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Orbital Bombardment and Assault


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My German C:SM tells me that a Chaptermaster who uses Orbital bombardment is still able to assault after the shooting phase. The question for me (maybe because the German translation is bad or because I am just unsure :) ) now is the following: Which targets are legal for the assault? Only the ones he shot the bombardment at (because the entry says that it counts in any way as firing a weapon) or can he assault any enemy in range? I think the first one (only the target of the bombardment) is the correct one, but I am not 100% sure.


The reason for my unsureness is this: If I was 6" or less from my opponent, why would I go for the huge risk of hitting them with my 5" Orbital Bombardment? It could easily scatter back on the Chaptermaster and his unit and introduce them to a world of hurt ... Or is it just the usual with a rule which does not make much sense but could benefit me in some obscure scenarios? ;)


Thanks for replies in advance :)

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He can assault the target he shoots. Think of it as a Missile Launcher that's Assault 1. If you shoot a frag missile, the marine can only assault the target of said frag missile. And yes, it does seem insane to use orbital bombardment at a target 6 inches away.
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And yes, it does seem insane appropriate and very space-marine like to use orbital bombardment at a target 6 inches away.



I thought the word "Heavy" was also involved in OS's description in the vanilla codex? Though I may very well be mistaken. I do remember it saying "If he didn't move during the movement phase, he may"... use the big big gun in the sky. Interesting that he can assault afterwords.

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Please bear in mind that he can only assault the target he declares the shot at. If it scatters and hits another unit that just happens to be in range of assault he cannot assault them, he must assault the unit that the large blast was originally placed over.


EDIT: Rules wise, I think it should have been move and shoot, but not assault, because seriously, who is going to sit 6" away and order an orbital bombardment right infront of them, especially one they can't direct with their own shooting prowess?

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:P Now, using the Orbital Bombardment to crack a transport and then assault the former passengers doesn't sound like that bad of an idea. Especially if that transport is a Land Raider ^_^ Pure speculation on my part, but I had always assumed that was why you could Assault after using it.


And thade, the profile is listed as Ordnance 1, Barrage not Heavy.

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...because seriously, who is going to sit 6" away and order an orbital bombardment right infront of them...

A veteran of a thousand deployments who's miffed at the proximity of that Land Raider, that's who. C'mon, he's got an Iron Halo. He'll be fine.

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...because seriously, who is going to sit 6" away and order an orbital bombardment right infront of them...

A veteran of a thousand deployments who's miffed at the proximity of that Land Raider, that's who. C'mon, he's got an Iron Halo. He'll be fine.


Not him I'm worried about, it's his Honour Guard wearing and bearing the relics of the Chapter standing around him. So an irresponsible veteran of a thousand deployments who's miffed at the proximity of that Land Raider :).

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It doesn't happen too often but there are times, late in the game when there are less models about it might be useful for a Chapter Master to assault that objective hugging or contesting Fire Warrior or Dire Avenger squad hiding inside a transport, either off on his own or because he's all alone.


I've done it; used an Orbital Bombardment on a Devilfish, blown it to pieces with it's S10-2-dice-pick-the-highest AP1 goodness and then assaulted the 6 Firewarriors left shell shocked in it's wreckage.


The beauty of this tactic is with a Storm Shield you have little to lose and every to gain...

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The beauty of this tactic is with a Storm Shield you have little to lose and every to gain...


If we define a 1/3 chance of death after an unlucky scatter "little to lose" then yeah. Heh.


It's a gambler's move, clearly. But fortune can favor the bold. And only about 1/5 of all scatter dice rolls will end with the arrow pointing back toward ya, so that's worth considering too. If he's in a big unit... that's another matter. But solo is when this "gotta make this turn count" kind of tactic can pay off.



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It's a gambler's move, clearly. But fortune can favor the bold.

^This. :o


We're digressing into tactics at this point (you can blame me - I do); the short of it is: perfectly legal. The long of it is: we all think it's both insane and awesome. I further assert that it is required.

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Hmmm...I have a pie plate to throw every game with Ardias (aka Kantor) leading my lists. I always try to use it turn 1, just to make sure it is not wasted...especially when the opponent models are all bunched together in their deployment zone. Maybe I'll gamble with a danger close target next time and let you know how it went....
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A veteran of a thousand deployments who's miffed at the proximity of that Land Raider, that's who. C'mon, he's got an Iron Halo. He'll be fine.

"Darn, that Land Raider is a tad close. Strike Cruiser, bombard about a few feet north of us will you, there's a good chap."

"Bombardment Imminent."

"Jolly good. Now then, who's for a spot of tea?"

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A veteran of a thousand deployments who's miffed at the proximity of that Land Raider, that's who. C'mon, he's got an Iron Halo. He'll be fine.

"Darn, that Land Raider is a tad close. Strike Cruiser, bombard about a few feet north of us will you, there's a good chap."

"Bombardment Imminent."

"Jolly good. Now then, who's for a spot of tea?"

"Oh my, some Death Guard Terminators crawled from the wreck. What utter rotters. Shall we have at them?"

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A veteran of a thousand deployments who's miffed at the proximity of that Land Raider, that's who. C'mon, he's got an Iron Halo. He'll be fine.

"Darn, that Land Raider is a tad close. Strike Cruiser, bombard about a few feet north of us will you, there's a good chap."

"Bombardment Imminent."

"Jolly good. Now then, who's for a spot of tea?"

"Oh my, some Death Guard Terminators crawled from the wreck. What utter rotters. Shall we have at them?"

"Oh, you are still standing. You know, I was a tad bit concerned 'bout that whole scatter issue. What; what?! Yes, let's."

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