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question on codex/IA/BRB trumping/rule updating order


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so a buddy has one of those giant hierophant bio titans, and he's claiming it has 2+ armor/3++ invul cause "worp field" in his default codex says it gives a 3++. however, the titan isnt a codex entry, its an imperial armour/apoc unit, so it should follow its rules written in its entry that states its only 6++, should it not? i know codex trumps brb in the event there's a conflict between rules, but that doesnt mean it updates rules on an IA unit when it has a special rule/wargear that is listed in the codex, should it?


what do you guys think?

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When it is approved by your opponent to use IA book(s) you should treat them like a book with multiple codex(es)/"white dwarf updates" inside it with forgeworld updates being the books FAQ. That or you could allow only one/two/? units but the same working out of the rules would/should happen.
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First of all, bear in mind that this is an apocalypse only unit... Unless of course you're having a 'rules out the window' kinda game.


But anyway, the 2+/3++ debacle is due to the power you're referring to being a general rule/psychic power for a number tyranid units IIRC in the 4th edition Codex, and that is what the hierophant have which gave it 6++.


In the 5th edition codex, the power was no longer a 'psychic power' but instead a specific rule for a specific unit which gave that unit a 3++ save.


So, the debate on Tyranid forums AFAIK was over which of the following was true:

1) Use the power as it was when the hierophant came out i.e. 2+/6++

2) since the power no longer exits, take it away leaving the hierophant with only 2+

3) Give it the new power even thought it no longer exists giving the hierophant 2+/3++


Bear in mind though, that I'm writing this from memory, so some of the specifics may be slightly incorrect, but this is what it should boil down to rather than a question of what trumps what.


After having played against one and seeing how friggin' hard it is to kill, I personally think 2+/5++ would be reasonable, but that's just me.

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thanks guys; the final posting along with some additional reasoning on my own part convinced the nid player to go with Lpeterson's posting of Option 1, which was the one i was telling him he should be playing as, cause his own line of arguement was actually leading him into option 2, which he hated even more. too bad he did alot of name-calling and sulking afterwards, but that's youth for ya.
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