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Quick Question for a custom chapter

Luna Drake

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I have a quick question for my liber astartes chapter before I write it up. :)


As I really want to use the Blood Angels codex but not be a Blood Angel succesor could a fellow chapter after fighting alongside the BA or successors petition the Blood Angels or BA Successor for the STC of the Baal Pred/Stormraven or a few of each after seeing how effective they are in combat.


Could this work or am I dreaming. :)

No, no. The Blood Angels are now selfish twits. No sharing!


More to the point, that would be poking a hole in the really obvious flaw in the whole Lucifer Engine crap - i.e. that you can share with Marines without sharing with the Mechanicus.


I'd recommend just calling them overcharged engines.

Sooo, time to out myself (again).


I run a Salamander's successor chapter that numbers around 160 survivors (and one surviving Strike Cruiser) that - despite their lack of bodies - still favors melee. Their "command squad" is a Vanguard. Given their penchant for melee and not running away when it's smart to do so, their Apothecarion carries a lot of authority and essentially sends two to three apothecaries on every mission, including the Chief Apoc himself.


The only codex that lets me really do this - multiple Apothecaries, one in Terminator armor to represent a chief; and assaults without getting wiped out - is the BA codex.


But my chapter is not a BA successor: some of them have black skin and red eyes (a la Salamanders). SO I have some self-imposed restrictions while using this codex. Nothing BA-centric can go in my lists. No Baal Preds, no Stormravens, no Sanguinary Guard, no Death Company. As for the fast Rhinos, well, my techmarines also wanted to contribute to the Chapter surviving...so they figured that out on their own. Red Thirst? Well, I don't have that really; I mean, I roll for it, and it does the same thing (Furious Charge and Fearless on a roll of 1 post-deployment) but I call it Stupid Zeal. Salamander gene seed doesn't have such a defect, after all. :)

ok i agree with the baal pred as thats a unique thing for the BA but after reading the Stormravens entry it was a recent intro to the BA plus the GK have supposedly been using them for millenia so could I have them if i could come up with a reason. :)


Red Thirst = Righteous Zeal (last C:SM chapter traits I cant remember what it was called) :)

BA are a first founding chapter; GK are the best funded chapter in the Imperium...I can see them having access to those machines. As for those of us whom are successors... :) I can't see it.


If I'm feeling formal, I do in fact call it Righteous Zeal. Each time I miss Combat Tactics (which is often), it gets the other name...

  Luna Drake said:
I have a quick question for my liber astartes chapter before I write it up. :P


As I really want to use the Blood Angels codex but not be a Blood Angel succesor could a fellow chapter after fighting alongside the BA or successors petition the Blood Angels or BA Successor for the STC of the Baal Pred/Stormraven or a few of each after seeing how effective they are in combat.


Could this work or am I dreaming. :(

Easy. :D

Don't write it like you're using the BA dex.


No matter how well written the IA, part of it will read more or less like 'I wanna use the BA dex because of X, only X is now called Y.'


Write them like an assault-heavy normal Chapter, and use the BA dex anyway. You don't have to justify your choice of codex in a written work about your Chapter. ^_^

  Ace Debonair said:
  Luna Drake said:
I have a quick question for my liber astartes chapter before I write it up. :P


As I really want to use the Blood Angels codex but not be a Blood Angel succesor could a fellow chapter after fighting alongside the BA or successors petition the Blood Angels or BA Successor for the STC of the Baal Pred/Stormraven or a few of each after seeing how effective they are in combat.


Could this work or am I dreaming. :(

Easy. :(

Don't write it like you're using the BA dex.


No matter how well written the IA, part of it will read more or less like 'I wanna use the BA dex because of X, only X is now called Y.'


Write them like an assault-heavy normal Chapter, and use the BA dex anyway. You don't have to justify your choice of codex in a written work about your Chapter. :D


I agree that I dont have to justify my choice of codex :P

just wondering how i could justify the use of a stormraven as they seem to be a BA/GK thing ^_^

you could say .. " Due to numerous recent Crashes in asteroid fields and Thunderhawks being shot down while coming into the atmosphere... Techmarine [insert name] decided to try and formulate a smaller design of the strikecraft"


Then just a small history of a campaign when a large number of Thunderhawks got destroyed.


*shrugs* you get the idea though... find a reason WHY your Chapter might find a reason to redesign the ship. Maybe if you want to give it a twist to represent the developmental stage of the ships.. add like a possibility that it's engine will putter out or that the Stormraven just drops out of the sky.


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