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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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hmm another way to get the blood pumping and adrenaline going *picks up Conan and tosses him across the room* now now its my duty to pick on Forte not yours


@Skadi why the facepalm,just want it to be like old times when we'd fight amongst each other.

@postal he's likely looking for something to keep his beard from growing back within a few hours :)

Now now, Arez, why simply throw each other around when we can be patient and see who is standing after the brawl when the dust settles? Perhaps a blood claw like you is incapable of such a thing?

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Now now, Arez, why simply throw each other around when we can be patient and see who is standing after the brawl when the dust settles? Perhaps a blood claw like you is incapable of such a thing?

I can be patient,how do you think I got this termie armor?

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Now now, Arez, why simply throw each other around when we can be patient and see who is standing after the brawl when the dust settles? Perhaps a blood claw like you is incapable of such a thing?

I can be patient,how do you think I got this termie armor?


you stole it ... err i mean borrowed it and forgot to return it.

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Now now, Arez, why simply throw each other around when we can be patient and see who is standing after the brawl when the dust settles? Perhaps a blood claw like you is incapable of such a thing?

I can be patient,how do you think I got this termie armor?


you stole it ... err i mean borrowed it and forgot to return it.

I had to patiently wait for a suit to be left unattended then take it for a test drive :)
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Russ Brother, Brother Warhorse, Brother Crazywolf! I will be honored to fight by your side! And yours as well, Khine, if you would have me!


Pack W Hjølda! By mine hands shalt the enemies eat their own pubes by end of this night! ^_^


Aye of course we will have you Vols. You would have heard if i had an objection. -Goes back to eating raw meat and drink Mjod while he watches the entertainment-


to the He-she who decorates taverns with the all finesse of an underhive street caller after he-she has gotten done caking her face with tacky paint: For the Solo duels, I request that the duel between Brother Russ and i, both of us be forced to guzzle down mjod every round ( potentially getting different results every round ).

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Russ Brother, Brother Warhorse, Brother Crazywolf! I will be honored to fight by your side! And yours as well, Khine, if you would have me!


Pack W Hjølda! By mine hands shalt the enemies eat their own pubes by end of this night! ;)


Aye of course we will have you Vols. You would have heard if i had an objection. -Goes back to eating raw meat and drink Mjod while he watches the entertainment-


to the He-she who decorates taverns with the all finesse of an underhive street caller after he-she has gotten done caking her face with tacky paint: For the Solo duels, I request that the duel between Brother Russ and i, both of us be forced to guzzle down mjod every round ( potentially getting different results every round ).



Aye brother - this sounds epic and more than worthy of my fine stature *pats toned beer gut* ;) we shall see who the TRUE wolf is this eve! by the one who can drink the most Mjod and THEN send the other to the priests with a busted jewel-plate haha

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There is far too much talking and not enough brawling going on. I have been hovering in silence for far too long *slams mug on the table* let's be on with it already!

A big part of this thread is the smack talk and chatter it makes it more fun


And I can't be an eager brawler and still be apart of the fun? *throws a leg of elk at Conan's head*

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There is far too much talking and not enough brawling going on. I have been hovering in silence for far too long *slams mug on the table* let's be on with it already!


Throws an empty mug at Fytharin, klonking him on the head


By the great angel Sanguinius, patience is a virtue, brother-wolf!



I'm rolling the dice now! I apologies for the delay. I'll be listening to

instead of my usual angelic music just for this occasion... \m/
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SUBSTITUTE TAVERN MASTER: I'll be writing up epic tales of punching full of BLOOD, GORE, AND CRACKED BONES as you plebeians fight for my entertainment.. mmm blood... [cough] Bad case of Red Thirst [cough cough... angelic countenance]. Anyway, due to my storytelling ways I'll be writing either 1 or a couple duels a day. It really depends. Stay tuned!

Also, your actions offend Gilford. :cuss


Wolf Lord Kieran (Wolf Guard) vs Warhorse(Grey Hunter)

After suffering a stream of the pompous Night Angel's conceited words for far too long, Warhorse slams his gauntlet on the table and shouts a stream of curses so vulgar even Sanguinius himself could probably hear it beyond the grave. Rising to meet the pristine honor guard before the grinning Night Angel, Warhorse is is suddenly rendered immobile by a colossus of ceremite, the hulking form of Kieran, Talon of Fenris. The Wolf Guard bares his massive fangs, his steely eyes baring right into the Grey Hunter challengingly.

"The 'angel' is mine by ranks and right. Wait your turn." Kieran rumbles. Growling, the Grey Hunter seems to reflect on the elder wolf's words... the ever smiling Night Angel sits up in anticipation.

Suddenly the two wolves burst into a whirlwind of hostility, Warhorse launches a salvo of furious strikes while Kieran catapults powerful blows. The Grey Hunter uses his speed to slam the hulking wolf into the wall, a thunderous crack of overstressed ceremite reverberates throughout the tavern. In response the Wold Guard slaps Warhorse back through the massive wooden tables, instantly splintering them into a hail of wooden debris. The Grey Hunter recovers, both wolves' armor dented and cracked but otherwise bodies unhurt. The stench of sawdust and exertion fill the air.

With ear piercing howls, both Warhorse and the Talon of Fenris throw himself at the each other at lightning speed. They meet each other's blows with savage ferocity and wolfish cunning, each struggling to gain the upper hand on the other. However, the many more years of experience suddenly weigh in the Wolf Guard's favor as he slams Warhorse to the ground. With savage howls, Kieran slams his heavily armored boot into the Grey Hunter's chest plate denting it with a vicious creak. The ground forms a spider web of cracks as Warhorse is encased in ferrocrete, blood trickling down his chin. The Wolf Guard growls at the fallen form before turning to meet the Night Angel's gaze with a cold, challenging stare. The Angel's smile widens as his eyes flash behind the towering warrior.

In half a blink, Kiern rounds in on himself, but the screaming Warhorse deftly grabs the Wolf Guard's hair and slams his head into the other. Wet cracks echo through the taven as bone splinters in a litany of forehead blows. Barely a few heartbeats later Kieran crumbles with a thud, shaking food and ale off the tables. Warhorse stumbles drunkenly, his forehead a bloody mess baring his teeth in pain as blood streams into the broken cavity on his chest plate. The bleeding Grey Hunter slinks to his knees, but before losing consciousness he rights himself with a nearby chair. Through ragged breaths and blood, curses begin to spill out his mouth as he points at the Night Angel.

"You're next..."

Warhorse's skull was barely stronger this day!

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It was a VERY close match. I actually fell out of my seat at the end because it was the comeback of a century. You really beat the crap out of Warhorse, but somehow he was able to punch through your armor AND your leadership on the final turn.


You'll just have to stop fighting like a woman. noble, angelic, and innocent countenance :cuss

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It was a VERY close match. I actually fell out of my seat at the end because it was the comeback of a century. You really beat the crap out of Warhorse, but somehow he was able to punch through your armor AND your leadership on the final turn.


You'll just have to stop fighting like a woman. noble, angelic, and innocent countenance :cuss


so bascially i tore him up, and then you, rolling the dice, couldnt finish the deal?


sounds like a personal problem there! ;)



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so bascially i tore him up, and then you, rolling the dice, couldnt finish the deal?


sounds like a personal problem there! ;)




I had great luck against my buddy's IG parking lot today. The dice gods have spoken. Obviously you forget to sacrifice a goat. ;)


Maybe if Space Wolf stats didn't suck so much... you should switch to Blood Angels. :cuss

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so bascially i tore him up, and then you, rolling the dice, couldnt finish the deal?


sounds like a personal problem there! ;)




I had great luck against my buddy's IG parking lot today. The dice gods have spoken. Obviously you forget to sacrifice a goat. ;)


Maybe if Space Wolf stats didn't suck so much... you should switch to Blood Angels. :cuss


i thought about picking up some BA, but couldnt find a seat on the band wagon.



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Please I've played against BA 4 times and have only lost once. That was because I rolled 5 1's on 6 terminator saves


Who or what did you righteously piss off to get that roll? Regardless, those wins are just proof of Blood Angel humility.


Anyway, as substitute tavern master I should probably refrain from derailing this thread(and prettying up this tavern) any further. Bearing in mind that poking a pack of wolves with a golden angelic cattle prod isn't the best idea, Mav will probably yell at me and smack me back into place when he returns. His chair is pretty comfy, though. Wolf pelts are quite soft on my most angelic and noble behind.


Zynk continues to lounge lazily on Mav's taven master throne, draped in fine embroidered silk cloth. Meanwhile, Russ Brother and Khine are starting to get uppity over some low class and disgusting krakken skin they consider clothing...

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