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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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Personally I think we should re-start the night. Where there's been suck a long break and new people have come out of the wood work it'll be good to throw it open to everyone again.


Though, after seeing Ramses write ups, I do understand why you'd want to continue where it was left.

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Personally I think we should re-start the night. Where there's been suck a long break and new people have come out of the wood work it'll be good to throw it open to everyone again.


Though, after seeing Ramses write ups, I do understand why you'd want to continue where it was left.

Wow, it feels weird being back. Well... how about we watch and see how Nrth and hendrik's fight ended? then restart the night four brawl?

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nrth won, it just hadn't been written but the results have been posted :P

wow I totally missed that! looking forward to the written results. Alright well Mav agrees to the restart, just after the results of Nrth and your fight. If that's the case then I'm calling out commander alexander to a duel.

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*snaps into the Material plane with a KRAKOOM! outside the doors of the tavern, Warp essence trailing from his newly-reformed body. Decoy clicks the tips of two Wolf Claws together, nodding sagely.*


I think that after a long time, I am ready for a fight. And I think this fight will be a grand one, when it comes to pass.

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Challenge accepted,if we do restart i'll do a rally again.

don't overreact arez, first ramses needs to get his system up and running again.

if/when the brawl restarts, will it be a new one, or just the continuation of the last one?

:D how was that overreacting?all i said was if we were going to restart i'll do a rally again.anyway im glad this is restarting,i was just about to start brawling with forte againerrr i mean i was just about to write a saga :D
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*snaps into the Material plane with a KRAKOOM! outside the doors of the tavern, Warp essence trailing from his newly-reformed body. Decoy clicks the tips of two Wolf Claws together, nodding sagely.*


I think that after a long time, I am ready for a fight. And I think this fight will be a grand one, when it comes to pass.

We got Dibs on Decoy! Woohoo!

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::feels his face to see it's still intact:: I won did I? I don't even feel a bruise or a missing tooth though. This must have been a truly magically fight, but ::waving a hand over his face:: If this is good, then we're good.


It'll be good to brawl again. I'm stuck in limbo, hopefully I can pickup my minis/paint tomorrow from my old place at least, I haven't touched a bit of plastic in two months now, and it's really starting to itch. I'm tired of my new apartment being unadorned by space wolves, and feeling like I'm living in a hotel.


May have to take a roll call, at least of the pack leaders to see if everyone is still around.

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well.. if commander alexander doesn't answer my duel, I'm calling out Rune_Priest_Rhapsody on a solo fight!


You all can post hundreds of posts about pretend fights in a tavern, but you can't sign up to fight for the favor of the All-Father himself??!! Shameful.


End of Line

my reason for calling out RPR, from a different thread.. :P :lol: B) :D

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I, Wolf Scout Wysten, wish to enter the fray for the time that commander sent my pack alone into the middle of dark eldar to fire our meltaguns, i have still not unremembered the verious ways we were hulimated before we were dug out. Allow my name, meaning that of battlestone in the olden terran langague, to be the stone in which your saga's be ground upon!


I will be going lone scout wolf anyways. Apprently the smell is so bad that no senseable wolf scout would consider joining any pack!


(All in character of course. XD)

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The doors of the tavern creak open, trumpeting the entrance of a shining midnight clad figure, covered in gleaming golden angel's wing emblems and dignified symbols of nobility, a black and deep red cape billowing behind him. Without breaking his stride, the angelic figure advances into the tavern, his deep sapphire eyes, well kept hair, and noble countenance at odds with the rest of the tavern's guests. Stopping a respectable distance from his wolf-brothers, he allows a soft smile to enhance his angelic presence. Jokingly/mockingly:


"Ah the pungent smell of piss, anger... and, oh by his majesty the Emperor, is that wet dog?! This is beyond insulting to my senses..."

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Nods at warhorse grabs York's chain and strolls over by Zynk and as he passes Zynk with york the wolf decides to take care of some business and does so on Zynk's leg


looks at york and says bad York but then kneels down and in a low voice as he pats the pup on his head and says your a good wolf yes you are.

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"And that horrific, lingering lemony smell is back once again. How many times do you have to be told to use Old Spice and not the latrine cleaner!"



Old Spice is too manly an oder for you ugly ladies to experience. You'll blow out your noses. :P


Zynk looks at York Charming... I do not believe we have met before.

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TAVERN MASTER: Just a reminder to those involved, including myself. Let us all try to be more responsible with our words and actions. Let's try and not let these types mindset/role playing, spill over to the different threads here at the Fang. Remember... it takes a vast amount of self control to be a Son of Russ. So let us all be grateful for what we have here at the Fang, and be thankful for all it's past and current members, along with our moderators who enforce and help keep this place feel like home.

Aye, even I can admit that the Blood Claw in me, is yet so short-tempered and fierce that my words and actions here at the Fang have gotten the best of me. For this I apologize to our esteemed Wolf Priest, Rune Priest and Jarl. It is my pride as a Wolf, that was like a double edged axe, wielded by an unexperienced daughter of Fenris. I recognize my failings, and be sure to correct them :yes:


As for the original brawl for night four. Mav came up with an idea that when all the solo duels and brawlers we about to get ready. Everyone was suddenly called out for war. And just as quickly, drunkend rivalries were put aside for greater glory.

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Alright folks while we wait for Ramses, (please take your time wolf brother) keep an eye out for certain side quest thread, that I've come up with for those seeking some fun and adventure in the harsh death world of Fenris. More details later, as the week progresses!
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With all this excitement I'm finding it hard to control myself..

runs over to Arez, stops dead right infront of him and stares him in the eyes.

Suddenly, forte slaps Arez with both hands at the same time one each side of his face. Very nearly causing him to drop his drink.

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