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OK, so I have a Bike squad I just put together and am looking to equip the drivers. I see that a bike can only fire 1 weapon per Marine (so 1 for a Bike, 2 for an Attack Bike), and no PotMS. Given that the Bike itself has twin-linked bolters, is there any reason (if points are not an issue) not to upgrade the bolt pistol on the driver? Otherwise, your choice is - twin-linked bolter or bolt pistol. I was thinking, then, PW on the Sgt, and perhaps melta on the other 2? Am I missing something?
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as they are relentless plasma also can work well on bikes, tough then overheat can cost you alot more points. bikes with melta can be quite effective. as for the sarge, does he not only have one weapon? ie he cant get the bonus for 2 ccws if i rember right.... and it dosent really make much difference if you give pistol or ccw as your likely to use the tlbolters. (for the sarge id just give him a fist if your thinking of chasing armour...)
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Thanks guys. One last question - obviously the Bikes guns fire forward, but can the rider fire his sidearm in any direction?


Why would you think that the guns can only fire forward?


Only vehicles have arcs of fire for weapons, shoot the TL bolters in any direction you want :ermm:

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Thanks guys. One last question - obviously the Bikes guns fire forward, but can the rider fire his sidearm in any direction?


Why would you think that the guns can only fire forward?


Only vehicles have arcs of fire for weapons, shoot the TL bolters in any direction you want :lol:


Quoted for truth, just in case you needed convincing.

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Thanks guys. One last question - obviously the Bikes guns fire forward, but can the rider fire his sidearm in any direction?


Why would you think that the guns can only fire forward?


Only vehicles have arcs of fire for weapons, shoot the TL bolters in any direction you want ;)


Quoted for truth, just in case you needed convincing.


Huh! OK, thanks. Didn't realize that. Now that I look at the rules again, I guess Bikes are NOT listed in the vehicle section, so that makes sense.

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What success do you guys have with your bikes? Only everytime I use mine they usually fail spectacularly. Granted that might be down to my lack of skill in using them but still...


I have had pretty good success with mine. It is a very different style of play than most other armies though. Movement becomes very important as bikes are all about manipulating range, and staying out the assault (unless its guard, necrons, or Tau.)

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What success do you guys have with your bikes? Only everytime I use mine they usually fail spectacularly. Granted that might be down to my lack of skill in using them but still...


(Sorry for the highjack)


Bikes can be great or terrible depending on what your up against. I've had a min unit of bikes with 2 meltas and a Attack Bike with a multi-melta tear through IG tanks. I've also had them flop against Tau gunlines (thanks to Marker lights).


But Bikes are still nice. They can be a great (and cheap) distraction that threatens to pop armor and between T5 and the Turbo-booster rule, can be pretty survivable.

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Your best option is to use 2 meltas in your bike squad, and add a multi-melta Attack Bike if you have the points to spare. Turbo boost around until you're sure you can get into range of your target. And in case you're wondering, you can only turbo boost in a straight line, no cutting corners around terrain like I've seen some people try to do.
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Your best option is to use 2 meltas in your bike squad, and add a multi-melta Attack Bike if you have the points to spare. Turbo boost around until you're sure you can get into range of your target. And in case you're wondering, you can only turbo boost in a straight line, no cutting corners around terrain like I've seen some people try to do.

The turboboost straight line only was a 4th edition rule. It was removed in 5th edition.

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Hello all,


I don't know the comp of the the rest of your army, but if you have the points I would recomend squeezing in a Sang Priest on bike with the unit. T5 bikes with FNP is a nightmare for most armies to deal with, and also you will wish you had the fearless bikes the second they get pinned... Pinned bikes are truly one of the worst things I had to deal with in my White Scar list. One turn of not moving just kills the purpose of having bikes.


I have run the aforementioned unit of 2 meltas with an attack bike, but I've recently been using 3 attack bikes with attached Sang Priest. I usally keep them close to my 6 Sternguard in razorback with Las/Plas.


The idea is that the bikes open up transport, and Sternguard blast the unit that was in there. It's been working fairly well for me.



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Hello all,


I don't know the comp of the the rest of your army, but if you have the points I would recomend squeezing in a Sang Priest on bike with the unit. T5 bikes with FNP is a nightmare for most armies to deal with, and also you will wish you had the fearless bikes the second they get pinned... Pinned bikes are truly one of the worst things I had to deal with in my White Scar list. One turn of not moving just kills the purpose of having bikes.


I have run the aforementioned unit of 2 meltas with an attack bike, but I've recently been using 3 attack bikes with attached Sang Priest. I usally keep them close to my 6 Sternguard in razorback with Las/Plas.


The idea is that the bikes open up transport, and Sternguard blast the unit that was in there. It's been working fairly well for me.




What do you put on the sternguards?

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I have a preference for the combi-plas. The reason I like the plas is that I have the attack bikes with melta already. 6 combi-plas (in conjuntion with the las/plas) make most everything I run into cringe, but if u allocate the 5 pts for a combi-weapon, you are always able to swap out for your favorite flavor of combi. :)


also, sorry if this is a hijack...



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I run a 3 bike squad with my csms using asp champ with pfst and 2 meltas. I've found them really useful, and they always pop more points of my mates tanks than they cost every time, and run over most units they come into contact with as well (nice, squishy guardsmen! :) )
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