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Siege Assault Vanguard IA10


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Anyone think the Siege Assault list in IA10 would make a viable Iron Warriors list?

My beef with it is that it's not very chaosy - sensible dreadnoughts, no obliterators, more 'tactical' marine choices.


As IA stuff is 'opponents consent', would I be better swapping out the Codex:SM entries for C:CSM choices?

e.g, swap Thunderfire Cannon for Obliterators, Dreadnought Talon for Chaos Dreadnoughts, tactical squad for CSM etc and paying CSM points, or would that confuse matters further?


Or could I get away with a more tactical approach from a Chaos POV considering that siege warfare is what the IW were good at and you'd think they'd have mastered it by now?


Or should I just make them....Imperial Fists.... :)

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Well the good thing about IW is that they have loads of lists to choose from

Theres the Chaos codex, which has daemons, Oblits, Defilers, etc

The Space Marine codex, for those who want a conservative IW army

The Tyrant list, if you've read Storm of Iron, you'll know how this one works

And the Siege list, like the Space Marine codex but with more guns


TBH they all make fantastic IW armies, but it really depends on how you want your force to be like


Also the IA lists are not opponents consent, although they are sometimes not allowed in tournaments, they are a perfectly viable army that you are allowed to play

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