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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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Night 4... take(ing forever) 2


Arez: Postal and Skadi will deploy on b5 and Forte and I will deploy c5,is this ok pack?

WLK: please start my pack in a1

Warhorse: Okay, we are setting up as follows: H1 Warhorse Volsung Russ Brother, I2 Khine Crazywolf.

Alright, I've done some thinking and it looks like I'm gonna have to give the mantle of substitute Tavern Master over to someone else. I realize it is not fair to you all when I'm gone for extended periods of time because it really disrupts the flow and fun of the game. I've already delayed the Night 4 for far too long and it doesn't look like my classes and workload will let up any time soon. Frankly, I haven't been very considerate and for that I apologies.

Anyone willing to usurp my position?

You forgot me I 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reeeaaaaly tame in here for once. Although this quiet is most pleasing, this is an insult to your fighting spirit! It feels like I'm on a Dark Angel's battle barge, this virgin silence...


Does no one care that Greenhorn wears mighty terminator diapers now? Must I pontificate on how utterly offended you whelps should be?! ^_^


In all seriousness, hurricane Sandy has started blowin' snow in the mountain area of SW Virginia. Freezing my butt off from the glacial winds made me think of icy Fenris and all the good times we have had in the Fang. Well, I want to at least finish what I started with this night seeing how everyone else is busy as well. I was hoping someone else would be willing to pick up where I left off, but then I realized I should never leave anything undone! Also, I have a bit more time now. :D


You forgot me I 2


I don't recall you being in the original roster, brother-wolf... eh, I'll allow it if everyone is ok with it. However, I have one condition... Volsung must lick my boots clean of this inelegant Fenrisian dust AND he must enjoy it! :devil:


I'll update the map tonight and make it look better.

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don't feel bad! actually Mav had to go to an emergency surgery. A reason why the gauntlet has been silent for a few weeks.

Best wishes to him. I'm sure everyone here wishes him well too.


As for fighting spirit going...


*hurls two stools across the tavern. Catching both of Zynk's honour guards square in the face*

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Night 4... take 2.5

Alright, if I can get everyone's instructions by next Monday that'd be awesome. I'll probably send out reminders later in the week to the esteemed pack leaders.

WLK, I got your instructions last time. Do your orders still stand?

Don't forget to drink yer MJOD! It puts hair on yer chest!


Pack A:

-Arez (Count-as Wolf Guard ^_^ )[+1 attack]

-maverik_girl 'Skadi' (Stormclaw)[+1 initiative]

-forte(Blood Claw)[+1 initiative]

-postal (Grey Hunter)

Pack K:

-Wolf Lord Kieran 'Talon of Fenris' (Wolf Guard)

-Rayray (Grey Hunter)[+1 initiative]

-Wolf Lord Conan (Blood Claw)

-truesonofruss (Blood Claw)

-Fytharin (Blood Claw)

Pack W:

-Warhorse (Grey Hunter)

-Russ Brother (Blood Claw in dark corner)[+1 initiative]

-Khine (Blood Claw)

-Crazywolf (Stormclaw)

-Volsung (Blood Claw)


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The only time I shall be licking your boot, ya arse-mongering Smurf whoreson of a bastard, is when I use it to bash that tiny brain out of yer pompous little cupid skull!


*howls* :)


My sympathies to Mav, and to you too Zynk ya whoreson! Hang in there, and it will all blow over! ;)

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The only time I shall be licking your boot, ya arse-mongering Smurf whoreson of a bastard, is when I use it to bash that tiny brain out of yer pompous little cupid skull!


*howls* :devil:


I'm sorry. I can't hear you over the sound of how majestic and elegant I am. 100% pure epic angelic pose B)

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*walks over...* "what's this about FREE ale?!? I'll do it lads, stand back and watch a master at work..." *hauls Zynk out the pit, picks him up and bodily throws him (with a nice slatherng of meat juices) back into the pit...* - *pats Eyes on the shoulder...* "you've gotta make it look 'accidental' haha plus our little mouse Arez taught me that and I've been waiting to try it" *walks back to his corner laughing brashly...*
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*walks over...* "what's this about FREE ale?!? I'll do it lads, stand back and watch a master at work..." *hauls Zynk out the pit, picks him up and bodily throws him (with a nice slatherng of meat juices) back into the pit...* - *pats Eyes on the shoulder...* "you've gotta make it look 'accidental' haha plus our little mouse Arez taught me that and I've been waiting to try it" *walks back to his corner laughing brashly...*

REALLY I was just going mind wipe him and tell him he had fight a daemon and the GK said had to be done.

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  • 1 month later...

Ah, pressing matters near the Eye required my careful attention. I'm not dead entirely, just slowly dying... painfully... with a strange thirst for bloo- "fruit punch". Liberation day: December 18th Sanguinius be praised!


Regardless, I do feel bad for constantly ditching my uncouth flea infested brother-wolves. If it's any consolidation I'm doing super cool robotic techno-nerdery this semester.

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