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Iron Priest on TWM


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The servo-arm attack is just an additional attack granted to the model at Str 8 and I 1. It has not special magic about it, it is not designated special or normal for that matter. If your read the rule and the FAQ, they both specify ANY attack not made by a special close combat weapon is Rending. The servo-arm is not designated anywhere as being a special close combat weapon, hence it falls under that ANY attack not made by a sccw umbrella.

"On the battlefields of the 41st Millenium, close combat remains commonplace - seasoned warriors often bear a deadly array of combat knives and frag grenades, while specialised assault troops take pistols, swords and deadly power weapons into battle. In terms of rules, they are all grouped into either of the following two categories:" BRB pg42 [emphasis mine]


All close combat attacks are made with weapons, whether the weapon is listed as teeth, claws, tentacles, chainswords, harsh words, or flatulence, and there are only two types of weapons/attacks. The rules state that any attack that does not use the S characteristic in the profile of the attacking model is a special close combat attack, which are made with special close combat weapons.



[EDIT: I almost forgot the emphasis! ;) ]

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No, you have already been shown examples of wargear that makes attacks in close combat that are not weapons.


All weapons are wargear, but not all wargear are weapons.


And the rule does not state any such thing at all. Nightwing is a piece of WARGEAR that stirkes at Str 3 and at I 5. That is not Njal's profile. That does not make Nightwing a special close combat weapon.

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No, you have already been shown examples of wargear that makes attacks in close combat that are not weapons.


All weapons are wargear, but not all wargear are weapons.


And the rule does not state any such thing at all. Nightwing is a piece of WARGEAR that stirkes at Str 3 and at I 5. That is not Njal's profile. That does not make Nightwing a special close combat weapon.


The servo-arm nakes a close combat attack, but it is neither a normal or a close combat weapon attack. It is a servo-arm attack. It has it's own Str and own Initiative. Furthermore the Iron Priest is already armed with two single handed weapons, a thunderhammer and a bolter/bolt pistol. Those are his close combat weapons, one being a normal and one being a special.

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No, you have already been shown examples of wargear that makes attacks in close combat that are not weapons.


All weapons are wargear, but not all wargear are weapons.


And the rule does not state any such thing at all. Nightwing is a piece of WARGEAR that stirkes at Str 3 and at I 5. That is not Njal's profile. That does not make Nightwing a special close combat weapon.

What is a weapon, other than wargear that affects an attack? Other than having additional rules in close combat or shooting profiles, are weapons different from any other wargear? If so, could you please provide a quote?


If the attack granted by a servo-harness is a close combat attack (I am not arguing against that), why may it not be made using a special close combat weapon, unless 'made separately' prevents it from being combined with other rules?


Where can the Rending special rule granted by a Thunderwolf Mount be found? The only Rending rules I can find refer specifically to shooting and close combat weapons.


The servo-arm nakes a close combat attack, but it is neither a normal or a close combat weapon attack. It is a servo-arm attack. It has it's own Str and own Initiative. Furthermore the Iron Priest is already armed with two single handed weapons, a thunderhammer and a bolter/bolt pistol. Those are his close combat weapons, one being a normal and one being a special.

It is not a normal attack, and it is not a special attack. It is a different kind of attack, which is not mentioned in the main rulebook, that may gain benefit from a rule that specifically affects non-special close combat attacks, of which the only other type in the main rulebook is normal. :)


Even if I disregard that the attack is made using the model's WS and, for the sake of the argument, agree that the wargear is making the attack, and not the model, why is the wargear's attack affected by a special rule on the model?



[EDIT: Added additional response to avoid a double post.]

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May I ask what possible difference it makes whether you add Rending to a servo-arm attack or not? The only utility I can see is allowing the single servo-arm attack to penetrate AV14 instead of glancing it. The servo arm already ignores armor saves like a powerfist, so you're not gaining anything beyond an extra d3 against AV14. Any lower AV and you already penetrated the armor with the roll of 6, and already wounded anything up to T10.


Also, doesn't the description of a servo arm say something to the effect of "counts as a powerfist"? Or is that just the 4th Edition Codexes that retain that wording?

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May I ask what possible difference it makes whether you add Rending to a servo-arm attack or not? The only utility I can see is allowing the single servo-arm attack to penetrate AV14 instead of glancing it. The servo arm already ignores armor saves like a powerfist, so you're not gaining anything beyond an extra d3 against AV14. Any lower AV and you already penetrated the armor with the roll of 6, and already wounded anything up to T10.


Also, doesn't the description of a servo arm say something to the effect of "counts as a powerfist"? Or is that just the 4th Edition Codexes that retain that wording?


That is just the BT codex now as far as I can recall.

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If the arm is the thing making the attack it would not get rending since it is only the Rider's close combat attacks become rending no?


Couldnt you think of the servo arm as an independent entity?


Edit: Clarity

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