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New Chapter Idea

Astral Saviors

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Hi guys


I was thinking of making a chapter based on the Assassin Order from the assassins creed games. I have a few ideas on beliefs etc.

Before I go any further I first need a name. I've got some ideas but none of them seem to really fit.


I was thinking along the lines of:

Silent Brotherhood

Order of the Eagle


Anyone have any ideas?

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I wasn't really thinking about making the individual marines more like assassins apart from maybe in terms of looks. I was more thinking along the lines of their tactical doctrine, beliefs and organisation.


Would basing their history on the history of the Assassins Order be a step too far?

  thade said:
  Chapter Master Ignis Domus said:
For a name, I recommend Purifiers.

I think you've finally jumped the shark with that, man.


I dunno, technically it's a quest... :lol:


As for ideas, your recruitment base are child assassins, Astral? Might as well go with child soldiers, too, really. Depends on what type of planet they're from, I'd say.

I'm guessing that they have Dark Angels style robes in white?


Much, much higher than average number of scouts.


Psychological warfare would be prevalent.


Close combat would favor things like stiletto knives through the eye-socket over the axe to the chest.

You could base them as a Raven guard successor? since they love being all stealthy and what not.


but the idea your going for is really kool... i can see them as either being very very close ranged units or units that fire from far away.. possibly tactical marine squads with sniper rifles or things like optional throwing knives which give them an extra attack when going into combat instead of using bolt pistols.. less noise and such.


were you thinking on basing it off the brotherhood that Altair was in? or ezio's Italian brotherhood? or the new middle eastern one? :) cause they are slightly different in their ideology.. Original was about preservation of a secret ... Ezio's one was about revenge .. and this new one is about steming the flow over power... so all very different philosophies and aims.


are you going to have them be sort of a hidden power, swaying how governments and organisation work outside of the eye of the high lords.

All the ideas you've given are great. I really like the pre-heresy night lords idea.


@Khine-Altair's brotherhood as that is the one I am most familiar with


Ok here are the ideas I have at the moment


Training- Neophytes are left to prove themselves. They work alone and can only return to the chapter homeworld with the head of an enemy leader. Obviosly being neophytes this will only be a small-scale relatively unknown leader. Scouts are not part of this process. Instead when they return they immediatly become full battle-brothers. The squad sergeants instead recommend certain members of their squad to become scouts.


Tavtical Doctrine will be based around stealth, maneuverability and "hit and run warfare". This leaves a problem over whether to choose raven guard or white scars gene seed :ermm:


I will post the colour scheme soon.


Constructive feedback is welcomed

  Astral Saviors said:
All the ideas you've given are great. I really like the pre-heresy night lords idea.


@Khine-Altair's brotherhood as that is the one I am most familiar with


Ok here are the ideas I have at the moment


Training- Neophytes are left to prove themselves. They work alone and can only return to the chapter homeworld with the head of an enemy leader. Obviosly being neophytes this will only be a small-scale relatively unknown leader. Scouts are not part of this process. Instead when they return they immediatly become full battle-brothers. The squad sergeants instead recommend certain members of their squad to become scouts.


Tavtical Doctrine will be based around stealth, maneuverability and "hit and run warfare". This leaves a problem over whether to choose raven guard or white scars gene seed :ermm:


I will post the colour scheme soon.


Constructive feedback is welcomed


I think this is an awesome concept (though I don't know anything about assassins creed, aside from having seen a few pictures of the assassins themselves).


I'd go for the raven guard gene-seed. I think they have far more in common characterwise with the raven guard than the white scars.

  vipertaja said:
  Astral Saviors said:
All the ideas you've given are great. I really like the pre-heresy night lords idea.


@Khine-Altair's brotherhood as that is the one I am most familiar with


Ok here are the ideas I have at the moment


Training- Neophytes are left to prove themselves. They work alone and can only return to the chapter homeworld with the head of an enemy leader. Obviosly being neophytes this will only be a small-scale relatively unknown leader. Scouts are not part of this process. Instead when they return they immediatly become full battle-brothers. The squad sergeants instead recommend certain members of their squad to become scouts.


Tavtical Doctrine will be based around stealth, maneuverability and "hit and run warfare". This leaves a problem over whether to choose raven guard or white scars gene seed :ermm:


I will post the colour scheme soon.


Constructive feedback is welcomed


I think this is an awesome concept (though I don't know anything about assassins creed, aside from having seen a few pictures of the assassins themselves).


I'd go for the raven guard gene-seed. I think they have far more in common characterwise with the raven guard than the white scars.


Thanks ^_^


That was my original thought, but the stealth of the assassins is based on blending with the crowd which doesnt really suit space marines, because of that I was heading more towards Maneuverability and Hit and Run as well as the idea of "Small groups (Combat squads) infiltrating and taking out command structures before full scales assaults are made". This would all probasbly suit White Scars better do you not think?

Don't really know if a whole chapter could be dedicated to this, I always thought it would be cool if a chapter or company (like the death watch system) was bought in by the iluminati, you know the ones trying to re birth the star child whilst posing as a united company.


Theme: Hiding behind the the stature of the inquisition the adeptus assassinatica take their newly tried and tested initiates from all over the imperial galxies space marine ranks and supply them with their respected chapters gene seed. They are taught in the ways of assassination and subterfuge and are often given the best camofluage and latest cloaking equipment with variable forms of power armour which are suited to the individuals mission. Like all assassins they are heavily trained and tediously instructed in the ways of elimination making full use of all weaponry supplied to them be it imperial, xeno or even in dire situations heretical, taught to be thinkers as well as fighters the astartes are designed to change political situations, inspire hope with the utmost ungratification as their existence is unknown to all bar the relevant areas of imperium, Silent and deadly these brothers adhere to a strict moral code fully realising they may be cast out as a scape goat should their mission fail.

  Astral Saviors said:
  vipertaja said:
  Astral Saviors said:
All the ideas you've given are great. I really like the pre-heresy night lords idea.


@Khine-Altair's brotherhood as that is the one I am most familiar with


Ok here are the ideas I have at the moment


Training- Neophytes are left to prove themselves. They work alone and can only return to the chapter homeworld with the head of an enemy leader. Obviosly being neophytes this will only be a small-scale relatively unknown leader. Scouts are not part of this process. Instead when they return they immediatly become full battle-brothers. The squad sergeants instead recommend certain members of their squad to become scouts.


Tavtical Doctrine will be based around stealth, maneuverability and "hit and run warfare". This leaves a problem over whether to choose raven guard or white scars gene seed :ermm:


I will post the colour scheme soon.


Constructive feedback is welcomed


I think this is an awesome concept (though I don't know anything about assassins creed, aside from having seen a few pictures of the assassins themselves).


I'd go for the raven guard gene-seed. I think they have far more in common characterwise with the raven guard than the white scars.


Thanks ^_^


That was my original thought, but the stealth of the assassins is based on blending with the crowd which doesnt really suit space marines, because of that I was heading more towards Maneuverability and Hit and Run as well as the idea of "Small groups (Combat squads) infiltrating and taking out command structures before full scales assaults are made". This would all probasbly suit White Scars better do you not think?


Raven guard are known for hit & run fast attack jump pack stuff, white scars do it with bikes.


The reason I'd pick raven guard is their reclusive mysterious nature and them probably using more in ways of stealth than the white scars. It seems so deeply ingrained that I'd imagine successor chapters would follow suit. Also if you make references to the primarch I think a raven is a lot more fitting than mongolian bikers. :D

Raven guard are known for hit & run fast attack jump pack stuff, white scars do it with bikes.


The reason I'd pick raven guard is their reclusive mysterious nature and them probably using more in ways of stealth than the white scars. It seems so deeply ingrained that I'd imagine successor chapters would follow suit. Also if you make references to the primarch I think a raven is a lot more fitting than mongolian bikers.


You've convinced me :ermm: Everything you've written makes sense so I think i'll use raven guard gene seed now.


Any more feedback for any of the other ideas before I start writing a first draft?

  Astral Saviors said:
Raven guard are known for hit & run fast attack jump pack stuff, white scars do it with bikes.


The reason I'd pick raven guard is their reclusive mysterious nature and them probably using more in ways of stealth than the white scars. It seems so deeply ingrained that I'd imagine successor chapters would follow suit. Also if you make references to the primarch I think a raven is a lot more fitting than mongolian bikers.


You've convinced me :ermm: Everything you've written makes sense so I think i'll use raven guard gene seed now.


Any more feedback for any of the other ideas before I start writing a first draft?



I honestly love that initiation "quest".


One thing that came to mind is...could their chapter monastery basically hide in plain sight (entrances might be more complicated and most of the base might be underground or whatever)? So as a final part of the initiation one would have to find one's way into the chapter monastery, preferrably unnoticed by the general population (while I'm sure the chapter itself has a surveillance network effective enough to know)? I don't know...you can use that if you want.


EDIT: This idea might assume the population is not really aware of the chapter and they might require more remote entrances to their base. Or maybe it's would be just disquised in the wilderness, whatever. Just an idea.

Thanks again


I really like the idea of a "hidden in plain site", underground monastery, but the entrance to the monastery being so secret that new recruits don't even know about it! That would make diplomatic visits a hassle :lol: also I think if the entrance is hidden then surely it would be easy for the neophyte to make an entrance unnoticed. Just some ideas. Your welcome to respond back with some more ideas or to back up your original suggestion though.

  Astral Saviors said:
Thanks again


I really like the idea of a "hidden in plain site", underground monastery, but the entrance to the monastery being so secret that new recruits don't even know about it! That would make diplomatic visits a hassle :lol: also I think if the entrance is hidden then surely it would be easy for the neophyte to make an entrance unnoticed. Just some ideas. Your welcome to respond back with some more ideas or to back up your original suggestion though.



Well, I'm sure the inquisition and such would have been given knowledge of at least one or two entrances for "diplomatic visits" or they would be lead there blindfolded.


As for the neophyte making an unnoticed entrance...some entrance could actually be in the middle of the city, just tricky to figure out or hidden in a cellar or whatever. At worst the guy might have to sneak around and know the whole damn city before he finds a way in. :P


Is the neophyte already enhanced though? I was mainly thinking about his size while trying to blend in (would be a challenge if he's a huge fellow, but not an issue if he's just a normal guy at the time). Unless he just sneaks around at night. Maybe even causing urban legends about tall cloaked figures? (or just normal cloaked figures if not genetically enhanced)

  Astral Saviors said:
All good points. I think I might include it in the first draft.


Anything else?



Nah, I'm spent. Got distracted when I should be working on my own DIY chapter (Ecstatic brotherhood of Orifus) and started reading what chapters other people are up to. :lol:

I think that the average height of a marine is supposed to be like 7'6" or some such which is about the height of Yao Ming and some other basketball players. So I see no problem in a Marine wearing a hooded robe instead of Power Armor and sneaking through a city. IIRC in Legion there were Alpha Legion Marines sneaking through a hostile city in the middle of the day. If someone were to see him I don't think that they would say "he look at that Space Marine" it would be more like "damn that guy is big". Perhaps your Chapter recruits from a world with high gravity. The local populace is a bit shorter than Imperial standard and as such the Marines of the Chapter tend not to grow as tall as other Space Marines.
  Chaplain Rourke The Fanged said:
I think that the average height of a marine is supposed to be like 7'6" or some such which is about the height of Yao Ming and some other basketball players. So I see no problem in a Marine wearing a hooded robe instead of Power Armor and sneaking through a city. IIRC in Legion there were Alpha Legion Marines sneaking through a hostile city in the middle of the day. If someone were to see him I don't think that they would say "he look at that Space Marine" it would be more like "damn that guy is big". Perhaps your Chapter recruits from a world with high gravity. The local populace is a bit shorter than Imperial standard and as such the Marines of the Chapter tend not to grow as tall as other Space Marines.


Well, the alpha legion used some type of holo-tech, but normally an unarmoured space marine would be a damned tall robed figure. That's all really...might attract attention and cause a few myths, but it's not like the population would know it's a space marine unless they knew what a space marine was for some reason.


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