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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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I am game... Add my name to the roster as a Stormclaw....


Russ Brother, Warhorse... Got room in your pack for me?


Aye brother Crazywolf, always welcome you are ^_^


now we number four, standing Strong and Proud as a pack - led by Old Greybeard Horst and Brother Crazywolf, followed in turn by Brothers Khine and Russ Brother (Russ fer short) - no we simply need a pack name as great as our combined sagas are long ^_^

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I only have 1 solo duel and a whine-fest about the splendid new decorations?! All you sons of Russ do is just mewl and cower whilst licking each other's balls like touched pups! How truly shameful...


forte vs. chandeliers(6 chandeliers WS1, BS-, S1, T1, W1, I4, A1, sv 6+ )

Russ Brother vs. Khine


BTW, I'll be running mjod this game, of course. Now stop drinking your mother's milk before I bore myself into oblivion.


EDIT: This is the roster so far. I'll make an official roster tomorrow and announce a solo duel date (provided you all man the emperor's most sacred left nut up).


Warhorse (Grey Hunter)

Russ Brother (Blood Claw in dark corner)

Khine (Blood Claw)

Mav_girl (Stormclaw)

Fytharin (Blood Claw)

postal (Grey Hunter)

Arez (Count-as Wolf Guard)

Rayray (Grey Hunter)

WLK (Wolf Guard)

Volsung (Blood Claw)

Crazywolf (Stormclaw)

truesonofruss (Blood Claw)

Wolf Lord Conan (Blood Claw)

forte(Blood Claw)

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Zynk, lounges regally upon the tavern-master throne, sipping fine wine from a golden chalice.


I am greatly saddened by the fact that I, the most graceful and elegant astartes in this once-disgusting room, am unable to smack the timidity and wet dog odor out of each and every one of you. Dueling would be a conflict of interest for me because I roll the dice, after all. Truthfully I won't be rolling much dice seeing how effectively you wolves tuck your tail between your legs. I will now wear a silver mask of tears upon face in mourning for your loss of spine and martial prowess. What a boring lot. :)

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*walks towards this so-called tavern mistress of the prissy angels...* [in deep scottish brogue] "hey now ya wee little girly, we sons and daughters of Russ are so disheartened by your fanciful and materealistic needs for prancing about in a room that looks like your mother's coming to town, that we simply refuse and so whilst myself and khine will beat eachother (mainly Khine being knocked about) senselless - the rest will NOT do battle or brawl until Mr Arez (call him Greenhorn if ya dare) has knocked those poncy chandeliers of our beloved rocky ceiling and the room is dark and homely once again..." *orders little wolf Hobbes to piddle on the tavern mistress and his feminine bodyguards and stalks back to his corner with the betting charts...*
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Zynk, lounges regally upon the tavern-master throne, sipping fine wine from a golden chalice.


I am greatly saddened by the fact that I, the most graceful and elegant astartes in this once-disgusting room, am unable to smack the timidity and wet dog odor out of each and every one of you. Dueling would be a conflict of interest for me because I roll the dice, after all. Truthfully I won't be rolling much dice seeing how effectively you wolves tuck your tail between your legs. I will now wear a silver mask of tears upon face in mourning for your loss of spine and martial prowess. What a boring lot. :)


After our hunt I expected more of you, sister.




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Zynk, lounges regally upon the tavern-master throne, sipping fine wine from a golden chalice.


I am greatly saddened by the fact that I, the most graceful and elegant astartes in this once-disgusting room, am unable to smack the timidity and wet dog odor out of each and every one of you. Dueling would be a conflict of interest for me because I roll the dice, after all. Truthfully I won't be rolling much dice seeing how effectively you wolves tuck your tail between your legs. I will now wear a silver mask of tears upon face in mourning for your loss of spine and martial prowess. What a boring lot. :)


ALright, you prissy, self serving 41st Millenia version of a panty waist decorating, sheep loving......after the brawl is over we shall fight! There are automated dice rollers for on line games and we will use one of those to keep it all fair!

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Hey what happened to me?


Good catch! I've updated the draft roster.



As a gesture of civility and friendship I gave the tavern such gifts for the benefit of aesthetic improvement whilst in righteous combat. I try to inspire the will to prove yourselves among peers in one on one combat with words of encouragement. But alas, you gnash your fangs and bite the hand that feeds. I tell it like it is, brothers, you are a nasty pack of savages. :) :lol:


WWSD? tosses golden chalice aside, ruffles hair, picks up a stein of mead, chugs it, belches loudly, and slams the empty stein on the table


Fine, on your terms then! Tosses the stein at a chandelier and shatters it in a shower of crystal and glass I NEVER LIKED THIS SET ANYWAY!

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solo duel challange: I challange Warhorse47 for the right to challange the Night Angel first!




*upon hear Kieran's challenge he steps out of his dark corner...* In that case I must challenge one of your packmates - as Horst's pack-brother I must step in here, who from your pack will face this whelps hot blood and stone fisted challenge?

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solo duel challange: I challange Warhorse47 for the right to challange the Night Angel first!




*upon hear Kieran's challenge he steps out of his dark corner...* In that case I must challenge one of your packmates - as Horst's pack-brother I must step in here, who from your pack will face this whelps hot blood and stone fisted challenge?


At the moment I am a pack of 2, so I guess Rayray is automatically accepting your challange!


(think about it Ray, it isnt the worst thing i have talked us into by FAR)



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solo duel challange: I challange Warhorse47 for the right to challange the Night Angel first!




*upon hear Kieran's challenge he steps out of his dark corner...* In that case I must challenge one of your packmates - as Horst's pack-brother I must step in here, who from your pack will face this whelps hot blood and stone fisted challenge?

Since you got me confused with forte i'll fight ya to knock some sense into you.I'll also fight forte after for old times sake

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solo duel challange: I challange Warhorse47 for the right to challange the Night Angel first!




*upon hear Kieran's challenge he steps out of his dark corner...* In that case I must challenge one of your packmates - as Horst's pack-brother I must step in here, who from your pack will face this whelps hot blood and stone fisted challenge?


At the moment I am a pack of 2, so I guess Rayray is automatically accepting your challange!


(think about it Ray, it isnt the worst thing i have talked us into by FAR)



A warm-up Before arse-kicking is most definetly in order. Russ Brother, I accept. May Russ smile upon the more worthy.

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I have many a duel on me hands now haha "Taking bets on Four Duels people... no cheating going on here, just the bet-master fighting in three of the afforementioned duels..." :D


Duel 1 - vs Khine, fellow pack-brother and owner of a very shiney Kraken-Skin coat (should be mine by rights of me having my fingers chewed off by the bleeding thing...) :)


Duel 2 - vs Kieran, he has challenged my mentor Old Horst and due to dueling the old greybeard has proxied in his pack-brother Ray, an interesting duel from this master of the painting brush...


Duel 3 - vs Arez (Little Greenhorn) yes indeed, named Greenhorn for reasons I still question, it's a title magnanimous with random acts of violence and friendly borrowing of chapter equipment (normally never to be seen again unless in a wrecked heap on some forgotten xenos world).


"plaaace ya bets lads and lasses, time to let Lady Luck fly her flag and decide who shall be the winner of these here majestic brawls and who shall be carted off to the infirmary before the party's even started..."

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