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The Birth of Avarice

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So as I have stated before, I am working on a long term project of building the entirety of the chapter of the Angels of Apostasy. Currently I am in the planning stages of it all as I am still without employment(and therefore, money). In my planning and such, I have come across a dilemma and it lies with my Ascendant 'lady' of Slannesh, Avarice.


As those of you who already have spoken to me on various occasions know, I am a very story driven player, and feel that a certain amount of fluff for my army, makes it, in it's own way, better than a cookie-cutter army that is made just to be a fancier version of RISK. I am also someone that bases WYSIWYG off of my stories and vice-versa. Story-wise, Avarice is a winged "lord" that, for reasons left known only to Slannesh, was gifted a feminine form.


Now, before the reformatting of the DE models, this was a rather confounding prospect for me to try and tackle, with the issue of there not really being any suitable candidates of kitbashing to create Avarice without first spending an inordinate amount of money for one or two small pieces, and then be left with a great deal of parts that I would never use, or be able to get rid of, due to not knowing anyone in my area that could find use of the parts. However, I am now left with a new conundrum. Looking at the fact that I could very well build an entire chaos lord out of near on all of the parts I can find in one of the boxes of DE, I can't help but feel that by WYSIWYG, I would simply end up with people taking issue with my having what LOOKS to be a Dark Eldar, in a Chaos Marine army. Even more so, I don't want to have one of my companies disqualified from taking part in tournies and such, simply because of that fact.


Now, obviously I would be doing a good bit of kitbashing and such, subbing out whatever the pistol is that they use for a plaspistol, modelling on CSM shoulder pads and such. I more than likely will continue on taking the approach that I intend to take, however, I would like to ask what the communities' opinion is on the matter, if such a conversion would be considered 'legal' in the eyes of the community.


Thanks for the input in advance

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aslong as you try to make it look likeit has power amour and dosnet look like a dark eldar sporting marine weapons itll likely be fine. failing that you could always make a second in command model that you can sub it out for if anyone does happen to have a problem. i have a nice wee senice base off one of my temys that my mephy prefers to stand on but ive made it so that i can stick him on the proper sized base if anyone ever goes to object about it... so do it as you wish and have a potential back up plan too.
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well, to the very least, the model range I am looking at has models that look (sort of) like the SOB power armor... so I think I am good in that department... and I;ll be using that whip of there's as a daemon weapon.


I based a "fallen Sister of Battle" on a female Dark Eldar Kabalite figure. With green stuff hair and robes, a spare SoB back pack, a converted Force Weapon, and bulked out converted shoulder pads she looks suitably distanced from the base. Nobody who has walked by the table has ever asked why I had a Dark Eldar on the field, but rather why I had a SoB with my CSM, which is exactly what I was going for.


If you're curious, she and her squad are here, and the WIP posts about her start here.


Given that yours will be a Chaos Lord of Slaanesh it might reasonably be expected to have one breast anyway, so I figure that as long as there is enough conversion work done to it to distance it from the DE base then anybody who whined about it who wouldn't be fun to play against anyway. Disqualifications at tourney? Never been to one so I couldn't but guess, but I would reckon that as a unique character that is converted enough nobody should say anything. I could be wrong about that part, I suppose, but I shouldn't think so.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

if you can describe how you want your lady to look, or better yet, draw her? then yeah. we could probably help.


i've seen some good pieces made from mixing brettonian parts and dark eldar.

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  • 7 months later...

I've only ever had three factors brought up at local games/ tourneys when dealing with conversions ( ichop up alot of stuff.) Size is the model big enough (ie no mini dp or giant space marines,) though no one will cry if it is too big it is tactically unsound to make a giant space marine lord.


Base. Is it on the right size base. It better be on the right sizw base... no one wants to deal with weird ass bases.


Wargear. Does your model accurately represent the majority of it's wargear within a reasonable tolerance level? Does it have wargear that is imporant but not present? Does it have crazy stuff glued on that it doesn't have?


For instance i field a minimally altered succubus as an hq choice for my EC as a sorceress w/ lash. She has a whip pistol on the hip clearly grotesque personal icon and a halberd that has runes on it.


No one cries or even looks at it funny. It's the right size it is on the right base and it has what it shows. ( a little artistic licence with the whip as lash lol but i do play slaanesh.)


I've done alot of conversions and field a custom Daemon price made out of whfb mounted slaanesh lord bits with noise marine parts and all sorts of crazy things. again size base and wargear are all in check so ppl love to play against it. =P good luck, hope that helps.

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Given the insanity that is Chaos, as long as it looks roughly like what it's meant to, it should be fine. After all, Chaos mutates everything, and so on, so there aren't really any hard-and-fast rules when it comes to the Chaos Gods and their followers.
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