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Xenith's Blood Angels


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Hello all.


I am getting back into BA after roughly 11 years of not having played them, and thought I would make a log of my army as it grows and progresses, along with battle reports as I get to grips with the new codex. I kind of half heartedly restarted them come the pdf codex, but it has been gaining momentum since the release of the codex proper, culminating in my first real game with the Blood Angels since I switched to the path of Chaos 10 years ago. I really want to emphasis the angelic, artistic side of the BA, and flex my freehand muscles on the large shoulder pads, so I will be personalising marines as much as possible.


So without further ado, I present the Blood Angels 4th Co.:


Squad Mercurio, the fourth of the fourth, are known as the fated for the unfortunate incidence of the black rage claiming members of the squad. Mercurio has seen more brothers lost to the madness than die in battle and it haunts him greatly, for he knows that some day the rage will come to claim him. To avoid this fate, Mercurio employs close range flamer and infantry suppressing heavy bolter to rush forward in the wake of the companies assault troops, rushing to where the fighting is thickest in order to bring glory to his squad and chapter before the rage envelops him.


Squad Mercurio features black face plates as an act of rememberance to those who have fallen to the ancient flaw. Those indebted to battle brothers claimed by the rage often feature black and red saltire plaques on their armour in membrance of their courageous acts.


4th squad marines









4th Squad flamer




Sergeant Mercurio of the 4th squad, 4th company


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Hey, thanks!


Yep, the black helms are due to their nickname, and in honour of their brothers who have succumbed to the black rage.


These pics are a bit outdated, Ive since done a bit mroe freehand on them, Ill get better pics up soon, and next time Im doing the chapter badge, Ill do a stage by stage :tu:

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Thanks for the feedback, guys, its encouraging. Was pretty busy last night, so no new pics, but in a break from work: Battle report part one!






So a quick report, summarising my first game with my new BA last Tuesday:


My local GW is having a cities of death map campaign, using the strategems, I wasnt quite sure how the mission was decided, but it was table quarters, a la dawn of war, but no reserves, and kill points, I was playing a pretty good salamanders player.


Terrain was standard cityfight, with lots of tall LOS blocking buildings, including a large one in table centre.




Librarian - Jump pack, Shield, Unleash Rage



Sanguinary Priest - jump pack, power weapon

Furioso Dread, 2x blood talons, extra armour, heavy flamer, meltagun



Squad Mercurio - 10 tactical marines, flamer, heavy bolter, power weapon

Assault Squad - jump packs, 2 meltaguns, powerfist, infernus pistol

Death Comapny - 8 Marines, 2 powerfists. Lemartes.



2x Attack Bike - Multimelta



Devastator squad - 4 missile launchers



Combat engineers (death company)

Booby traps

Ammo dump




Chaplain - jump pack

Captain - thunder hammer



Venerable Dread - assault cannon, heavy flamer

Ironclad dread*



10 tactical marines - melta, multimelta, power weapon

10 tactical marines - melta, multimelta, power weapon



10 Vanguard, 10 power weapons (!!!)



Thunderfire Cannon



Ammo dump


----file missing---

*Due to a city tile owned by this player, the ironclad was granted 'venerable' status (!)


I won the roll for first turn, and decided to deploy first, choosing the bottom right quarter with the most buildings to hide around to outflank my opponent. The death company+librarian deployed as far forward as possible, in the lee of the big central building, the asm+priest to their right, tacs to the right of the asm. Thse Devs deployed in a building just behind the mass of troops, in case anything came back my way. Attack bikes deploy to the left of the DC, the furioso deploys far forward, among the death company. Very clumped, but I'm banking on going first, and not being seen turn one.


Opponent deploys a the venerable on my left at the table centre line to intercept the DC, the ironclad takes up a symmetrical position to intercept the ASM, vanguard are tucked way back in the deployment zone, thunderfire is central table, to the rear of deployment in a bolstered ruin. Tactical squad 2 is in front of the thunderfire, tac squad1 behind a ruin next to the venerable to my left.


Turn One

My opponent did not try to steal the initiative, and no-one became thirsty.


T1 BA:

Movement: The DC moved ~6" towards the central LOS blocking building in order to be within 18" of the opponent next turn, The RAS moved 6-7" forward along the right flank of the building, with the tacticals on their right flank. The bikes flank left in a position to take a pot shot at the iron clad, the furioso moved left towards the opponents left tactical squad. Shooting: The devs cannot see anything, tacticals move 2" forward, the RAS move 2" forward (a mistake, as I found out later...). The attackbikes aimed at the ironclad, one was out of range, the other failed to do anything at long range.


T1 Sallies:

The iron clad moved straight toward the RAS! Oh no. The ven dread moved toward the DC, vanguard moved from left flank to centre in an attempt to get near the RAS. The thunderfire aims at the tacticals, misses mostly, any wounds are saved through armour and FnP. The venerable lines up its assault cannon and 2 wounds get through armour and FnP rolls (damn), Lemartes passed his armour :( .


The ironclad dread manages to charge the RAS (!!!) however the van vets are out of range(phew). The ironclad fluffs its attacks, the serge manages to hit twice, and glance, stunning the dread. this fight then goes on for the rest of the game, with the sergeant managing to damage the dread every single round of combat, but never managing to destroy it, and even surviving til the end!


T2 BA:

Charge! The death company jump over the central building landing to the left of the freshly landed vanguard veterans, with tactical squad2 and the thunderfire in the ruin in front of them, the attack bikes move left and draw a bead on on the venerable dread with AC - the one thing that can ruin the DC's day. The DC shoot the vanguard with bolt pistols and bolters, killing one or two. Now, the moment of truth - the devs shoot krak missiles at the venerable through the window of a ruin, the cover saves are failed, and I manage to blow its CCW off, result. the Attack bikes then move in for the kill, hitting twice in melta range, getting a 6 on the damage roll, YES! Then I hear the dreaded " He's venerable, reroll it please" ARGH! It came down to this roll....and it came up a '4', with the AP1 bonus the dread was dead!


The tacticals shoot at the thunderfire gunner, manage to glance the weapon with the heavy bolter, but the 3+ cover is passed - rats. Now, the moment of truth. The death company charge in, Lemartes plowed into the vanguard, then the rest of the unit managed to multi charge the tactical squad in the ruin, dragging them into the combat - woohoo! My opponent was incredulous, and questioned my choice, thinking that his 10 power weapon armed veterans, chaplain, and 10 other marines would surely best the 8 models I threw at him. But he had not counted on the 'L' factor. Lemartes.


This monster Waded in, and hit and wounded with all his attacks, 4 vanguard dead right off the bat, the librarian then killed another two, with 2chainsword DC reducing the vanguard unit to just one model and the chaplain - my opponent was most upset - 7kills, and only half my models had attacked! The chainsword dudes attacked the tacticals, killing another. The return attacks all missed, the salamanders no doubt blinded by the red mist that used to be their comrades. Then, the powerfists. They finished off the assault marine, and killed another 3 tacticals. Total combat resolution 14 kills to none! The fearless chaplain rolled his 'no retreat!' armour saves...and got ripped to shreds by the death company. An ignoble end for sure. The tacticals held firm. The marines flee, but the DC catch them easily, another couple die from no retreat.


My opponent was a little demoralised at this point, me having wiped out ~800pts of his army in a single turn :-/.


Sallies T2:

My opponent set out to avenge the fallen. Tactical squad1 + Thunderhammer captain moved towards the death company - they obviously had a death wish. The thunderfire fluffs its shots, all saved by FnP. The ironclad kills another marine, powerfists shakes it. Tac1 charges into the death company, with no more litanies, the librarian unleashes rage all over the place, and Lemartes kills another 3 guys to wipe out the remainder of T2. Everyone goes simultaneously, the power weapons armed sergeant causes two wounds, killing a DC, and forcing a rosarius save on Lemmy, which he failed. The beast is awoken. , the tacs kill another, one DCpowerfist kills another couple from that unit, and the other DC with powerfist smashes the captain to pieces! No one breaks. Another turn of combat.


Turns 3-6

The game was pretty much over by this point, in turns 3-4, the DC mopped up the rest of the tactical squad, then runs towards the ironclad to try and help the RAS. The furioso moves towards the thunderfire. The ironclad kills the priest in turn 3, then the thunderfire shoots squad mercurio turn 4, scoring 20 (!) wounds with a distinct lack of FnP, 5 bolter dudes die. The furioso kills the thunderfire cannon, and Sergeant Mercurio gets a hand of God-Emperor shot and puts a round in the techmarines skull. The DC charge into the ironclad, but gradually get chewed through.


End result

BA: 7KP Sallies: 1KP (The Priest)


In the end, the game was a bit of a massacre. My opponent made the mistake of underestimating the DC (I myself had no idea they would be this effective, in my first game with BA!) The Death Co waded through 10 vanguard with power weapons and jump packs (450), a chaplain with jump pack (125), 2x10 man tac squads with melta, multi and power weapon (380) and a captain with thunderhammer (130), Well over a thousand points of stuff. Needless to say, Ill be using DC again and again. My opponent has asked for a rematch, though, which should be fun. I also stole the 'museum' tile from him, making my Furioso now venerable. Awesome.



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