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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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::whap whap whap:: that's the sound of the back of my hand hitting the back of your heads. Keep it on topic. I'm a metal/hardcore person, and as much as I'd love to talk about it, don't go flooding this amazing thread with off topic posts. That's how great things get mangled! Especially around here.
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Indeed on with the drunken brawl!! *nods to the Tavern Master* I be awaiting eagerly... well if I survive the gauntlet ofcourse haha (Nrthstar I'll be a comin after a you, once I've dealt with Khine and Skadi) ;)

Only way your going to get Nrth is if Maverik allows him to play,Nrth missed the sign up

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Indeed on with the drunken brawl!! *nods to the Tavern Master* I be awaiting eagerly... well if I survive the gauntlet ofcourse haha (Nrthstar I'll be a comin after a you, once I've dealt with Khine and Skadi) :)

Only way your going to get Nrth is if Maverik allows him to play,Nrth missed the sign up



Aye next time, out of respect for Mav I didn't even ask to enter this one, i can easily envision how difficult running this is, at some point I'll even volunteer for tavern master duty if needed/wanted. Right now i'm happy to drink, train and watch, laugh

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*tavern doors slam open* there stood a lonely yet angry figure before an almost a cold and dark empty hall. Servitors and kaerls frantically running about preparing the tavern for the return of the sky warriors. "HONEY WINE!" she yells out. The closest sevitor nods it's head and rushes off into the distance. The shield maiden walks towards the closest table, bandages still wrapped around her body, almost looking like an ancient terran mummy. Blood still fresh from her wounds suffered from the gauntlet against a kraken. "Damn that foolish Greenhorn!" says Skadi. I now have a good enough reason to challenge my pack mate, in single close combat.
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*lifts his head off a near by table and says in low hushed voice to Skadi* can you keep it down over their my head is still killing me from the whooping that kraken gave to me. mumbles some thing about wanting to kill Greenhorn for being to impulsive. *as he sits back up straight the fresh bandages on his chest and on his arms become visible.*
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Drags his weary beaten frame into the drinking halls of the Fang. Scratches and other strange marks untreated on his battered armour. Blood splatters mixed with the icor of the sea beast which bested him.


The broken Blood Claw slumps heavily onto a stool near to Skadi and Postal.


"Wish I could remember who's fraking idea that was. Now I need a lot of drink before I go see the Iron Priests."

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Thank you for the drinks sky warriors! I hold no grudge over Greenhorn, but it doesn't mean I won't stand down from our solo duel Bahahaha. No daughter of Fenris yields nor backs down from a fight. The kraken hunt was a valuable lesson... next time, I will bring glory to pack leader hendrik.
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-Groggy from the resulting climax of the hunt against the loathsome depth-dwellers, he ambles along the halls towards the tavern. A slimy deep blue appendage clasps firmly in hand and a haughty measure to his stride, the young Bloodclaw regales his mind the tale of the fight, remembering small extra details in mental telling. The thing that Khine dragged behind was giving off a thick putrid stench that made him wince every time he breathed in. No, he would not let this prize go no matter the cost to his senses. This was his honour, his trophy and the forging of his new name.. but what name would be suitable. He thought on this; Perhaps "the depth stalker" or even "sight stealer". There would be much time to contemplate this as he walked through the doors to the loud tavern and hefted the Krakken's carcase at his nearest Battle Brother.-


Brothers and Sisters! -He bellowed- Tonight we dine on Krakken!

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There would be much time to contemplate this as he walked through the doors to the loud tavern and hefted the Krakken's carcase at his nearest Battle Brother.-

Eyeslkethunder walks over to Khine and pulls his still flamng spear out of the krakkens carcase. "I have that back thank you" How shall we cook it deep fried in mjod?

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Aye cook it slow and cook it strong, a kegs worth of mjod ought to do it brothers, if you need another keg then find me, I am still getting the tentacles outta my hair hahaha sadly the beast pulled me under into the deep... If it weren't for Old Man Horst I would be another fest for the monsters of the deep!
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Aye cook it slow and cook it strong, a kegs worth of mjod ought to do it brothers, if you need another keg then find me, I am still getting the tentacles outta my hair hahaha sadly the beast pulled me under into the deep... If it weren't for Old Man Horst I would be another fest for the monsters of the deep!


Aye ... Krakken rings for all i suppose. - Starts hacking away at the parts of the beast used to forge frost weapons - Good thing that i can craft axe after losing my second to the depths..


Horst.. Our Brother, you get the heart or the brain. Take your pick!

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Zynk silently enters the tavern, still wearing his torn midnight cloak which revealed rapidly healing pink scars of inhumanly massive claw marks. Around his neck by his golden, ruby angel amulet, hung two pairs of large fangs, blood still stained their yellowish-white surfaces. He tests the air, almost wolf-like in action as the scent of fried krakken and salt tickles his nostrils as the beast sizzled in the frier. Smiling, Zynk grabs a stein of mead and downs the bitter liquid with as much regalia he could muster despite his thirst-- his more crimson thirst already satiated.


Good catch, wolf-brother Khine. That krakken sure smells delicious!


Zynk looks at the blood claws clad in tattered bandages brooding and growling at each other. The hot air was obviously not beaten out of them thoroughly enough Zynk mused to himself.


"I thought I heard whining whelp screams in the distance! What these eyes can not pierce, these ears surly do catch. Well, at least there's always next time, little sisters."


Taking a piece of cheese, bread, and refilling his mead, Zynk sits with the older, more grounded, wolves lest he be tempted to prod the Claws further.

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will we get to see the winners of the solo duels soon? :) since the gauntlet is over and all.

They are done, I'll have to dig up and look for the notepad file on our desktop. Unfortunately Mav is ill, I can't say much about that, but for now both the Inglorious and Gauntlet threads will need a new Hunt-Master and Tavern Master until Mav gets better. We are both sorry for the delay as life on holy terra have been pretty stressful and hectic in the last month or two.

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fair enough Skadi - I'm sure I can speak for all who visit the threads in saying that we hope Mav gets better soon, and that whilst we do love the duels/gauntlet etc. RL and his health are much more important :P

You sure do. Get well Mav.

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They are done, I'll have to dig up and look for the notepad file on our desktop. Unfortunately Mav is ill, I can't say much about that, but for now both the Inglorious and Gauntlet threads will need a new Hunt-Master and Tavern Master until Mav gets better. We are both sorry for the delay as life on holy terra have been pretty stressful and hectic in the last month or two.


Don't worry about all of this then skadi, take care of Mav ^-^ Hope he gets well soon.

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