing anything, the rouse is so complete he's unaware of pain and will only feel the bruises the next morning.- for the following game turn the brawler gains the feel no pain rule

-5- slowly starting to get drunk the brawler becomes more and more aggresive, getting fustrated easier and even more easy to jump into combat.-for the following game turn the brawler gains the furious charge special rule.(this bonus stacks with the furious charge of stormclaws)

-4- in an attempt to gain the upper hand the brawler breaks his stein after downing the mjod so he can use it as an extra weapon.- for the following game turn the brawler gains +1A

-3-2- the mjod seems to have no effect on the brawler

-1- the mjod gains the upper hand of the brawler, and his visage begins to blur as the combat ensues.before the start of the round the brawler become -1 WS and -1BS.

7) The second last remaining drunkard becomes a league member. If one of the players is already a League member, then no League championship happens during that night of fighting. League members have access to upgrades of the following: Wolf Guard, Iron Priest, and Storm Claw.

8) The last man standing, wins the game and earns the title of Inglorious Brawler.

:: Pack Wide Rules ::

And They Shall Know No Fear

Acute Senses


:: THE MAP ::


:: Tavern Brawl Character Special Rules ::


(users choose one of the following troop choices)

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Blood Claw

1) Headstrong. As indicated at SW: Codex

2) Berserk Charge. As indicated at SW: Codex

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Grey Hunter

1) Mark of the Wulfen, no rending

2) Wolf Standard. May re-roll only one failed armour save

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Grey Slayer (use stats from EoT codex)

1) Wolf Pelt. +1 attack during counter attack.

2) Wolf Tooth Necklace. Close combat attacks hit on 3+

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Wolf Scout (Wolf Scouts are solitude warriors that are touched by Lokyar. Wolf Scouts may only join a team if there are two other Wolf Scouts attached in a team. Wolf Scouts working together and numbering three or more in a team, gains 3+ armour save for the remainder of the entire brawl.)

1) Brawlers who wish to strike at a Wolf Scout (shooting or close combat) must first roll Ld to see if he can attack the Wolf Scout

2) Disarm and Stun. During any combat, a Wolf Scout may attempt to disengage. The Wolf Scout rolls a D6: On a result of 4+, the Wolf Scout may redeploy anywhere on the battlefield after the combat round is resolved.

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Long Fang

1) Double Tap. Long Fangs gain the ability to shoot two attacks per tile

2) Fire Control. Allows other Long Fangs who are sharing a tile, gains an added shooting attack to their Double Tap special rule.

ex. 3 Long Fangs sharing a tile, have a total of 9 shooting attacks

:: League Brawl Character Special Rules ::


(League Members ONLY. Inglorious Brawlers may upgrade their characters to the following)

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Wolf Guard

1) TDA. 2+ armour save

2) Runic Charm. May re-roll one failed armour save.

3) Wolf Tooth Necklace. Close combat attacks hit on 3+

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Iron Priest

1) Runic Armour. 2+ armour save

2) Bionics. May choose to forfeit all attacks to make a single double strength attack on opponent.

3) Servo-Arm. Gains an additional attack, but may wish to forfeit this attack for a single double strength attack on opponent.

gallery_24878_5332_150.gif Storm Claw (use stats from EoT codex)

1) Furious Charge

2) Wolf Pelt. +1 attack during counter attack.

3) Healing Potions & Balms. Old tech, borrowed from the 13th company wolf priest. May ignore one failed armour save, may also help revive fallen team mate, per tile.




Night One: Sturm Moonwolf (Long Fang)

Night Two: Growler67 (Wolf Scout Korvis)

Night Three: TiguriusX (Grey Hunter)

Night Four: MaveriK (Grey Hunter)

Night Five: Orphus (Blood Claw)


Night One: maverik_girl (Grey Hunter/Shield Maiden)

Night Two: runningwolffenris (Blood Claw)

Night Three: MaveriK (Wolf Guard)


League Member: Nacho Wolf

League Member: Firenze

League Member: Decoy

League Member: Mikal Wolfheart

League Member: Starkhan Fellblade

League Member: Wolf Lord Metuhs

League Member: The LoneWolf

League Member: Chapter Master Ignis Domus

League Member: hendrik

League Member: BrotherCrazywolf

League Member: Jonas Stromclaw

League Member: Wolf Lord Kieran

League Member: Brother Ramses

League Member: Zynk Kaladin

League Member: arez


:: Solo Duels ::

Members of the Fang are welcomed to call out other members in order to settle unspoken grudges or help end a debate/argument from withing the threads here at B&C, via by challenging each other here at the Fang. The winner of the solo match is deemed the alpha between the two combatants and gains a bonus when the actual tavern brawl begins. The alpha can choose one of the following bonuses: extra close combat attack, or an initiative boost. Solo duels are also a good way to help decide, who leads each team for the actual brawl. Established chain of command will follow to the challenger of the solo duel should the alpha of the pack is knocked out during the tavern brawl. Please note that the solo match is separate from the brawl. After the fighting, both players reset to their original state. The solo duels help kick off the actual brawl because their fighting.

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TAVERN MASTER: night four brawlers....



Pack A:

-Arez 'Greenhorn' (Stormclaw- Leader)



Pack N:

-Nrth 'Iron Chin' (Grey Hunter - Leader)

-Postal (Grey Hunter)


Pack F:

-Forte (Grey Hunter - Leader)



Pack S:

-Skadi (Stormclaw - Leader)

-Cpt. Lacerus(Bloodclaw)


Pack V:

-Volsung (Bloodclaw - leader)

-Sven Firewolf (Bloodclaw)

-Buliwyf (Bloodclaw)



- MaveriK (Wolf Guard)

- CMID (Storm Claw)


- hendrik (Storm Claw)

- Jonas Stromclaw (Storm Claw)

- kassill (Grey Hunter)


- Warhorse47 (Grey Slayer)

- Wolf Lord Kieran (Storm Claw)

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TAVERN MASTER: just a recap of what happened...



Jonas Stromclaw unsteadily raised yet another bowl of mjod to his already numb lips. The quiet murmuring around the tavern was in stark contrast to the heavy hormonal battle lust emanating from the gathered Blood Claw whelps across the way. A crooked smile revealed his thick upper canines at the thought of just what he would do to any Blood Claw foolish enough to tempt his wrath. Wait? What had he been talking about again?

An abrupt bump from behind caused the thick liquid filled bowl to cascade from unresponsive fingertips and drench the old Storm Claw's beard and tunic. With a roar that was part anger and part belch, Jonas flipped the table before him and spun around to face the bloody arse that had disturbed his mjod induced stupor. The whelp would not only feel the hammer of his fists, but would also spend the evening fetching as many replacement bowls of mjod that he desired!

Before Jonas stood Grey Slayer Warhorse, a small smile crossing his face at the humorous sight before him. The smile quickly turned into a bare-toothed snarl as Jonas launched himself at the Grey Slayer.

Wildly flailing his arms, Jonas completely misses Warhorse in his drunken anger and instead crashes over a nearby table. As Jonas slowly picked himself up from the floor, snapping one of the legs from the table to arm himself, Warhorse calmly steps forward and lands two crisp blows right above the left ear of Jonas, dropping him back to the floor, albeit completely unconscious this time.

Warhorse turns back to his table and raises his first bowl of mjod for the evening and toasts a loudly snoring Jonas.


Maverik quickly did a double-take across the tavern hall as he noticed that the Shield Maiden Skadi had crossed the Grey Beards drinking table decided to drink with her former whelp mates. The young ones were a rowdy bunch once the mjod got ahold of them and it appeared that Skadi was feeling a bit nostalgic. There was hierarchy to preserve and damned if the Shield Maiden was going to let the whelps ego be boosted by her prescence at their table!

Raising an empty bowl in his meaty hand, he sent it sailing across the tavern in a spinning arc to crash among the full and empty bowls at the youngsters table and yelled,

"Ho, Shield Maiden! Don't encourage your former packmates tonight. Already their battle lust is stinking up this place as the evening goes on! You have made your mark in the brawls, now come sit where you will be respected as an equal instead of being awed over by those starstruck whelps!"

The FULL bowl of mjod that bounced off of the Wolf Guard's chest splattering his body and face from Skadi's hand was the Shield Maiden's decline to the invitation.

Maverik rushed Skadi with a roar, trailing spilled mjod behind him in an alcoholic trail eerily resembling the red snow trail of a wounded mammoth.

Skadi jumped quickly from her seat, and met the charging Wolf Guard, striking him quickly and accurately before he had even a chance to cock back his arm. The blows were perfect, but rang harmlessly from the ancient armor encasing Maverik. Now that the distance was closed however, Maverik struck out at the young Storm Claw, but was caught in surprise at her speed as she quickly ducked his first blows and then dived beneath his outstretched hands to come up behind him.

Again, the Storm Claw struck out with perfectly placed strikes and again the armor held true.

Maverik quickly turned on the fleeting Shield Maiden and smiled as he saw her dart backwards with a mjod induced overconfidence in her speed of attacks. Grabbing one of the benches from the table nearest to him, he hefted it towards the Shield Maiden. Intentionally throwing it wide to her left, causing her to veer quickly to the right, into one of the serving thralls.

Crashing to the ground amid empty and full bowls of mjod, laughter broke out from the Grey Beards table as Maverik strode towards the Shield Maiden tangled within the servitor thrall's many automated limbs. Even despite the entanglement, the Storm Claw was able to swing an armored boot out at the Wolf Guard knee causing him to stumble. Maverik answered the desperate last move with a flurry of crashing blows knocking the Shield Maiden senseless.


Vantius's eyes were narrow slits over the top of a bowl of mjod as he stared intently at the entrance to the tavern, waiting. The events of that day's xenos training session were still burning bright in his head, further fueled by the mjod he had already consumed. There was no way that the Grey Hunter was correct! He could have beaten the captured Carnifex had that damn Grey Hunter not shown up with his melta and finished the job. Who holds at range anyway when you could be in close combat?!?!?! The familiar form of Kassill entered the tavern and caught the glaring Blood Claws gaze almost instantly. A sly smile accompanied by an arrogant, wink from the Grey Hunter sent the Blood Claw into a frenzy!

Grabbing the stool from beneath him and rushing across the tavern, bowling fellow Blood Claws over, Vantius crashed into the smiling Grey Hunter swinging the wooden weapon with the wild recklessness of youth but not the experience to deliver a wounding blow.

The Grey Hunter reacted instantly to the amateurish onslaught, bringing up his armored vambrace to let the wood harmlessly shatter across the ceramite and following up with a hard shove to the youth's armored chest causing him to fall backwards, but not intending any damage. Again, the Grey Hunter arrogantly winked at the Blood Claw, infuriating him even more.

Vantius flew into rage at Kassill's nonchalant manner of facing him. Grabbing another stool and pulling it apart in his armored hands, the Blood Claw launched himself at the Grey Hunter in recklish abandon. However, with calm detachment, the Grey Hunter continued to parry the blows while only delivering an insulting shove or slap across the whelps face causing no damage, but only infuriating the Blood Claw even more.

With a sudden burst of speed fueled by rage and mjod, Vantius finally broke through the Grey Hunter's parrying defense! A single crushing blow landed across the bridge of Kassill's nose bring forth a flood of the blood from his nostrils. Kassill stumbled backwards against a table upsetting food and drink as he struggled to regain his balance. The inexperienced Vantius, in shock of delivering a successful hit, stood his ground and not following up to finish the stunned warrior.

The shocked Grey Hunter's eyes fluttered in almost unconsciousness before locking into focus with the heavily panting Blood Claw. Across his irises flittered a gold flash of animalistic fury. With a howl of wulfen rage, Kassill steamrolled into the shocked Blood Claw, raining blow after blow onto the back-stepping whelp before laying him low with heavy fist to the face, returning the gift of a broken nose back upon the young one and knocking him out.


Kieran reached across the table and grabbed the huge shank of elk to pull it over to his plate and was met with resistance. From the other side of the shank a growl of challenge was given as Brother Crazy Wolf began to stand up, holding the other side of the bloody, barely cooked meat.

Without so much as a blink, Kieran struck out with a balled fist of iron solidly into the fellow Storm Claw jaw. With eyes rolling upwards, Brother Crazy Wolf slid to the floor relinquishing his claim on the elk meat.

*****I am commenting on this fight just because it really boiled down to what you see above. I rolled off for every fight as to who got the charge off. Kieran won, charged, landed one hit and got one wound. Crazy Wolf failed EVERYTHING! I laughed so much I figured the story would have to be just as funny. (Brother Ramses)*****


The cocky Volsung strolled into the tavern and quickly swiped a bowl of mjod from a passing thrall to gulp down the fiery brew. He had been informed by his fellow Blood Claws regarding the planned brawl against the Grey Beards tonight and could only laugh with glee at the thought of his intended target. Wrapped with a length of corded steel able around his wrist were the brawl-extracted teeth of a few regulars to the tavern brawls. However, tonight was going to be a trophy hunt like no other as he gazed across the tavern to a lone Storm Claw eating.

Storm Claw Ignis bit into another mammoth rib, cracking the bone and releasing the sweet bloody marrow to drip down his chin. Opening his mouth again, plas-steel canines were revealed among the other Iron Priest dental implants before crunching the bone into slivers. One does not simply enjoy eating the same after taking a greenskin power klaw to the face without a proper set of teeth. From the corner of his eye, he could see the young whelp that liked to call himself tooth collector staring at him while absent mindlessly playing with the wire strung cord of canines and bicuspids. Ignis snorted in laughter and swallowed his last mouthful of mammoth and stood up,

"Aye tooth faeire?!", he shouted to Volsung, "I reckon you are sizing me up for a hunt later!"

Reaching up to his jaw, the Storm Claw wretched his upper right canine from the metal housing and slammed it on the table.

"Come and get it!", he yelled in challenge.

The young Blood Claw flustered at the suddenly new nickname as laughter echoed across the hall and then angered at the obvious embarrassment. Gripping the mjod bowl in both hands, he folded it in half in anger and rushed the old Storm Claw intent on taking his trophy. With the speed of youth, he crashed into Ignis delivering a flurry of blows, using the crumpled bowl as both a device to parry and jab at the older Wolf's midsection. He finished his quick assault with a looping right cross that smashed into the Storm Claw's brow, splitting it open upon an old scar line.

Stunned by the last blow, Ignis staggered backwards quickly reaching for a pouch slung across his neck. A quick pinch of the ground herbs inside and a hot flush of heat raced through his limbs instantly removing the dizziness from his mind. With a roar of ages, he rushed the young whelp landing blow after blow upon him. Amazingly the youth was able to either dodge or deflect the worse of his hits. This youth was indeed a tavern trophy hunter!

Volsung was now breathing heavily. Although he had not suffered greatly from the elders onslaught, the blows had taken their toll on him nonetheless. With a final burst of strength and speed, he threw himself at the Storm Claw. He was intent on that single tooth and that was all that mattered in these final seconds and that focus would be his undoing. The blow from Ignis that crashed into his teeth, shattering one of his upper canines sent him spiraling to the ground.

Ignis looked at his recently removed plas-steel canine in his hand and then at the blood running freely from the empty dental cavity of the prone Blood Claw before setting it on his chest for when he woke up.


(tune in for the long awaited conclusion!!!!)


TAVERN MASTER: Just a reminder to those involved, including myself. Let us all try to be more responsible with our words and actions. Let's try and not let these types mindset/role playing, spill over to the different threads here at the Fang. Remember... it takes a vast amount of self control to be a Son of Russ. So let us all be grateful for what we have here at the Fang, and be thankful for all it's past and current members, along with our moderators who enforce and help keep this place feel like home.

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it seems it continues then, ah well, i'll play along then. if jonas or kassil want to lead it's all fine by me. i'm currently uccupied with my thesis research and don't feel much like brawling after the "incident" anymore anyway. if neither of them want to do it i'll try to post instructions as often as i can and to the best of my capabilities
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