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'Ard Boys question on WYSIWYG


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Sorry in advance if there is a overflow of these....


'Any armor, weapons and upgrades must be modeled......'


At what extent is this enforced? Am I going to be DQed if I don't have grenades and holsters physically on the model (model is holding upgrade weapon, but not other weapons in profile)? Does this differ from TO to TO?

If my models have pouches on their belts, can the equipment be inside those?


Thanks in advance

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It depends on the TO; if you're unsure, contact him/her before the tournament with your concerns. Getting it sorted out before the event is infinitely better than trying to get a ruling the day of the event.


That being said, WYSIWYG generally follows the rule of needing to show only upgrade equipment; standard equipment isn't all that necessary to have on the model.

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Pretty much what Seahawk said. It's more to prevent you from painting a bolter green and calling it a plasma gun. As for things like grenades/pistols generally they are standard equipment on almost all models and don't really need to be modeled. However if you are spending points on it they should probably be on there. ex-GK grenades you'd probably want to represent in some way. Same goes for things like melta bombs.
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Yep, upgrades should be installed - like melta bombs. Some opponents are visual-thinkers. They need to see what they are up against and need to see what the threats are. Modeling the upgrades are also a reminder for you as a player. Also makes sure the opponent is not working to mislead you on how many upgrades he has or where they are located. Notice how the meltabomb bitz are large? Makes it easy for you to tack them to a model's base rather than the model if it is a temporary upgrade. Upgrades also may have the psychological impact you need....some players won't attack a unit if it just looks big and nasty. I'm a big propoponent of wysiwyg in all tournaments. After all, this is a game of my collection vs yours.
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IMHO I feel that if my Grey Hunters HAVE to show their bolt pistols which are standard wargear, then GW needs to give me enough BPs in holsters for each of them not to mention enough of each grenade for each of them to have at least one of each of them shown.
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