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Infiltrate -> Outflank


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Seems stupor simple, but if the scenario doesn't allow Infiltrate, can that unit still use the Outflank ability?


Basically the same...if a unit with Infiltrate deploys in its dedicated transport, it cannot Infiltrate. Can it still Outflank?

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I don't have my rulebook on hand; Outflank is a special use of Infiltrate, no? i.e. the Outflank ability is explained in the Infiltrate text. (Or is it in the Scout text?) If how I remember it is accurate, here's my take:


If you have Infiltrate, you have the Outflank rule. If you can't Infiltrate, you can still Outflank (you don't need to be placed sneakily on the table during deployment to deploy from the side of the table later).


I believe that locally (to me) the TOs are allowing Outflank in that scenario.

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The wording is this:


Infiltrate also confers a special outflank move to unit of infiltrators that are kept in reserve.


I'd say, looking at that, that I'd agree with what's been said. Infiltrate is a USR that confers another ability. Outflank itself is different to Infiltrate in that it occurs in Reserve, rather than deployment before the game. In my mind, if you can't Infiltrate, you can still use your ability to Outflank, unless that is specifically prevented as well.

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Good enough for me.


My only continued contention is with the 'Ard Boyz scenarios, (ie, whatever comes out of GW's :D ). It lists all of the special rules, including outflank. In the 2nd scenario, it specifically leaves out Outflank...would that then deny anyone from using it?

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My only continued contention is with the 'Ard Boyz scenarios, (ie, whatever comes out of GW's :) ). It lists all of the special rules, including outflank. In the 2nd scenario, it specifically leaves out Outflank...would that then deny anyone from using it?

As far as I know, tournament rules, even for GW sanctioned tournaments, have no bearing on the rules as they are used outside of the tournament. The scenarios are non-standard, so I would not rely on them as an accurate representation of the rules. :D Kind of like FAQs. ;)

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My only continued contention is with the 'Ard Boyz scenarios, (ie, whatever comes out of GW's :P ). It lists all of the special rules, including outflank. In the 2nd scenario, it specifically leaves out Outflank...would that then deny anyone from using it?


If Outflank is included in all but one, then that suggests one of two things. Either it's a mistake and they'll let you know. Or they've purposefully left it out and you won't be able to use it. I feel the context of the scenario would help as well, sometimes there are times when you simply can't Outflank, either because of terrain, environment, opposing armies, time etc.

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Our shop is playing it as "no outflank in Scenario 2." The Ard Boyz missions are a vaccuum-sealed environment, and the omission of Outflank from that scenario, especially after the update that put Seize the Initiative back into all three scenarios, is pretty telling.
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