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If you really want to get picky about it, this is the 'standard' for the Techmarine, taken from the Insignium Astartes (aka Codex Adherant)



Honestly, though, there's many many variants which are just as legit too. Myself, I'm going for just a shoulderplate and helm in the Red of Mars. Really, go with what you like the best, man.

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I used Mecherite red, blood red for highlights followed by a baal red wash, some more blood red then a little blood red mixed with white for extreme highlights (which will turn pink if you're not careful!)



Hey thanks for that!Would asking for a pic or two stretch it far?

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Well I painted mine green, but honestly a dark red works great, and I've seen a yellow techmarine that looked pretty sweet. You know, yellow like the farm equipment? Makes more sense for him to be bright like that, given that he's walking around with a big mechanical arm that could crush a car apart..
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