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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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I probably shouldn't have made a joke about the dice gods and their stupidity. Mav isn't going to be happy with you ruining his chair with your perfume

More than likely, Mav will have to reestablish his territory by marking it. Lets hope the Blood Angel does(n't) get marked with the seat.

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Rule number one, never turn your back on an enemy. <_<

Rule number 2....


You'll learn that soon. If your good you can see the photos. Eh Greenhorn. Zynk....:lol:


HORST...think you missed a spot when you wiped the floor with WLK.

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Rule number one, never turn your back on an enemy. ;)

Rule number 2....


You'll learn that soon. If your good you can see the photos. Eh Greenhorn. Zynk....;)


HORST...think you missed a spot when you wiped the floor with WLK.

:P I still have em,question is should I show them?I think that answer will be yes ;)


Congratz Warhorse on winning.

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Russ Brother(Blood Claw) vs Khine(Blood Claw)


In a far dark corner Russ Brother sits brooding over the occupants of the tavern, measuring up each and every one with a flick of his fiery eyes. He anxiously strokes the shaggy mane of Hobbes as the wolf emulates the Blood Claw's challenging gaze. From across the tavern another Blood Claw wearing a silvery krakken pelt, Khine, boisterously mocks the new decorations. Khine shouts a very impolite insult at the Night Angel, to which his pack mate Russ Brother sends an even more vulgar tide of savage words. What was once a competition of disrespect between pack mates against an outsider escalates to hostility between the two Blood Claws as memories of matters unsettled race to the forefront of their minds. Both wolves stalk across the room, meeting each other's faces with twitching fury.


"That krakken pelt is mine! Give it here laddie!" Russ Brother growled. Khine laughs and quickly responds and a thunderous punch to his brother's chest plate. Howling with anger, the two Blood Claws meet each other in a flurry of punches, slamming each other into tables and throwing food and drink into the air. The krakken clad Blood Claw smashes his knee into his opponent's snarling face, to which Russ Brother recovers without a second thought. Immediately, Russ Brother retorts with a powerful left hook which Khine easily dodges, skidding back from the force.


Roaring with ferocity, Khine charges the other Blood Claw and slams him into the wall, leaving a wide crack on that side of the room. Khine connects his fist to his opponent's armored body many times over denting it with each blow. However, none of his booming strikes make it through Russ Brother's ceramite plating. The assailed Blood Claw throws his attacker off himself with a loud grunt of frustration and seizing the moment jumps on his brother's still falling body. Using gravity and the fall to his advantage, Russ Brother delivers a mighty blow to Khine's temple and implants his head into the ferrocrete floor.


With a victorious howl, Russ Brother tears off the krakken pelt and raises his prize over his head for all to see.

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*shakes fist, stamps feet, pounds table, knocks everyone's mjod over*


When is it gonna be my turn, smurfie???




*throws a hissy fit as only a Blood Claw could*

I wouldn't touch those boots if i were you. Smells from the great abyss emanate from them once they are off.

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*shakes fist, stamps feet, pounds table, knocks everyone's mjod over*


When is it gonna be my turn, smurfie???




*throws a hissy fit as only a Blood Claw could*


Zynk nods to Felix, one of his nearby honor guard. In less than a blink of an eye, Felix backhands the offensive Blood Claw sending him flying across the tavern.


"You wait your emperor-blessed turn, whelp!" the honor guard shouts through his eagle helm.


Zynk continues to do angely things...

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Zynk nods to Felix, one of his nearby honor guard. In less than a blink of an eye, Felix backhands the offensive Blood Claw sending him flying across the tavern.


"You wait your emperor-blessed turn, whelp!" the honor guard shouts through his eagle helm.


Zynk continues to do angely things...

Grabs Felix and slams his head through a table 'you don't touch a member of the rout'

also trust a dress wearer to resort to slapping :(

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Ahhhh Son of a wrangled tooth tuskerdon..! I'll get that back Russ but for now, well earned Brother. Atleast i still have my frost axe :(


Aye I'll be tekin that of ye soon too :P after we hunt a few more kraken and give a 'lost brother' the peace they deserve ofcourse :P


*nods to the angel...* "much as your decorations and poncing about offend me you have so far, been a fair and relatively contrite games-master"


*taps volsung on the shoulder and speaks through bloodied teeth...* "tears his bleedin' head off"

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Sorry for the delay. Let's just say I had a very interesting weekend. Anyway...


Russ Brother(Blood Claw) vs Rayray(Blood Claw)


While Russ Brother flaunts his prize, a new challenger stalks the tavern. While the heart of a Grey Hunter often beats with icy precision, seeing his pack mate, Kieran, fall in combat to a rival pack inflamed Rayray to the core. Now the young whelp dares to boast his meager spoil in front of the tavern, getting drunk off the fortune of his pack as well. Pushing aside whelps and wolf-brothers alike, Rayray made his way to the grinning Russ Brother, the wolf howling inside to let him loose.


"WHELP!!!" Rayray roars as a cacophony of thunder shakes the tavern. The Grey Hunter smashes Russ Brother through a nearby fire pit, fists blurry as they lash out at the astonished Blood Claw. Bloodied and confused, Russ Brother tries to retaliate through the torrent of strikes, but is unable to land a blow without having the favor returned twice-fold. Seizing upon this, Rayray grabs Russ Brother's pitted and cracked chest plate and, hefting the Blood Claw into the air, sends him crashing through a mighty table.


The beast inside Rayray pounded on the walls of him mind, but the Grey Hunter knew it could not possibly get the better of him today among pack mates and fellow warriors. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the Grey Hunter calmed the beast and froze his heart once more. Looking at the Blood Claw he saw Russ Brother looking battered, dazed, and confused.


"Ye smell worse then yer new krakken dress... had to beat the whelp out of ye." Rayray says through grinning fangs as he picks the defeated Blood Claw up.

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