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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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Blood claw.


:D Finally the doors are open again .. though i think somebody forgot to clear out the krakken rings.. gawd they smell something rank.


Russ Brother. We still have a Solo Duel to settle! >=]

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forte sits himself at one of the taverns new and unbroken tables. Taking a large bite of raw elk meat. There is a change in the atmosphere in the room today. An excitement which hadn't be felt for months. Something had been brewing.

He raised his tankard to his mouth and tilted his head back for a large and well needed drink. forte froze at the sight he witnessed. His drink spilling from his gaping jaw and running down his chest. The horrifying vision was too much for the young Blood Claw to take in.


With a part howl part terrifying scream he uttered a single, spine chilling word...




The damage was done. The beast inside was angered, horrified and befuddled. All at the same time. This was going to be a brawl like no other.



I declare a solo duel.

forte vs the chandeliers of defacement

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walks into the tavern just in time to see forte staring up at the ceiling with perfectly good mojod running down his face and then notices the Chandeliers at the same time as forte screams about them an d screams him self about them then mutters to him self only one person would dare put those in here well we were all out and starts looking over the place for the offending night angel and spots Zynk and his two honer guard and i challenge you Zynk for defacing the tavern with these ugly things on our ceiling. are you a Astartes or a you a Lilly liveried cowered with a yellow streak running down your back?
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@forte: May I assume you are a blood claw? Also, the chandeliers accept your challenge. :D


@postal: Blood claw as well? I would love to smack you silly, but fighting in this brawl would be a conflict of interest. I roll the dice after all.


@Conan: Yes, packs are available, necromancer.

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Blood claw.


;) Finally the doors are open again .. though i think somebody forgot to clear out the krakken rings.. gawd they smell something rank.


Russ Brother. We still have a Solo Duel to settle! >=]


Indeed we do whelp ;) a pack brother you may be, but it shall be YOU who is carted off to see dear Lord Ulrik before the night is out :)


p.s. if all goes to plan Mekboy will kick off with the poncy night angel and 'redecorate' perhaps a happy shade of red, to compliment his purple armour ;)

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Blood claw.


:) Finally the doors are open again .. though i think somebody forgot to clear out the krakken rings.. gawd they smell something rank.


Russ Brother. We still have a Solo Duel to settle! >=]


Indeed we do whelp ;) a pack brother you may be, but it shall be YOU who is carted off to see dear Lord Ulrik before the night is out ;)


p.s. if all goes to plan Mekboy will kick off with the poncy night angel and 'redecorate' perhaps a happy shade of red, to compliment his purple armour ;)


Ahh Brother, remind me who was the one who slew a krakken out on the hunt and who came back empty handed with naught but bruises and a tail between his legs?


I say after our friendly spate, we proceed to re-redecorate this place. Perhaps the targeting range could do with some new things to be shot at, like those horrid angel statues.


Whose with us?

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An armored figure stumbles into the newly re-modeled hall, his armor dented and scarred, wth a rapidly healing bruised face to match. Squinting in disbelief at the work of his hunting partner, Wolf Lord Kieran walks towards the bar in a stupor. Before he reached the bar, he saw the bartender through dimmed eyes and found the image confusing. Though the bartender appeared to be a female, the proportions were all wrong. This female was the size of an Astartes warrior! Well, maybe one of the weedier Astartes, but definetly not human.

The scent was odd as well, perfumed like a lady governor but with the very slightest hint of steel underneath, of bolt casings and cleansing oils...

His hearing, normally able to hear snowflakes colliding in their descent, heard no woman voice from behind the bar, but rather the soft yet cultered voices that had pestered the Fang of late.


Finally Kieran open his eyes despite the slight wince of discomfort, and saw the bartender sliding a mug his way. With a laugh that boomed like a siege shell, Kieran finally put the pieces together in his now de-fogged mine. a Night Angel!


"Its about time we have a serving wench in this hall again, though the abundance of cushions will soften the Blood Claws before long!


Wolf Lord Kieran, the Talon of Fenris, entering the hall as a Wolf Guard.



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