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GK Librarian Conversion ideas?


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I love librarians. Despite the fact I field them all the time with my marines, I would definitely like to try one in my GK lists from time to time as well. The thing is I already have the Termie Librarian model and I'd like to paint something different (so I don't look at the same model in silver instead of black and red). Easy enough; I've got a spare pair of terminator legs, a spare torso, and plenty of spare weapons from my GK bits now.


What can I do about a psychic hood?


They have a very particular look (the "hood" and the cables running from it into his noggin) and I like it. I'm not that great with Green Stuff, but I'm coming up shy on other options. I'm open to suggestions. :)

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hmmm, dark angels come to mind immediately for cloaks and whatnot, but I can't recall if they have a hooded face head or not as that would work. You could then green stuff in some tubes. personally, I'm trying to get a calistarius off of ebay for my second librarian as the model looks fantastic for a conversion (i currently have the finecast librarian, I clipped the top of his staff off and replaced it with the top of a nemesis warding stave)

I do have a Calistarius librarian model (from the Space Hulk kit) and I was considering putting him to use in my GK army as well. What I was hoping to do, however, was convert one of my GK Terminator bodies by just adding a hood (as he'd then be coated in appropriate iconography). Fat chance I could gank the hooded head off of that hard resin Calistarius though. :P


He's my back-up plan.

I have this guy who's halfway painted now. Cleaned up the GS robes before spraying him.






Magnetised at the wrist for different loadouts.

He's made from GK parts (the head cabling is one of the GK heads, not sure from which set tho) and greenstuff and yes it's guitar cable for the conduits. It was hard to manouevre the guitar wire as it's not very malleable, hence why it sticks out off the body so much.

Is this another one of those "If you show me your's, I'll show you mine" threads?? :) :)


I am currently working on mine as well, and like Jimbo's, it's mostly made from the GKTDA box. I'll put photo's up in the next couple of days.


End of Line

  nurglez said:
Here is my work in progress (still) libby, really need to get painting at some point... (paladin to his right shows the scale, he doesn't seem too short I think).



Very nice use of an ancient metal model. I think he'll really stand apart when everything is painted. Too bad that he isn't mounted on the base that he was supplied with; I'd have to disqualify you for flagrant cheating.


Ok, I hope you know that I'm completely joking there, and just pulling your leg.


Too bad I no longer have those really old models anymore. I think I'll either copy Jimbo's technique, or just use the "standard" metal Librarian in TDA; I haven't made up my mind yet.



there are a few on ebay, i've seen them for £10ish, though P&P might be more expensive if you are abroad :D


I love the old grey knight models, really want to find one of the oop inquisitors in terminator armour, the guy with the bionic leg and hood.

  nurglez said:
there are a few on ebay, i've seen them for £10ish, though P&P might be more expensive if you are abroad :D


I love the old grey knight models, really want to find one of the oop inquisitors in terminator armour, the guy with the bionic leg and hood.


I had him, but he was stolen back in the '90s by an LGS shop owner. Guy finally went out of business.

Paladin Nurglez, I appreciate how you jacked the old school terminator up on some slate so he's the height of a modern termine, as well as using the modern terminator base (instead of the "base he came with").


That's pretty lame that a game store owner stole your model, Val. ;)


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