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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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Volsung(Blood Claw) vs Rayray(Grey Hunter)


Apparently too thick headed to graciously accept the Night Angel's most corrective backhand, Volsung the rowdy blood claw flips tables and chairs as he charges recklessly at Rayray(more specifically his braids). With a mighty shout, Volsung launches his fist at the Grey Hunter's head. Rayray, with a new frozen purpose, calmly steps forward causing the Blood Claw's fist to detonate harmlessly on his chest plate, reverberating a mighty tone throughout the tavern.


Rayray laughs heartily at the fist stuck in his ceremite breast plate and a thin shadow of surprise and realization crosses Volsung's face as his wild fury momentarily abates. The Blood Claw desperately tries to strike with his free hand, but Rayray snatches his opponent's wrist before the blow could meet its target. Still chuckling with mirth, Rayray violently wrenches Volsung off him and begins slamming the Blood Claw around the tavern like a club.


Many tables, chairs, walls, and other whelps suffered the icy wrath of the victorious Grey Hunter and his new howling (and quite effective) Blood Claw maul.



EDIT: This was one only took 2 rounds of rolling! :(

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Arez(Wolf Guard) vs Postal(Grey Hunter)


Moved by the excitement of the previous fights, Arez and Postal decide to warm up before entering the real brawl. But before they meet tooth and claw, the two pack mates exchange "pleasantries" partially directed at each other and partially at the prissy Night Angel. Still shouting insults and curses like the whelps they truly are at heart, the Wolf Guard and Grey Hunter slam into each other with a hurricane of unrestrained punches, kicks, bites, and howls.


Postal rams Arez into an unwary Blood Claw and lashes out with a cacophony of fists, but his strikes merely rebound off the Wolf Guard's titanic armor like rain on rocks. In response, Arez smashes into the Grey Hunter with a mighty backhanded fist sending him flying over tables and through a massive wooden beam. Even though his armor is now cracked and dented from the force of impacts, Postal shakes off the strike unharmed and rushes back to meet his charging opponent.


The Grey Hunter hefts a heavy chair over his head, made from the mighty Fenrisian trees harder than steel. Despite the chair's durability it still splinters over the Wolf Guard's armor with a thunderous pop, denting and breaking even the thickest ceremite plating. Despite the impact, Arez's sheer momentum from his fierce charge knocks Postal to the ground sending cracks through the ferrocrete floor. Bones broken, bleeding, and enraged, Postal jumps back onto his feet and goes postal on his opponent.


The Grey Hunter hurtles a flurry of strikes that would kill a human hundreds of times over in mere seconds, but the beat up terminator armor maintained a bastion of safety for the Wolf Guard against Postals furious assault. Enraged at his pack mate for scratching his new armor, Arez rewards Postal with a powerful uppercut which launches the Grey Hunter into the tavern air and embeds the Grey Hunter halfway through the ceiling.


The last thing Arez saw before bursting out laughing is Postal's armored legs flailing in frustration as the Grey Hunter struggles to extricate himself from his new-found prison.

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Oh, that's right!


*rolls the barrels across the tavern floor to Conan*


Don't drink it all at once! I want my opponents putting up a fight! :)


Btw, good fight Rayray!

Appreciate it.... but where is my cut of the ale??? After all, the bet was on me....

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*rolls half a keg of dark ale to both Volsng and Ray Ray* since I didn't say which bet I was backing... I will pay you both for it.


*passes a pair of steins to WLC* just for starting the bet. Ah, there goes some of my stock. I am going to have to brew more soon.


Ah! Fair enough!


*cracks open keg and drinks*


Alright, whose in the next duel? I'm throwing my red diamond talisman in the pot for this one!

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maverik_girl(Storm Claw) vs Khine(Blood Claw)


After licking his wounds with mead, Khine sets out to finally settle matters with Skadi, the Shield Maiden. However, Skadi was more than ready to rise to the occasion, brandishing two smashed tankards in each hand and screaming wildly as she surges towards Khine with reckless abandon. Both of the crude weapons slam into the Blood Claw's chest, impaling into ceremite and flesh. A faint scent of blood and honey wine fills Khine's nostrils as he is pushed through tables and patrons alike. The Blood Claw retaliates with a powerful right hook to the Shield Maiden's temple and by the time it connects, he is slammed through a massive barrel of mead and dents the wall behind.


Khine falls into the river of mead, the bleeding grin of Skadi the last thing he saw before slipping unconscious.



This one only lasted 1 round. Damn, Skadi, you scary...

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