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The Lamenters

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Just curious as to what sources we might have that includes fluff on the Lamenters? All I really know is what's in the Codex. In short, they claim to have cured the Curse, they once sided with the Astral Claws, and nearly ended up being 'nid food. Beyond that, I've come across a mention of an action called "The Liberation of Slaughterhouse III", but I have no idea if that is official or just fan work.


So, what is known of this Chapter?

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on the nid one they ran into a tendril of a hive fleet or a splinter fleet, either way they were still on their pentinant crusade from the babdab war and so were low on numbers(not allowed to recruit) and were not heard of since s we dont know if they are gone or not(hopefully not but ya never know, thought theres bound to be a few on deathwatch anyway...)
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were not heard of since s we dont know if they are gone or not(hopefully not but ya never know, thought theres bound to be a few on deathwatch anyway...)

They're not dead, they are just sulking somewhere.

There's also a story called the Fall of Malvolion, a short story about Lamenters getting turned into Sushi by Kraken written by Abnett. Think it was in another nid codex.

There is also mention of a company being wiped out holding the line on a planet called Devlan.

Generally the old fluff makes numbers a pain in the buttocks as they suggest more than 300 marines died which is more than those that supposedly survived Badab.

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on the nid one they ran into a tendril of a hive fleet or a splinter fleet, either way they were still on their pentinant crusade from the babdab war and so were low on numbers(not allowed to recruit) and were not heard of since s we dont know if they are gone or not(hopefully not but ya never know, thought theres bound to be a few on deathwatch anyway...)



There is at least one dready that is still kicking butt for the d-watch. Appears in the short stories that are in the newish short story novels.


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were not heard of since s we dont know if they are gone or not(hopefully not but ya never know, thought theres bound to be a few on deathwatch anyway...)

They're not dead, they are just sulking somewhere.

There's also a story called the Fall of Malvolion, a short story about Lamenters getting turned into Sushi by Kraken written by Abnett. Think it was in another nid codex.

That was in White Dwarf, back when the first proper nid Codex came out (way back in 3rd edition, if my mind serves me correctly).


Thanks everyone, much appreciated. :)

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The codex also states that they did not answer the call to the Defence of Baal as the other successor Chapters did, no reason mentioned there.




Have not, as yet. No-one knows if the message has even reached them yet, so its more than a littl eharsh to say that they didnt come, or that they are cowards, or sulking, or whatever...

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My personal research on the Lamenters so far includes those sources (sometimes they are heavily featured, mostentimes however they are just mentioned in one sentence). Most of them can be found online.


"The Badab War" - Warhammer 40.000 Compendium

"Inquisitor Kryptman: Tyranids on Kendrick's World" - White Dwarf 131

"Tyranids – The Advance of the Tyranids" - White Dwarf 145

"Permanently Scarred: Survivors of Second Tyrannic War with Hive Fleet Kraken" - White Dwarf 196

Codex Space Marines 3rd Edition (Timeline)

"Cursed Founding" - Index Astartes 2 / Chapter Approved

The Fall of Malvolion (Short Story by Dan Abnett)

5th Edition Rulebook (Timeline)

Red Fury (Novel by Jim Swallow)

Codex Blood Angels 5th Edition


And of course Imperial Armour 9 and 10.


As you see, the Lamenters are around since quite some time, however they were not ever really fleshed out until IA 9.

There were a few retcons/inconsistencies, and many things still unclear about them.

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From what I understand, the Lamenters survived their crusade with about 300 marines left, and then not much fluff after that regarding what they have done since. There are quite a few grey areas in their fluff IMO.

It's more contradictory than grey these days. IA9 says that about just over 300 survived the war and headed off on penitent crusade, but most stories prior to IA9 suggest that Lamenters were much stronger than 300 prior to getting nommed by Kraken. I think the general statement of their current whereabouts is that contact has been lost but that there were three companies surviving at the time i.e before Kraken.

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From what I understand, the Lamenters survived their crusade with about 300 marines left, and then not much fluff after that regarding what they have done since. There are quite a few grey areas in their fluff IMO.


It's not the crusade that 300 are said to have survived. In the older fluff 300 men survived the Kraken incident, in the newer fluff 300 men survived the Badab war. Of course this is a contradiction, but Lamenters fluff is full of it, you'll have to live with that. Lamenters fluff is scarce, and yet already full of such contradictions. It is impossible to incorporate it all into a coherent picture, for there appeared at least 3 major contradictions in the Lamenters fluff over the time. Their survival or not-survival of the Kraken is one of them.


What the Lamenters did after Kraken is pretty much unknown. Even if they survived at all varies from source to source. While older fluff seems to say they are gone (White Dwarf 145, 1992: "The Lamenters Chapter is presumed to have been destroyed and the Scythes of the Emperor has been reduced to a few scattered remnants."), the not so old fluff (~2001) says they survived with no less than 3 companies, which is quite a big number of survivors (White Dwarf 260). The newest sources are a little bit of both. Yes, they have survived, but barely. The current rulebook says "...all but wiped out" and the current C:BA says "...almost obliterated". So it's unclear whether the Lamenters are still capable of combat operations at all and thus it is unknown whether they actively continued with their penitent crusade.


The book Red Fury by James Swallow says the Lamenters have not been heard of at all since the Kraken incident, and the Blood Angels could not find any trace of them despite actively trying to track them down. This can be interpreted in different ways. Maybe they are in fact destroyed and so there is simply nothing left that the Blood Angels could find. Maybe they live but are reduced to such a small number that they simply slipped the Blood Angels' attention. Or they are still alive and kicking but for some unknown reason actively evade the Blood Angels. Or the Blood Angels tracking party is just terribly incompetent.

C:BA on the one hand affirms the Lamenters' absence by saying that in 999.M41 every BA successor chapter except the Lamenters has headed for Baal. On the other hand, and this must be authorial carelessness, it states that the Lamenters claim to have found a cure after the Kraken incident.


Make of all this whatever you want. As I said, there exists no coherent picture of the Lamenters, they are part of the background since 1989, but as they have always been minor characters they have been retconned and re-written again and again.

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