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We've been talking about Death Company versus Assault Terminators and I was thinking about my list which is pure Death Company in vehicles.


My thoughts basically went: hmmm. I run Death Company and vehicles. I wonder what would happen with no vehicles?


Picture this:


Astorath, two Chaplains and three units each with twenty Death Company, five power weapons and two power fists....


Find me an enemy who wants to face off against 60 Death Company, all rerolling hits and wounds with fifteen power weapons and six power fists... :)

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Don't forget the Priests for Feel no Pain and to get Furious Charge to the Chaplains. And Jump Packing it all would be overwhelming but you can reduce one Chaplain to Lemates which in my opinion is better than the normal Chaplain.


And the Idea is pure awesome.


I am going to point that out when I get home and think about it for a tournment in my area. It would make people cry. But if its an Objective game I would cry but whatever.

I would suggest grabbing a few with jump packs to deep strike in whatever godforsaken corner of the board the opponent is fleeing to. I could imagine them being crushed between a massive ball of DC and another well armed unit with Lemartes and Astorath.

A guy at my local club ran this a few times... He did very well until he found a Guard player with a gun-line and 1 Valkyrie. The Valkyrie turbo boosted back and forth leading the DC around while the rest of his army shot it them pieces.


Still, he said is was awesome fun to play :)

A guy at my local club ran this a few times... He did very well until he found a Guard player with a gun-line and 1 Valkyrie. The Valkyrie turbo boosted back and forth leading the DC around while the rest of his army shot it them pieces.


Still, he said is was awesome fun to play :)


If I had been the Death Company player in that Imperial Guard game, I would have been absolutely wetting myself with laughter during each of my movement phases! That's epic!


:D :D :D

We've been talking about Death Company versus Assault Terminators and I was thinking about my list which is pure Death Company in vehicles.


My thoughts basically went: hmmm. I run Death Company and vehicles. I wonder what would happen with no vehicles?


Picture this:


Astorath, two Chaplains and three units each with twenty Death Company, five power weapons and two power fists....


Find me an enemy who wants to face off against 60 Death Company, all rerolling hits and wounds with fifteen power weapons and six power fists... :D


No point in bothering with power weapons on the DC. You'll inflict so many wounds with the DC that all the power weapon wounds get stacked on as few models as possible. You'd be paying more points to kill less. Better off with more power fists to prevent allocation games, and give you a chance to kill vehicles. The aforementioned fast skimmers as well as Land Raiders will give you definite issues as most of your models can't harm them at all. And unless your gaming area rules that a massacre equals an auto-win, then at best you draw in any objective game.


Fun to play for a few matches? Probably. Practical and competitive? Not really.

Don't forget the Priests for Feel no Pain and to get Furious Charge to the Chaplains. And Jump Packing it all would be overwhelming but you can reduce one Chaplain to Lemates which in my opinion is better than the normal Chaplain.


And the Idea is pure awesome.


I am going to point that out when I get home and think about it for a tournment in my area. It would make people cry. But if its an Objective game I would cry but whatever.

I don't think one would need an extra priest just to give the Chaplains FNP and FC.

That's a waste of points.


And the DC have it already.

Astorath, I'd be interested to hear how you have beaten the fast-vehicle-kiting trap? Do you use Jump Packs? Heavy weapons somewhere? Colour me intrigued <_<


I imagine that four squads reasonably spread out pretty much nullfies leading them around. One of them is always going to be able to get a firm grip on whatever your opponent's trying to use.

The point of kiting is usually less "I can keep you busy forever" and more "I can force you to waste 2-3 movement phases chasing this thing and the other 1-2 backtracking." They don't have to keep it up forever, just for six or seven turns while their army shoots you to death and moves onto objectives.


All-DC army is hilarious and awesome, but would be awful on the tabletop and probably (for me, at least) not a ton of fun to play. You don't really get to make any choices, you're just a tool to move those guys 6" every turn.

No point in bothering with power weapons on the DC. You'll inflict so many wounds with the DC that all the power weapon wounds get stacked on as few models as possible.


Denying FNP can be pretty darn important. Specially late game when you've taken a few casualties.

No point in bothering with power weapons on the DC. You'll inflict so many wounds with the DC that all the power weapon wounds get stacked on as few models as possible.


Denying FNP can be pretty darn important. Specially late game when you've taken a few casualties.


Lemartes+Astorath are there to deal high I power weapon attacks. FNP is a huge pain, but against power armour, you should be able to get enough wounds through, and fnp termies should be few enough in number to be dealt with. Id go with 4x infernus pistols over the 5x power weapons. Guaranteed tank nukage.


So 20 death company, 4x infernus, 4xpowerfist.


If they are on foot, and all DC army, Id give them bolters also, to be able to plink away at kiting units like the valkyrie - 20 bolt shots at 24" range is nothing to be sneezed at.

I say give them all power weapons and jump packs, and add 10 DC dreadnoughts, and 10 storm ravens. And march them right into the eye of terror


Even the multitudinous forces of Chaos must respect the Force Org Chart.


Actually, I was talking to a friend recently and we wrote a 25,000 point Blood Angels list using a single Force Organisation Chart.


2 HQs, 3 Elites, 6 Troops, 3 Fast Attack and 3 Heavy Support. 25,000 points.


If I recall correctly, we spent a little over 6,000 points on thunder hammers alone.

I say give them all power weapons and jump packs, and add 10 DC dreadnoughts, and 10 storm ravens. And march them right into the eye of terror


Even the multitudinous forces of Chaos must respect the Force Org Chart.


Actually, I was talking to a friend recently and we wrote a 25,000 point Blood Angels list using a single Force Organisation Chart.


2 HQs, 3 Elites, 6 Troops, 3 Fast Attack and 3 Heavy Support. 25,000 points.


If I recall correctly, we spent a little over 6,000 points on thunder hammers alone.


With Guard, you can fit almost a thousand guardsmen.


And now I feel the urge to add a Death Company Army to my ever growing list of army ideas.


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